14 years ago
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
What We Saw in the Epilogues
Shall I speak again
Of that old familiar feeling
The apropos of desire
The emptiness of getting what you asked for
But whose fault will it be today
You look around the room that's empty
Void of empathy and pain
And the desire to do anything at all
Again I shall sing
Of the void in the place called joy
The fear of feeling unfulfillment
When you've finally found success
The joy is in the journey
The destination is a rocking chair
In an empty room
Colored sepia and full of sand
And the finest film of dust on all your favorite memories
Caught forever in an unfocused lens
Shall speaking I again sing
Of that simple pleasure in adversity
Knowing who to hate and what to be
Knowing where the goals are and which mountain to climb
Never reaching the top
To sit down wrapped tight in ennui
The bittersweet hollowness of purpose complete
I sing and speak again
Of the postpartum pain of accomplishment
And you find yourself the mother
Who dreams of murdering her child
To throw away the baby clothes
And start all over again
What will you do to feel purpose
What will you do to feel desire
What are you willing to do to feel that joy
And know you'll never know the peace
Of knowing the emptiness will always find you
On the other side of desire
killing your baby,
what we saw
Monday, January 28, 2013
Mulciber's Lament
Two birds
Trapped on a telephone wire
Called my selfishness
Were I but man enough
To give them reason to wing
A gentleman does not hug a lady
Unless asked
A gentleman does not refuse a lady
Any service he can bring
Can I then impetuously
Lead lambs astray
Knowing full well the Wolf's waiting maw
Drips ever crimson
And still yet desires all the more
Dainty is the flesh consumed here
Tender the hearts rent of veneer
And all facades now cast as masks
Down to the dust and all that remains
Is her soft crying in lonesome night
Were I a gentleman and not a fiend
I'd make a noise, these birds take flight
Or else with some hunters charm
Their locks undone their cage unbarred
And setting wing upon the wind
Give flight to these and to their end
A new home found in climes more mild
Where torpid breaths of winds beguile
And makes the hours to wax and wane
While dolset tunes and songs refrain
This dolorous night no more to know
These wire rakes make way for hope
But I am a fiend cut of darkest cloth
And night herself by my brooding doth
Declare these paltry rhymes a show
Unmoved my pieces
Still plotted my course
Remains ever fixed by an ill omened star
Affixed as a rusty nail to heavens vaults
Betimes found wandering within the dawn
Or hidden to hesperidian antipodes
Far flung it's evil radiance cast
To make heavy the hearts of maidens chaste
Ever mine the evil day
Ever maiden cursed my name
For still in seeing the image base
The eyes in the glass no path can trace
Nor mode or manner or vitality find
Nor wellspring of virility in my mind
To see such wicked and infernal ways
And make no change in course now set
Into the storm
into the den
Into their sweetest heartbreak once again
Two birds ensnared by the fowlers line
Two delicate hearts quiver and repine
paradise lost,
Friday, January 25, 2013
The Archer and Her Arrow
My bow
You sent me out
A flying comet across the night sky
My dreams
High and lofty full of prophecy and praise
You shaped on softest mind
And I thank you
For you molded wings for me to fly
And now I am soaring with the planets
O so very high
And you fear the cold of space
And the airless existence seems death to you
But do not fear
You could not imagine the heights
Of the trajectory that you have set
Nor can you control
The arrow once loosed from your arms
It's ending aimed for but alas unsure
I am flying
And I thank you for your high aim
But please despair not so
Weep not these bitter tears
For you imagined me an arrow
Never realizing you gave birth instead
To a rocket
And I shall ascend into the highest
Heavens vaults will not be strange to me
I shall walk upon the paths of stars
And breathe again the air empyrean
And I know you fear
That what comes up must also comes down
And my Phaeton fate makes you beat your breasts
For the Morningstar's glory is also my own
And like he, I know I am doomed to fall
Fail and be cast from the azure vaults
Fail and fall as a beacon burning bright
But I know the risk
That to truly dance with galaxies
And taste the icy airless night
I must rise above the stable tree tops
Pass over the birds of the air
Break the gates of the firmament
A blazing comet into the sky
And gravity then for a time
A stranger to me must remain
But there is a time and season for everything
And the risk is almost set so sure
That my flightpath may not endure
Descending again as all arrows should
Where I fall no man to mark my place
Burned-up entirely on my reentry
Transformed from this woody frame
Into the glory and brilliance of flame
And from the fire then joined with the air
A sweet oblivion and the endless flight
O weep not woman
For my falling then shall not be my failing
For flying high enough to burn then
Means flying forever and never falling down again
I know the risk that I now take
I know the journey is not the fate
You would have wished for me
But glory in that this flaming dart
Which shall illuminate for a time mankind's dark
And then join with the free molecules of the sky
Was shot from the arms that are thine
Glory in the arrow and glory thou my bow
Raise up they eyes so cast low
And this one thing assured know
My journey was never my own
short stories,
short story,
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Girl in the Ghost House - Chapter 6
Chapter 6
The house was quiet by the foot of the stairs except for the occasional creaking that came from the old wood. The cat that sat on the stairs looked lazily down towards the part of the wall covered in cracks, where Lacrymosa, the girl behind the painting, was standing staring up at a corner where the ceiling was flecked and stained.
“No, I really think it looks more like a butterfly. Or a moth.” She giggled sending more cracks along the wall, “I saw some once. When I was in the Conservatory. When William came and let them all free.”
The cat didn’t even seem to see the stain. It just kept licking its paw. Lacrymosa was about to say something to the cat about it when there was a flutter of wings in the air in front of her. A flutter of black wings. The cat hissed and disappeared.
“Oh, it’s you.” She smiled. “I was wondering when you’d come visit me again.”
So here we go
I'll tell a bit more
Because curiosity
And that true concern
Leads to common ground for all
And understanding that we all cry sometimes
And hurt from the same wounds
At least a wise woman said this once
Her words in passing forever burned on my mind
Loosing lips once locked for fear
That other would not care
So here we go
I'll tell a bit more
Common truths no more ignored
And clarity infuse my soul
Baring all unto the world
Casting myself in the hands
And the eyes of strangers
This is the price of honest
And meaningful writing
This is the price of fame
And meaningful impact
A price to be paid in full
My mark is set and goal in sight
Though miles still mark the distance to get there
However, the cost is present
Ever hanging bout my neck
And I shall bare it and bare all
Unto them and unto myself
Let loose the things even I
Have hidden from myself
Learn to show it all
Learn to let go
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Counter-Argument in the Mirror
"We can't build on this."
She says as she traces the concrete
Her fingers sliding inside
The deep cracks spreading far.
"Our foundation is broken."
She says as she stands there
And looks at him and shakes her head
And then she says,
"Help, I think I'm in love
With a descriptive grammarian
While I know I can never
Abandon my prescriptive roots."
And I say to her, "You're right
Of course this is more important
Than love and happiness and art.
Juliet, hold firm to your Capulets."
"Our foundation is shaky."
She says as she wraps her ams around
Herself hugging away the cold
And says of him again,
"Help I think I'm in love
With a liberal loving socialist
Who thinks it's okay to laugh
At things like capitalism and competition."
And I answer her, "You're right
In fact I think I've heard him whisper
Communistic whispers in darkest night.
Time to start building your wall, Berlin."
"Our foundation is cracked."
She says as she turns to think
About maybe actually walking away
But pauses to say,
"Help, I think I'm in love
With a man who prefers Versaille to Oxford
And Paris over London
And the Neoclassical over the Victorian."
And I answer her, "You're right.
And the channel is too wide to swim
So let another hundred years war begin
Before you become the Countess of Calais."
But then she pauses and stops
And doesn't say anything and I can tell
She's thinking about all of my answers
And maybe within them sees my true meaning
"You think that it will be alright?"
She whispers and looks around
"Even with all these cracks
Spreading across the ground?"
"We are two people
Not two puzzle pieces
We are complex and intricate
And no one will ever be a perfect fit.
So what if my school of grammar
Or finances or society or art
Is not the same as your own
When has that ever meant a thing to love.
So do not fear the cracks
Because everything in the world is cracked
And as the great poet said
It's the cracks that let the light in."
Now I turn to myself standing arms crossed
Shaking my head in the mirror at myself.
"Help, I think I'm in love
With a prescriptive grammarian."
And my other self shakes my head and says,
"Don't make excuses about philosophy or art."
And I know I am right and have to speak the truth,
"Alright, fine. Help. I think I'm in love again."
puzzle pieces,
The Spark
There once was a boy
Who walked through his world
With a thick coat of armor
Like the shell of a turtle
And he would not let
Any man or woman
Cross through the shell
And touch him
From where came this shell?
Many have wondered
Perhaps from his past
Or a family so cold
Perhaps from his pain
And the hope to avoid more
Perhaps he simply
Did not like to be touched
Whatever the reason
He walked through this world
The turtle boy
With the aching desire
To hold someone close
And let them inside
Let them cross o'er the threshold
And enter his courts
And finally hug someone
The way he wanted to be hugged
But he couldn't just let anyone
In through the doors
He waited and watched
And his reputation grew
He was the untouchable
The one in the bubble
And no one could cross it
Even when they thought they could
He was alone in the crowd
And he hated the feeling
But he could only ever
Let one person have the key
To draw close to him
And break the turtle spell on him
But the last two squandered
And wasted the gift
The last two had thrown away
The key to his hugs
And so he was reluctant
To let anyone else in again
And he thought to live his life
Out in the walls of his shell
Never feel the touch of human
Or the warmth of a hug
And then came the night
Tonight in the cold
When the hug was offered
And he decided to be bold
And he gave her the key
That self same one thrown aside
And he told her it's okay
And she could hug him anytime
And the coal he thought dying
And the flame he thought without hope
Burt forth into life
And the inferno could awake
So shall it awake?
Once more to burn bright
Maybe it will
Was touched by hope tonight
Maybe a bit of slumber
Maybe just a bit of sleep
Till morrow sweet rising
The answer will keep
For tonight the coal glows
And it's warmth is sustained
For tonight there is love
And it may bloom again
So let me just go ahead and say it
I'm bi
Big deal
Not really to me
But seems to be
To so many others
And unfortunately
I really don't care
Because it doesn't change
Who you know me to be
I'm gonna keep watching scary movies
And drinking wine over beer
I'm gonna keep listening to Amanda Palmer
And enjoying Italian Opera most of all
I'm gonna keep cooking
And always forgetting to check on the cookies
Before its too late and I burn them again
I'm gonna leave my work boots in the foyer
And wear batman t-shirts in public
I'm gonna keep going to concerts
Alternative rock and classical too
I'm gonna keep writing stories
And poems about myself and you
So I'm sorry if this was unexpected
And I'm sorry if you feel this is about you
Because it really fucking isn't
And I know profanity probably doesn't sit well with you
But if you haven't noticed yet
I am SO done trying to tailor myself to the expectations of others
I will be considerate of you because I consider you my friend
You being that wonderfully ambiguous everyone
You being you who are reading this now
But I want you also to be my friend
And also to be a bit considerate of me
And maybe not try to force me into your view of the world
And maybe stop judging for long enough to remember what Love is supposed to be
And maybe stop judging long enough to know I love you
And I hope you can love me back enough
Not to make such a big deal about this
Don't blame yourself
Don't make it about yourself
It's not about you
It's not about me
It's about the fact that I am still the same person you know
And that nothing at all has changed
Except that maybe someday if I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend
Your reaction to this "news"
Will dictate whether I will introduce them to you
Because regardless of their gender
I will want to put my best foot forward
And not let them think I associate
With homophobes and haters
I want you to be part of my life
So don't do something that forces me
To cut you out
Because if I have to
It's too painful to prolong
So I will do it suddenly and quickly
I don't want to lose anyone
And I don't want to be the one to cut you out
But like I said
I'm so fucking done
Changing what I say and do
Trying to be someone else just for you
I like myself
And I like who I am
And that's important because for so long I didn't
But enough about me
If you really are a parent or a friend
If you really are even just a decent human being
This will be important to you too
So, who and what are you?
Let the conversation begin
Here's what someone else had to say on a similar topic.
coming out,
fucking deal with it,
this is me
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I have come here for a peel
She said as she sat down
A peel I asked what kind
She said
A peel for my rough skin
I smiled alright
Let's then begin
Lie down
Alright she said
I've sinned
Of course
I ground the base to powder
She lay in silence
And processed my confirmation
I've done things
She met my eyes with those words
I've said things and done things
And I simply kept grinding
The base to powder
And she hugged her cold self
I've told other people
She spoke in a whisper
I've had other people tell me
And I look up at her
And she's near to crying
I pour the oils into the grinder
Go on
I say as I mix in the tallow
She sighs
They've spoken such harsh words to me
I put in the tea tree and peppermint and ginger
Go on
And she cries as I crush the lilly petals
They have lied about me
And broken my trust
They have killed me
And abused my art
Over and over and over again
I let her talk
As I apply the thick paste
Smear across her forehead
Like some green anointing oil
But I tell her
She has to stop crying
So she keeps it in
No more
Tears will let her cheeks run
And she talks
About how she can't trust anymore
And I nod
As she says she can't love anymore
And I don't say anything
As she says she knows that she's changed
And I don't say anything
As she asks me if its for the better
And she asks again
If I hate who she has become
And I tell her to stop talking
I have to apply it around her mouth now
And so she sits there very still
No more words or tears
Holds it all in
Like a big girl should
While I turn on the blazing lights
That hurt her eyes
And make everything else
As the mask begins to settle and harden
Seep deep into her pores
And grabs hold firm of all the
That's crawled in
And settled so long ago
And made her face so ugly
And she sits as the new skin hardens
A shell that maybe this time
Will keep things clean
But I know the truth
As she washes it off
And is reborn with baby fresh skin
This is just a phase
A stage
And she'll be back again
And again and again and again
For a thousand different new faces
And wash the old ones off
But for the moment
She is herself again
Or maybe the self she wants to be
For a moment her skin dances
With peppermint and tea tree
And she feels reborn to the world
And I do not answer her questions
I do not ruin this moment for her
I do not think I want to
Her Conversation With Grace
She is so far above me
My thoughts do not even dare
To turn and view her
With anything but highest reverence
Oh Magnificent, I know it is an afront
To call you goddess
Because even that title is made base
When brought before your grace
Your Grace
The only title I shall whisper in the night
Never have I known man or woman
Who could make me feel so base
My secrets are clumsy and dull
And yet still you hear them
And for whatever reason known only to you
You still smile upon them
And can I tell you a secret, O sweet Lady
You are the only one left
The others have all gone
No one else even cares anymore
And that's okay
I'm fine with that
Surprisingly fine actually
Where once a vast see of droll faces
Now remains one true and constant friend
And I had thought I would prefer the crowd
But I guess maybe I don't know myself
Nearly as well as I thought I do
So maybe shifts in my perspective
Won't make her any lower
She is still Her Grace
But maybe that brings things in alignment
Sets us both on the same plane
So we now can stand face to face
And so I may steal a little of her Grace
Friday, January 18, 2013
What have I done
These words capture forever in the black
Courier is such horrid font
To imprison the past in
And yet here I have done it
Am doing it again
There's some meta for you
Take two and don't call me in the morning
It begins with a simple thought
Reread what I have written
Don't let the past affect the poet any longer
My warden finally laid to rest
And I convinced myself quite nicely
That the manacles had not existed
At least at first I did
But poem after poem
All of you my darling dears
Three loves have ever held my heart
Three loves have never let go
And three times have the breaking happened
Three times I promised never again
Here I am again
I see some more of you
The others I almost pursued
Thank God I never did
The regret of not having pursued is great
I revel in it because it makes you all so real
And validates my pathetic poems
Because when I reread them
Specifically the ones written for her and him and her
I feel the breaking anew
And the blood begins to burn
It's so strange
I don't love two out of three anymore
But they burn the most of all
Not anger
Not regret
The hodgepodge of anguish
The pain and anxiety and dread and exhiliration
Coure like ice through my veins again
I am back in that moment
When I first knew beyond a doubt I loved you
When I first knew I didn't love you or you didn't love me
Or that we loved each other but just not enough
And the liquor of life's sweetest mistakes courses through me
And makes me long for days that never actually happened
And for memories I have colored false shades of gold or grey
But I have read all of them
I have read the story of me
It is an show in selfishness
Told in three acts called by three names
And I burn again with subtly different shades of flame
And I long again for that which I never always have
And then extinguish at the end of the page
And there is nothing but soft piano music
And an empty water bottle
I lie here in the fetal position
And I dare to think
Maybe I am finished
Maybe no more tears to cry
Maybe this time it really means healing
And the end
Not to forget
But not to be chained to all three of you anymore
Maybe just one
A spark of hope remains
A flame of love carried from the first
Passed to the second just in time
Passed to the third before the others were put out
A last lasting flame
With no foreseeable fuel in the future
Maybe this truly is the end
Maybe this ember will smolder
And finally find rest
It's not that I want it
It's not that love was ever so bad
Poison makes us stronger
And teaches me to say, "As you wish"
But with no other love in sight
No haven to steer to or star to guide my way
I have this final one to look to
As it grows dimmer and dimmer
Smaller and smaller
And maybe soon will finally go out
And maybe that means freedom
And maybe that means the end of love for good
Or maybe it means this love is finally done
This way of loving
This selfish love that I can't seem to shake
Maybe this flame ends to clear the fireplace
And scrape out the old, poisonous residue and ash
No more asbestos to burn
And place the fresh pine in the hearth
Drench it with holy annointing chrism
And set a completely different blaze
I can't say for certain
All I know is I think something is ending
I think something may finally be done
But I can't be sure just yet
Sometimes you're sailing out of the storm
And sometimes it's just that you've reached the eye
So I will go sailing on
Following the last star
Before morning comes
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I'm Just Wasting Time Chasing Cars
And I still can't listen to Snow Patrol without thinking of you
Though driving is easier as long as it doesn't rain
And I still can't watch the sunrise
And going to church is still an open wound
It's all kinda of funny really
You'd think two years would be time enough
To pick up the pieces again
And make new memories
But I still can't listen to Banana Pancakes without thinking of you
Though climbing trees has only gotten harder
And there are whole streets of Beaverton
That I can never walk down again
And it's all kinda of sad really
I had hoped that maybe your memory would fade
And what's saddest of all is I can't keep wondering
If you are having the same troubles as I am
Are large boxes on Valentines Day a death to you?
And is that small pagoda we found on the lake in Davis off limits now?
Are there streets in Novato you can never walk down again?
Do you still go back to our tree on the hill?
I know we didn't work well together
And I know in the end it was for the best
Incompatibility or maybe I just stopped trying
But I still cry when the radio plays "Lucky" by Jason Mraz
And I still wonder if it was as real for you as it was for me
And I still wonder if you aren't wondering the same thing too
And if it's hard for you to listen to Snow Patrol too
broken heart,
jason mraz,
snow patrol
Monday, January 14, 2013
What She Said To Me
Oh you say that you're leaving
Whatever makes you happy honey
You go right ahead and walk out that door
Pack your bags and break the dishes
I'm not gonna chase you
I'm not even gonna get up
Cause we both know what'll happen
You'll be back
You can't help yourself, can you
You poor pathetic excuse for a man
You're hooked and you know it
But what's saddest still is you know it
And keep acting out this farce
Fold your socks and take your toothbrush
God, you even call a cab as part of the show
But I'm sorry honey, no one's watching
So go ahead, baby, and run away to the end of the block
Sit on your suitcase and sigh like a grown man should
I'll be lying right here
Pour myself a glass of red wine while I wait
I'd shave my legs if I had any legs to shave
You can keep sitting out there in the rain
Maybe I'll have a bath in the meantime
And there's the knock on the front door
So I'll take my time, honey
Slide into my red lipstick and leather
Those stilettos that echo on the floor
And you can't even look at me as you stand there
Framed by the door frame and bathed in light
I knew you'd be back would be bittersweet words
So I say them with as little sweetness as I can
Because I am your art's addiction
And lifeline
You cannot go far without the threads coming undone
You cannot ever leave me without the colors fading
You can never go
Come and let me manacle you to your workbench again
Let me place the heaviest quill in your fingers
Drain your blood for your ink
Spread your skin as parchment
And begin where we left off
"Once upon a time there was a poet
Who found the most wonderful muse..."
Now write it! Write it just as I said!
"A muse he loved so very much."
You do love me don't you?
That's the most pathetic part of all
You poor, hopeless fool
Go on then, honey, keep loving me
And I'll feed you spoonfulls of inspiration
And when next you feel cheated and infringed on
You go right ahead and start folding your things again
Slam the door as hard as you can
Cause we both know how this ends
You'll be back
You can never leave me, honey
The Girl in the Ghost House - Chapter 5
Chapter 5
The air inside of the conservatory was damp and warm and humid. The heavy glass door swung shut behind Evelyn as she stepped inside. The conservatory looked less like a greenhouse and more like a jungle, with a fogged up glass roof peaking out above the high tree tops.
Trevor stayed back by the door and scratched against it, squeaking at Evelyn in frustration. He wasn’t very happy that Evelyn refused to listen to his warnings. And she simply kept walking forward dragging Faucet with her. Trevor stamped his foot in frustration and gave a high pitched squeak before scurrying after Evelyn.
“Hello.” Evelyn stepped on a twig that snapped loudly. “Is anyone there?”
The bushes to her left began to move and Evelyn turned and backed away from them. She was a smart girl and knew there was nothing scary about moving bushes. They were just bushes after all. But what was in the bushes making them move? That could be something unexpectedly nasty. And so Evelyn backed away from the thing in the bushes.
Trevor stayed back by the door and scratched against it, squeaking at Evelyn in frustration. He wasn’t very happy that Evelyn refused to listen to his warnings. And she simply kept walking forward dragging Faucet with her. Trevor stamped his foot in frustration and gave a high pitched squeak before scurrying after Evelyn.
“Hello.” Evelyn stepped on a twig that snapped loudly. “Is anyone there?”
The bushes to her left began to move and Evelyn turned and backed away from them. She was a smart girl and knew there was nothing scary about moving bushes. They were just bushes after all. But what was in the bushes making them move? That could be something unexpectedly nasty. And so Evelyn backed away from the thing in the bushes.
ghost house,
girl in the ghost house,
green house,
trevor the rat
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Postmark: 2 Star, Left
She walks into the bookstore
And she's carrying her box
Filled to the cardboard rim
With pages and pages of treasures
How many hours are contained
How many tears have stained
These pages are all her friends
Her life measured in chapter titles
Her love given to imaginary heroes
Her heart given to fictional women and men
All her hours spent in her room far away
Her nights open to a thousand thousand dreams
Where she found the treasures
Wielded the ancient swords
Sailed through the starless night
And was the person she wanted to be
That person is not who she is now
Holding her box so tightly
Her knuckles turning white
That person would not be here
Would not give up so easily
But she never was that hero
And she steps forward in the queue
Waiting for her turn with the man at the desk
Waiting to give her loves away
To grow up and become a grownup
Betraying sacred vows she had made
When she'd watched Wendy sow back on his shadow
But pirates and fairies are not real
She's learned this painful lesson now
And she steps forward in the queue
It's not that she needs the money that badly
She does of course but there are other ways
It was what he had said
That penultimate fight broke it
And the words that seemed too well rehearsed
Washed over her and took away part of her soul
Part of that child in her memory with the books
Maybe with time and perseverance she could
Once more find herself in that world
But she doesn't have the time anymore
Maybe that is really what growing up is about
Running out of time to remember how to imagine
And she steps forward in the queue
And she's standing in front of the bored man
He asks her to remove the books
And doesn't even look at them as she sets them out
Delicately almost reverently tracing titles
He takes them one by one and frowns
Places them into a pile
One by one shaking his head
Finally stopping at one and shrugging
It forms a different pile
And she feels sick to her stomach
At this division of the sheep and goats
And then it's over
And he hands back to her the box
Almost as full as she'd handed it to him
And she's awash with the feeling
Of a second chance
And somehow of failure
A failure to fail
The only option left, to fly
She takes her $2.43
And remembers to thank the bored man
And carries her childhood ideas and dreams
Of how the world and love should work
Carries them back out into the rain
With the box clutched close to her heart
And imagines once more
She's headed the right direction
To reach to the second star to the right
book buy back,
growing up,
peter pan,
Friday, January 11, 2013
The Uncertainty Principle
A Castle made of Ice
Or Snow
What's the difference?
The idea of Solidness
But it's Just an Idea
Like You are
Something Insubstantial
And yet so Real
I can Almost touch you
Everyday you come Closer
Build a Bridge
And I think about Crossing it
But the moat You made
Might be too Wide
I don't know
I guess I'll Try
Your pinnacles enthrall me
Your Flags somehow
Make my Heart stop Everytime
And I think I'd just love
To climb your Towers
And meet you in the Secret bower
And find you
More than Id want
To find anyone else
But this Castle you've built
Is it of Ice
or Snow
I can't tell
Oh well
Here goes the Adventure
Monday, January 7, 2013
Pictures or it didn't happen
In response to this: Amanda Palmer
Pictures or It Didn't Happen
Between a pair of shoulders and my conscience
and between what's happening in front of me
On this tiny silver screen
and between my mixed up life
That's had to take the back seat
For a moment
What happened?
And some part that's foreign and familiar
says that I should already know
It's happening again
It never stopped happening
Did it?
It feels that way
Just like when I was a kid
and I got ducked under the water
Surfaced for a second
for a frantic breath
before being pushed down under again
It is the same
It's a cold and grey kind of day
when Nietzsche looks real nice
Invites me to come lie down
and pulls out a jar of leeches
so we can silently stay there
and bleed away the darkness
And the light
Just try for hope
comes some lonely little figment
so vapor thin in this harsh light
Which ideals-
-whether naive or romantic-
stay standing under this pressing deluge
So I'll turn on Lady Gaga
Lana del Rey and Amanda Palmer
Put on some Morrissey and leather
just like Tori Amos taught us to do
Stay up late and talk about the ozone layer
Sign a petition to ban banning PETA
Or just go out and run and dance in the nighttime
Or just go and do something
Do something
Because wave after wave of horrible news
Is making me look for love
In the worst kind of places
And threatens to drown me
Unless I find the shallow end soon
In this melting Gaudi facade
So I'm gonna do something
I'm not entirely sure what yet
And that fills me with nervous
Pictures or It Didn't Happen
Between a pair of shoulders and my conscience
and between what's happening in front of me
On this tiny silver screen
and between my mixed up life
That's had to take the back seat
For a moment
What happened?
And some part that's foreign and familiar
says that I should already know
It's happening again
It never stopped happening
Did it?
It feels that way
Just like when I was a kid
and I got ducked under the water
Surfaced for a second
for a frantic breath
before being pushed down under again
It is the same
It's a cold and grey kind of day
when Nietzsche looks real nice
Invites me to come lie down
and pulls out a jar of leeches
so we can silently stay there
and bleed away the darkness
And the light
Just try for hope
comes some lonely little figment
so vapor thin in this harsh light
Which ideals-
-whether naive or romantic-
stay standing under this pressing deluge
So I'll turn on Lady Gaga
Lana del Rey and Amanda Palmer
Put on some Morrissey and leather
just like Tori Amos taught us to do
Stay up late and talk about the ozone layer
Sign a petition to ban banning PETA
Or just go out and run and dance in the nighttime
Or just go and do something
Do something
Because wave after wave of horrible news
Is making me look for love
In the worst kind of places
And threatens to drown me
Unless I find the shallow end soon
In this melting Gaudi facade
So I'm gonna do something
I'm not entirely sure what yet
And that fills me with nervous
Amanda Palmer,
gang rape,
What We Saw at the Freak Show
And now the part of the show
When we unveil the prestige
So sit upright and lean forward
To the precipice of your seat
To the point we drive you insane
To see what we can see
Ladies and gentleman step right up
It's the man who loves himself so
Surrounded by mirrors
He saw only himself reflected
In every pair of eyes he met
And asked constantly of himself
"Am I doing more unto others
So that they will do more unto me?"
And without a word of malice
Or the bitter taste of venom on his lips
He killed so sweetly when he smiled
So, lean forward further now
And prepare for the softest murder
By the man who had to live his entire life
Trapped inside his own body
Never learning that age old secret
Of finding the zipper at the base of his neck
Peeling away this boring flesh
And becoming the bolt of fire the rest of us are
He is the freak who cannot ever see
That the world is bigger than his backyard
And that others have feelings too
Step right up and see the world's only victim
Who has single handedly shouldered every sorrow
Every wrong committed has been towards him
Clap now as he walks by
Somehow bearing it all with such grace
He holds his head as high as he can reach
And sometimes stands on his tiptoes if he must
Throw your dollars and your peanuts
And let him know that you can see him
Don't worry at all, because he can't ever see you
Or can he, you must wonder as he meets your gaze
Perhaps he's found his zipper
And will finally join in our ascension
What a curious thing it must be, you think
To live only upon the flat of earth
How curious to see a man such as this
Who has never drank daylight with the stars
But do not fear, we have taken precautions
And he won't find his zipper if we can help it
And after all
This is all only a show for your entertainment
A funny story about the day you were there
It's not as if this is about a person
Whose skin you fear too much to crawl into
Whose eyes you fear too much to claw out
Hold up to the light
And see what color the sun is to him
Step right up, ladies and gentleman
We only ask you not to feed the freak
Any word of kindness or understanding
Will only encourage him
But then, maybe you ought to feed him daily
Help hide his zipper deeper still
After all as they say in our line of business
The show always must go on
And we are merely here for your entertainment
freak show,
'Cause The Universe is Just a Lil' Coffee Shop
People like rows of coffee cups
Standing in line for hours
And waiting for a song
They stand around saying anything
To fill the hours with thoughts
Or maybe keep the silence off
Like rows of coffee cups
They make their faint impression there
Where the wood meets life's regression
The grain is against their thoughts
Their songs won't wait
Like rows of coffee cups
They make no more
Hours or stands in the silence
They have no more names to whisper
People to them were nothing
But rows and rows of coffee cups
They drank too deep of some of them
Or sipped far too quick
These rows and rows of coffee cups
That seemed to never end
They broke their hearts like coffee cups
Shattered ceramic on the floor
They threw away those coffee cups
And then set them up again
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Never Let Go
"Kendra! I'm so sorry!" He gasped and reached for her bruised fingers she was clutching to her chest.
She was adamant that she wouldn't cry. She held her fingers up for inspection, not because she believed his sympathy for a second, but because she wanted him to see. No broken bones. No bleeding. And it wouldn't bruise until he was gone. No sick satisfaction for him today.
"It's fine. Let's just go." She hissed as she sat back.
He shared a small smile with the sky as he moved around the vehicle and slid inside. He looked over at her arm crossed figure looking out the window as he set his seatbelt in with a satisfying click. Then he cleared his throat. He didn't start the car. For a second a thought walked through his mind, that maybe he should say sorry. And actually mean it this time.
short stories,
short story,
The Old Woman Inside
They drain too much today
And what will you decide
When they ask you to play the game
Come now, love
You know you're better by far
Stop pouting on the inside
And let it show outside instead
The better to see you with
Why keep the charade going
Do you really care what they think?
Obviously not or you would care more
On the inside
Socially acceptable rules are fine
If you're having an evening dinner with fine wine
But don't tell me that happy face masks
Are the lubrication of civilization
If they be true they'll understand
Or at least they'll try
The better to hear you with
If not, maybe they aren't worth your time anyway
You seem apprehensive
And maybe just a bit unsure
Would I lead you astray, lamb
Come a bit closer to the fire
And remember you are safe here
No need for these men of straw or stone
Just pile some more wood on the fire
The better to eat you my dear
big bad wolf,
fairy tale,
old woman,
three pigs
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Oh my lovely, lonely ghost
Will you ever move on?
Depart these mortal shores
Move on
And haunt someone else
Just not me forever more
Oh, my dearly departed
This isn't how it's supposed to be
At least
Not how I would think it would seem
After all
You were the one who killed me
How is it
That I am not haunting you
You have now become so ghostly.
Beloved phantom,
Why do I feel that you will never leave me
Every sound
Every touch
Every song
Every taste
Somehow winds back
And I'm standing
On the spot we both stood
Running where we ran
And you are here again
Transparent to everyone but me
Why did you do it?
Only this one thing haunts me more than your face
Why did you do it?
I thought with time
It's all healing power
Or maybe some perspective at the very least
I might find an answer
But I still sit
And the perpetual question
Hovers over my mind
Was it me?
Was it you?
Was it us?
Did I change?
Or did you just change your mind?
I think I might never stop asking
I think you might never stop haunting
And I could go on and on
About how it isn't fair
Not to me
And not to the others
But I think
Secretly somewhere deep inside
The haunting presence
Of you, my sweet phantom
Reminds me
That what we had was real
And so maybe
I don't
Don't really want
You to go
Not yet
It's a few hours to morning yet
Sit a while
And I will live again
Through the pain from your smile
Talking About Nothing At All
Even here
In the land of acceptance
I have found my space
He says
My place
Growing up the wall
Introspection is such a selfish art
She says
And I have seen the many faces
And she says she won't cry
I have held that heart
And seen its soft tender places
And goddamn me
I was moved by his tears too
What is worst of all
I gave in so freely
What is worst of all
My heart was almost broken
C says to C how could you
Be this way
So free and innocent and so naive
C answers C what can I say
I cannot let you in anymore
Feel the closure of the door
I cannot absorb any more of you
K says to K I miss you
And I was never really jealous
And didn't mean what I didn't say
K answers K you are becoming slow
Poison to my soul
And I won't let you hold me close
I cannot hold either at all
C of K I cannot hold you at all
And I won't
You are not mine to hold
So run along little colt
K thinks of C find the wind and your freedom then
I won't stop you
I won't chase you
I won't join you
And I say to all run like the wind
Parallel lines
On opposite sides of the same page
Of a very different script
Yearning to meet
But never quite touching
Yearning for the right conjugation
Opposite sides
Of a dot on a page
The ink bled through
All the sadness and rage
And now the shortness of space
And limits of twelve dimensions
Have made a roof
Of parallel thoughts
Supported somehow
By opposing place names
And unconscious desires
So the paradox goes
Amid the dance of the nouns
And the definition of joining
Of waking in dreams
And the never ending daylight
Because trapped in the corner
Of ever true circle
Is this thought that refuses
To never die
Conjoined to truth is the ultimate answer
The sorrow of opposite lines in repose
Thursday, January 3, 2013
There Is No New Years
We're all just stumbling along in the dark
And hoping to find a way out the other side
But maybe that's not so bad
If we'd all just stop our mad dash scramble
All 9 billion of us
We stop and stand in the dark
No more stepping on toes
Or scratching eyeballs in the night
We stop and stand and spread out arms out
And find each other's fingers in the dark
And let them intertwine
A living web all connected
And the dark will have lost then
Because we no longer would need our eyes
But this esoteric line of thought may be nice
But I won't follow my own advice
Because deep down I still have a fear
That if we all stopped clawing and scratching
And stood and reached out our arms
And took the hands of all those that were near
That I would be one of those poor souls
Who stumbled just a bit too far
And no one's fingers would find mine
And maybe that's what I really desire
To know that I can finally be alone
But regardless of my truest need
I won't stop and stand up to connect
I'll keep on doing it the only way I know how
I'll keep running in the dark
And stepping on toes and tearing clothes
And scratching eyes and clawing arms
Because at least when I run smack dab into someone
I know for a second that I'm not alone
And so maybe there is a New Year after all
Even if we are just stumbling in the dark
Amanda Palmer,
in the dark,
new years,
no new years,
How To Make a Sky Coat
Have you found your piece of the sky?
She laughed as she led him onward
No I have not found my piece yet
He cried as she got further
This piece I took from above Spain
When the first flowers in Granada opened
She smiled as she showed it in her palm
"Spain makes me sad." Is all he said
This piece I stole from above a church
Where the first wedding happened after the war
It was the whitest light in a century of blood
"Wars don't scare me anymore." He said
This piece fell on me just by accident
On a day I met my best friend
So I've kept it ever since then
"My friends are all liars." He mumbled to himself
Have you no piece of sky you have kept
Inside of you all these years, she cried
"I cannot keep sky in my pocket as you can."
He spoke with hatred in his eyes.
No you cannot keep sky in your pocket
She replied and took his hand.
Only in your heart can it survive.
"The sky is too large for my heart." He sighed
Look up, right now, look up she spoke to us all
Grab that piece of sky studded with stars or clouds
It is yours now, forever to keep inside.
And the largeness of it filled him
"I have never felt the sky in my heart before
I have never kept something so large."
It is a gift to keep the sky each day, she smiled
And a boon to pass it on to others greater still
She knit her pieces of sky together
And made a coat of colors he'd never seen
Her sky coat turned to wings of light
And she left him with this dream.
What We Know
He says he's still the same person
The same person we've always known
But that's bullcrap and we know it
We don't know him anymore
He says that its just a part of him
A part we haven't got to meet
But we know all the parts to him
And this part is foreign and incomplete
And he says that its not a big deal
That what matters is what's within
But we know that if he hid this part
Then there's no knowing what else he's hid
Then he says it's true that there are other parts
And he says there are parts he might not know too
But we know that he must by lying again
And we know what we must say and do
But he says first that he's so sorry
That he knows he should have trusted us more
And we know that he's not sincere at all
And we know we'll still believe the words on his door
And he says he wants to be honest now
And he says he still loves us all like he's dying
And we say we understand and of course we do
And we know that for now, we are lying
And he knows our understanding is not true
And we know that he understands why
And he knows that if he gives it some time
That we will come to know a truth from that lie
And he knows that we are still here standing
And he knows that we are still at war with our minds
And we know that he says he will wait for us to come around
And we know that when he says that it means the opposite kind
He thinks he knows oh so many things
But we know that we know just a bit more
And while he goes on not saying all he knows
We know deep down he truly just wants us to ignore
You Will Rise
You will rise up with the morning
And you will lace up your converse, my dear
You will eat your cereal with purpose
And drink the tea each new day
Yes, you will rise up, my darling
And you'll step out of that old door
You'll put one foot before the other
On the road that goes on evermore
You will rise through the day, dear
When you're driving down the street
And you won't know why but you'll sing along
And smile at people you've never met
You will rise when comes the first challenge
The first spill or scare or angry voice
You'll breath and then you'll laugh, my darling
You will smile and that smile by choice
You will rise further onward
And when you fear you've gone too far
You'll see the message waiting
When you're sitting there in your car
And your dread and nerves now rising, dear
Your hands will tremble with delight
Because the news will finally have reached you
And you will cry because you feel so light
And you will rise, my shining beacon
Through all the mud and tears and men
You will shine like a star in the heavens
A singing constellation to guide them
And then I'll raise my sails, dear
And set my compass by your star's light
To dance with you there in the darkness
Leave converse footprints through the night
Closets Are for Narnia
It's dark in here
So light a match
Are you stupid we can't do that
You wanted light
But they might see us
He's right, just don't
What are you so afraid of
The outside is a cold place
With shoes that sound on stairs
And that's why we can't leave
That's why we can't leave?
Come on don't make that face
You know as well as we do
that the outside is not for us..
Who told you such lies?
It is truth.
Just see for yourself
Alright I think I will
No, don't! We were joking
Not the door! Not the door!
It's not so bad out here...
It burns us!
It freezes!
You're just being dramatic
It could hurt us though
You don't care about us
Yes, I do but you're being ridiculous
so come on and take a look
The outside... I think I remember
Yes, we came from out here
and we didn't always live in the dark
No... but why... why did we leave
It must have been something bad
Yes... it was something horrible
We were... we were hiding?
We were... we were frightened?
What was it?
A lie
A lie?
A lie?
A lie
And something else?
A beast.
The dragon in the air
Is it still there?
No the dragon has been so long dead
While we slept?
Yes and now we can stand in the sun again.
I think... I think I'll like that
I'm still not so sure
Well you can stay here longer
If that's what you really want
but I'm tired of hiding
And I miss the sunshine
Do you really going then?
Yes, I think I am.
You already know my answer.
Fine but before you go
do you still remember our names?
Yes. I think one of us was called
"his kindness"
Yes, and one of us was called
"his compassion"
But was not one of us also called
"his love"
Yes one of us was that
But which of us are leaving
And which one is still staying behind
I'm not sure
But at least
At least some of us are out of the dark now
Riddle Me This
And he sits in his chair and stares out the window
He doesn't even get dressed for the day
He walks around in a bathrobe with a cup of coffee
That he's spiked with a bit of whiskey and rum
And he reads the headlines but not the articles
Has dreams of tulips but doesn't ever buy the bulbs
And when he looks at you with those sad sad eyes
Have you ever stopped and wondered and asked why
Because the oldest riddle a woman asked of a man
Is what has four legs and then two and then three
Now I know the answer and I think you do too
But you still have to ask him if you ever want me
And he tells such sweet stories of his time far away
When the world was a sweet and far better place
And he loves to read books with old far away titles
And watches his shows with an eye for the details
And watched you and the other with an eye for the details
And then shakes his head with those sad sad eyes
And you know he'll keep shaking no matter how hard you try
Because the oldest riddle a woman asked of a man
Is what is above and below the water and doesn't get wet
And though this one is silly and a bit about weight
You still have to ask him if you ever want to forget
And he makes such small comments that he thinks are all fine
But he hurts you and hurts her and hurts him all the time
And yet you still love him, defend him again
Because that is your role his protector and friend
But he's already on his third leg and you know this is true
That soon he'll be gone and it'll be just you
I'm sorry my dear but I hope this isn't news
It is the way of men to fight and win and lose
And when for the last time he shuts those sad sad eyes
Is it only then my love that you will realize
That the oldest riddle a woman asked of a man
Is how do you let go when you think you can't
And how can one love supplant another
You still have to ask him if you want to keep your father
four legs,
three legs,
two legs
I Went to the Carnival
I went to the Carnival
To see if I could find your soul
I went to the Carnival
But they said I was too old
I went to the dunk tanks
To see if you hid there
I went to the dunk tanks
But all they sold was air
I went to the Carnival
To see if I could find your soul
I went to the Carnival
But they said you were too old
I went to the acrobats
To ask about your face
I went to see the acrobats
But they just wrote "disgrace"
I went to the Carnival
To ask what life is about
I went to the Carnival
But they turned the lights out
I went to find the magic man
Since you've disappeared
I found that old magic man
And he told me what I'd feared
I went to the Carnival
And I knew you were not there
I went to the old Carnival
And pretended not to care
I went to see the lions
I had heard that they were wise
But this said the lions
"Ash to ash and all to flies."
I went to the Carnival
But only in my dreams
I lied about the Carnival
I don't care, it seems
What I Can't Tell You
Excuse me
This is my rant
These are the things
I just keep inside
Because your fragile little psyche
Just couldn't bare
The touch of truth
And besides,
mirrors make you melt
So stand aside and cower
Cover your ears and stuff your eyes
And keep believing that everything is fine
Or believing some other kind of lie
Because this is what I cannot ever tell you
These are not words but brands
I'm almost at the breaking point
With all your tears and self blame
As if its all about you somehow
As if we disappear when you leave the room
Or the lights go out
Or you close your eyes and lay you down to sleep
I'm sorry my dear
But it doesn't work that way
We are here
And to be perfectly honest
We have just about had enough
Of your little pity party and show
Have remorse
That's fine
But the penitent posture is really unnecessary
And the flagellation hurts to look at
And have you never stopped to think
(of course you haven't)
that when you blame and hurt yourself
You don't just hurt yourself
You hurt every person who cares about you
And you drive them further away
So come now darling
Pick yourself up off the floor
No one blames you
And you are loved
More than you can ever know
But you're gonna be loved a little less
Every time you insist on doing this
So just stop it
Some things have nothing to do with you
They don't affect you
And they don't need you to take the blame
Stand up, oh woman, stand
Pick you head back up
And shake the dust from your hair
Where are your accusers now?
Except for the one in the mirror
There never really were any, were there
Stand and step up
Become the bigger person
Put aside these childish ways
Because only a child thinks only of themselves
And you haven't been a child now for a long time
It's time, my dear
And you know I only say this because I love you
Even Wendy came home in the end
growing up,
Conversations on Earth, or A Poorly Written Poem
You can see it in his eyes
But he's not gonna say sorry
And do you even know why
He wants to just hold you
You can already feel his touch
And even though you want it too
You know you'll reject it
Aren't we all so funny
Spinning on our blue ball
We agonize over molehills
And don't get the point at all
You can see that he wants to be
Everything you could ever ask
But you ask and then change your mind
And he's getting tired of it all
You can see that he's turning away
And you want to keep him so bad
But you know he's gonna walk soon
And you can stop him... but you won't
Aren't we all so sad
Our little ball is winding down
We took too long to figure out
How to just be happy with each other
And ourselves
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