When I first began this story, it was a direct affront to my main series. It was meant to be a stand alone, single story, written wthout any connections to any other stories. It was suppose to be a one shot, one book, one story non-series tale.
And yet...
It has evolved. It is alive. It is a force I can't stop anymore. As I begin to explore the places in my world, such as Glassiere, or Einri, or the Wreath Confederacy, there is just too much information to put in one small volume. And so it has expanded.
I now have:
*The Secret Scroll (tentative title of my main story) 13/40 finished
*The Sea Scroll (The Tale of Einri the Navigator, kind of like a prequel) idea stage
*The Last Scroll (An Apocolypse Tale, kind of like a sequel) idea stage
Suplimentary Material:
*The Song of the Sage (Song/Poem related to the Order of the Apothecary)done!!!
*The Voyage of the Fearless (Ballad related to the Sea Scroll)done!!!
*The Lament of Brandur and Perlise (Epic Poem related to the Sea Scroll and Carolman)5/15 done
*The Saga of Sviegmund Trolldeath (Saga related to the Isle of Sylvania)done!!!
*The Tale of Thorbard the Wide Mouthed (Story related to the Isle of Sylvania)done!!!
*How the Sea was Tamed (Folktale related to Boat Kings/Sylvania)done!!!
*Tale of Two Dragons (Legend of Rho Ghul Empire)done!!!
*The Ancient Scroll (Tells of creation of the world) 3/4th done
*Geneology of the House of Hestia done!!!
*Geneology of Alexandrian Nobility done!!!
*Geneology of the House of Gwaylen done!!!
*Geneology of the House of (New)Firplice done!!!
*Geneology of the House of Alba 2/5 done
*List of High Kings of Tara 1/5 done
*Map of Encircled Lands (all the lands in my story) 3/10 done
As you can see, as much as I had wanted this story to be non-mythopoeic, it had become so. Well, maybe I will just burn all the supplimentary material and never write the prequal (set 400 years before the story) or the sequal (set 200 years after). After all, I'm still the author and I make the decisions when it comes to my books! Erm, I mean book! Singular!
Well, maybe I'll sleep on it. -__-
14 years ago
Wow! I didn't realize how much material there was! Wow. So now your thinking about 3 books! Awesome, its more for me to read. I also really like the title! And I will totally be patient as I wait for the last 27 chapters. I really love how you are writing a book for the world to someday read!
P.S. What does "He who writes, reads twice" mean? It makes sense, but I don't fully get it.
P.P.S. BTW, you spelled it wrong.
It means that in order to be a good writer one must first be a great reader. As a writer one draws from other works and from original research. then when one begins to write, it requires so much editng and rereading that it would be more acurate to say "qui scribit centis legit"
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