Here it is. So, I would recommend first just reading it after Ivan's chapter and seeing if you can pick up Holly's Tale easily. Then if it's not too much trouble I would ask you to reread chapters 7, 8, and 11 and see if it makes a diffrence reading the tales together vs. separatly. Either way, let me know what works for you, what doesn't, and if there is anything that stands out to you.
Chapter 11
(Holly’s Story Part II)
The morning sun rose in splendor and glory over the Collins house, painting the sky with the splendid shades of pink, violet and blue. Morning swallows flew to the sky, shining to the illustrious dawn. Several servants entered Holly’s chambers. By this time she had gotten use to the morning ritual. One opened the curtains and the window, letting the crisp morning air in, a second took of Holly’s nightgown, while the third and fourth bathed and massaged her with scented oils. Then she was dressed in one of the new gowns tailor made for her. This one was a viridian green, with a lilac girdle around her ribcage.
After all this, she sat in front of the mirror while the servants braided and wove her hair into fanciful shapes, making a large bun, with curls hanging down from it in the back. Then they went about applying powder and blush and all manner of other womanly enhancers. A perfume cloud latter, she descended the stairs slowly, taking each step with care.
At first it had been hard, remember the pacing, to make sure she held her gown up slightly to prevent tripping, all the while smiling and keeping her head upright as if she were some magnificent angel descending the steps of heaven to earth. She entered the dining room as breakfast was being served.
Everything she did, she did with more grace than a swan on a tranquil lake surrounded by lotuses. Mrs. Collins gave a small smile, as if to acknowledge Holly’s improvement and her own success at taming the savage girl. Tinn and Tirs had a hard time keeping their laughter in as they saw the way Rabb’s eyes went wide when she entered. This was the first time she wore one of the tailor made dresses and it hung very fluidly and gracefully from her figure.
After breakfast, she practiced her pianoforte and needlepoint, then took some time to walk with Tinn and talk about the deep things in life. After luncheon she and the boys disappeared into the woods. There in a clearing, she stepped behind a large bush and emerged in her stable hand outfit. Then handing Tirs and Rabb a long stick each, they trained.
The two were getting better each day. Tinn watched from the side, laughing at their antics, or collecting plant samples to study at home. Holly smiled as she watched her pupils. They were improving greatly and soon she would be able to bring them to the limit of knowledge. She remembered the day she had to explain it to them.
“It’s like this. There comes a point when it’s no longer about what you know, but rather how fast you can act on what you know. Speed is vital in combat, without speedy reflexes and quick thinking you will always loose.”
“But, if speed’s all it takes why not just learn to be fast?”
“Because, Tirs, the only way to learn how to be fast is to learn the basics and do them over and over again. Eventually they flow faster and faster until you have grown a reflex.”
“Oh, so it’s kind of like your pacing your steps and gliding. You had to keep practicing it until it came by habit?”
“Yes, actually now that you mention it, it is quite like that. I never really thought about it that way.”
After that Holly’s own lessons had gone much faster as she now realized just how similar her fight training and etiquette training were. Now, after a week and a half, she had made great progress. The three rested by Tinn as they spoke, and fought and laughed for hours.
After Holly changed back, they all raced back to the house. In the shadows of the woods, in a well hiding spot from the clearing Bron walked out. He sat down and sighed. Life seemed so easy for them. Why did he always have to see the bleakness, the dark side to everything? He felt thin and old. They would never accept him. Alone in the woods, the young boy pulled his legs up to his chin and buried his face in his hands, his soft sobs echoing through the forest.
Holly went to her room and took a short nap. She dreamed again that she was in the forest, by the river. But this time there was no music and dancing. Instead she was all alone in the warm forest, when she saw a tree begin to move and twist. She saw its bark congeal to from a face. Klaus’ face. He looked around bewildered. Then realizing Holly was standing in front of him, he smiled.
It was like he was right there.
“I am right here.”
“Did you just read my thoughts?” She asked.
“No, your thoughts echo in dreams.”
“Never mind. Listen, on the second night of the full moon you will be rescued. Look for the sign of the Lily.”
“What do you mean?”
“Until you dream again.”
And with that, Holly’s eyes shot open as she sat up. She looked around, seeing the sun shining outside on the clear afternoon. Getting up she paced before the open window as she thought about the dream. Could it really have been from Klaus? Or was it perhaps just a regular dream? No, she knew what Klaus was capable of.
Her pulse jumped with realization. Maybe this was all part of the plan. She could scarcely breathe. How long before the next full moon. She tried to recall. That was little over a week till the date. Her hands shook as she rang for the servants. She would wait until then to find out.
That afternoon, Mrs. Collins administered the final test to Holly. She insisted that Holly join her for afternoon tea. Holly gulped with fear at the thought of having to sit through the test. But still she smiled and followed Mrs. Collins, unconsciously staying five steps behind her.
Outside a table lay decked with fine white linen and the best china and silverware. Holy told herself she didn’t have to be nervous when she realized she wasn’t nervous. In fact, she wasn’t even thinking about the rules and etiquette. Her mind was still on Klaus and the dream. Mrs. Collins made small talk about the price of ribbon, and Holly smiled though her mind was elsewhere.
“Well, I must say you have greatly improved in appearance Miss Holly, and even in manners. Perhaps you have now learned your place as a woman?”
“Yes ma’am. Thank You.” Holly said without the least bit of emotion. She hadn’t even heard the question.
“Good, good. I pride myself on having a knack for discerning the truth and I must say I am very glad to see that you have truly learned your place. And, as I said before, your manners are now fluid with grace too. That is good. You still carry your head too low, however that may be a good thing. It shows a sign of reverence and submission, something men will find very agreeable in a young wife.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Holly’s mind was still far away, planning and thinking about the full moon.
“I have decided that you are ready. Ready to be introduced to society.” Mrs. Collins said with a smile as she sipped from her tea cup. “And luckily for us, there is a ball tomorrow evening at the Radcliffe Estate. You have been invited.”
At the last sentence Holly had snapped out of her thoughts and immediately, while suppressing her shock, asked politely, “Excuse me ma’am, but I’m not sure I’m ready for a ball yet.”
“Oh, don’t worry my dear. Let me be the judge of what you are and aren’t ready for. I daresay you’ll do fine. I’m sure you will exceed our greatest ambitions for you.”
And then tea was over.
“Please Orgile!” Tirs whined.
“No, Tirs! I have better things to do with my time than help the woman who wants to be a man learn how to be a woman.”
“Come on. She’s changed. Kinda. Well not really, but please you’re the eldest, you’re the only one that’s ever been to a ball.” Rabb responded.
“Will you lot leave me alone! She obviously doesn’t want to be here, so let her make a fool of her self at the ball. Mrs. Collins will be furious and send her back and we’ll all be better off.”
“Orgile, we don’t ask much.” Tinn’s soft voice, “We only ask for an hour. After that, you may leave. Besides, do you think her disgrace will not affect you? She is now after all our sister and therefore if she makes a fool of herself she will also make a fool of you.”
“Erg!” he growled, “Fine! But only one hour! And only because my reputation is on the line.”
And that is how Orgile Collins came to help Holly. The two were in the courtyard, Tirs playing a melody on his small violin. They waltzed across on the patio as the setting sun began to herald dusk, but its warmth lingered on the night air. Holly kept good pace as the music spun them round and round. She at least recognized that when dancing the man took the lead and that seemed to satisfy Orgile that she was coming around. If only he knew, she thought.
Rabb was watching them intently. She wondered if it was because she was doing something wrong. He was just staring at her with a frown on his face. Then he walked up and tapped Orgile on the shoulder and asked for the dance. Orgile stepped to the side, an amused expression on his face. Tirs and Tinn were playing their violin and cello and upped the tempo as Rabb and Holly danced to the faster jig. Soon both were laughing at the fun they were having.
“He’em.” Orgile cleared his throat. “Please remember no matter how much fun you are having that you must always keep your modesty about you. Especially in public such as the ball. Now, what do you do when…”
And so the night progressed. They learned and practiced very hard. Orgile corrected were there was fault but otherwise remained quiet watching the goings on. Soon Tinn and Tirs retired for the night and the three older ones were all that were left. They sat outside and drank some cool mint and oat water brought to them by a servant.
“Thank you Orgile.” Holly said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey! I helped too!” Rabb said indignantly.
“Of course, I wouldn’t forget about you.” Holly smiled and gave him one too. “Well, I’m off to bed. I’ll see you boys bright and early.”
And with that she glided off. Rabb watched her go, his heart racing like the drum beat of a regiment of soldiers marching. Orgile shoved him good naturedly and warned him about Holly being a wild one before he went off to bed himself. Rabb stayed outside watching the stars, his hand unconsciously straying to his cheek were she had kissed him.
The next morning she was attended by three more maids than usual. They were Mrs. Collins’ personal staff and had been sent by her to make sure everything went perfectly. Holly was bathed in milk and rose oil, her long hair trimmed, combed and braided into beautifully intricate works of art.
All day long she went through the beauty treatment. She didn’t even get any breakfast and it wasn’t till luncheon that she finally escaped. She came to the table with curlers in her hair and in a simple lilac robe, no make up yet applied to her face, though she did have mud smeared around her eyes to remove any bags form the previous night’s restlessness. As she ate, Tirs giggled every time he looked at her.
“It’s not funny!” Holly said angrily.
“Come on guys, seriously.” Surprisingly Rabb took her side.
“It’s all on good fun Rabb.” Tinn said, holding up a shiny plate for Holly to see herself.
At the sight she too began laughing. It was ironic that they had been trying to make her into a real lady this last half week and now that she was finally going to go to the ultimate test, she didn’t look or act like one at all. After the luncheon it was back to the room.
When evening came, she descended the stairs in a large dark viridian cloak that draped completely over her clothes. Her face was also hidden by it as she climbed aboard the carriage waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Collins and her. The ride was somewhat short, though everyone felt the nervousness in the air.
They reached their destination and her eyes went wide. The house was almost as big as Castle Alexander’s main keep. The large façade looked out across the wide white pebbled lane and on either side of the road were torches. There was a circle green that the carriages pulled around to the front door, with its many steps, then went of to the stables.
From the house rich splendid music cascaded out and echoed around the green. People speaking in high accents and richly attired exited there carriages and walked up the stone stairs with noses held high in the air. The procession of pomp was almost funny, Holly thought.
Inside the music was louder, the air warmer, and the magnificence almost unbelievable. Paintings framed in gold, statues carved out of the whitest marble, chandeliers and candelabras overflowing with golden candles that filled the hall with light as it rebounded of the many mirrors everywhere was a breathtaking sight.
Once inside, Holly removed the dark cloak, herself in a completely white gown that had been embroidered with small pearls. She wore elbow length white gloves and in her hair was interwoven pearls throughout. Her face seemed angelic and even Orgile found himself catching his breath.
“Holly, you look nice this evening.” He said as he recovered.
“Well of course she does,” Mrs. Collins interrupted, “She has to. There are many eligible young men here tonight. And rich too.”
Holly only smiled but Rabb and Orgile both rolled their eyes at their mother’s usual outspokenness. The party entered the large hall. Everywhere there were people dancing and moving in motion to the music. At one end were tables and chairs and couches that people rested on as they watched the proceedings.
Holly danced the first dance with Mr. Collins as was the custom. As they danced they talked about the people, him showing her various people and giving her the gossip that came associated with them. Mr. Collins could name every person there, and tell you their intimate details, all except for one. A stranger in a long back coat that stood in the corner smoking a pipe.
As they finished, she bowed elegantly to her new father, then no sooner had she returned to her chair, than a hand was offered to her. She danced with the young gentleman, an officer quartered in town for the winter, and after that with another one, a young man who Mr. Collins had said was from the north country, visiting his aunt, the lady of the house.
And so the night went on. Each time Holly was barely seated she was again called to the dance floor. Finally, she was rescued by Orgile, who gave her his arm and escorted her to the punch table to get something to drink.
“My, it seems some one is the star of the ball this evening.” He said smiling, “Do you fancy any of your suitors?”
“No, not really. The nephew’s nose was too big and the officer’s wallet too small.” She joked.
“Oh, that’s a pity.” He said, turning to get some punch for himself as well, “It looks like you’ll be stuck with us then.”
“Well,” holly smiled, “Not for too long. Tinn is so bright, he figured out another way out of the house. I think I probably won’t be with you past the full moon.”
“What?’ he asked alarmed but composed, “But I, I thought you. I thought you liked it here. Here with all of us and the woods and the fields.”
“Yes, I like it very much, however, there is. There is something I must do. An old promise I made that must be fulfilled.” She said, with a far off look in her eyes.
“Oh, there’s someone else is there?” Orgile snorted.
“No.” Holly said blushing, “And yes.”
The evening wore on, with many more ‘suitors’ as Orgile had called them asking for Holly to dance. It was getting late, and few couples still danced. Holly had finally gotten a few moments of rest. Then the stranger walked up.
“Excuse me miss. I couldn’t help but notice your grace upon the dance floor. Would you permit me one dance before you retire for the evening?”
“Sure.” Holly said, getting up.
They both took their places on the dance floor. The soft sound of the cello being picked resonated with deep bass notes around the room. A lone violin played a vibrating solo as the two circled each other then changed direction, the stranger and Holly’s movements in perfect time. Then their left hands came together, open palm. Holly was very surprised that he knew this dance. There were few outside that did.
They continued flowing and moving across the large ballroom. No one else was dancing now, all captivated by the sight of the two bodies moving in unison. No one else had ever seen this dance. The musicians themselves weren’t sure where the melody was coming from, since none had ever heard it before, yet they played on, and in perfect harmony. As the two continue and the tempo picked up all were amazed.
A whisper began as someone recognized the stranger. He was the steward of the house of La Hestia. His master the duke was a very rich and powerful man, and all that worked for him were equally rich and powerful. Mrs. Collins sat whispering with some other townswomen about the prospect of her new daughter marrying such a fine man as the steward himself. Rabb and Orgile both simply stood back, leaning against the wall, arms cross. They didn’t like him one bit. And both tried to tell themselves it was for any other reason than that they had fallen in love with Holly.
After the dance, Holly felt a deep longing in her to go home. She had never felt such a longing in her life and she had traveled far many times. Yet, now, her heart would have returned home in an instant, forgetting everything, even Klaus, behind. But her mind told her to let go such foolishness. She had a mission. It would still be a while before she returned home. Not her home at Rosebough. Not her home in the Mountains. No, her real home.
The dance ended, almost as suddenly as it had started. Holly, under the spell of the man’s presence agreed to walk outside through the gardens with him. The two strolled on, past fountains, sculptures, and shrubbery. They came to a bench surrounded by white lilies and Holly sat down as he stood there, saying nothing. Then he spoke his voice was deep and solid, the way an oak tree might sound if it had a voice.
“Miss Holly. I take it you have been treated well in the Collins home?”
“Yes, very well thank you.”
“Good. You cannot think that I do not know you already have guessed at my asking you out here.”
“Actually sir, I am quiet in the dark.” Holly said with her best manners.
“I would have you as my wife.”
“What?” Holly said flabbergasted. All her etiquette and militant training suddenly left her drowning in a sea of mixed emotions.
“Come now, this cannot be such a surprise. With the amount of arranged marriages that still take place you must know that even though we have only now met it is still much more time together than most people get. I cannot say I love you, however you are the prettiest girl here, and the most graceful. Also, I can tell by your manner you are submissive. That is good. My previous wife was not and gave me much discomfort. But you, you will be better.”
“Sir. Please! I have not given you an answer yet! Please, go speak to Mr. Coll-my Father. And let me take time to consider your offer.”
“Oh, but this is no offer. I have already spoke to your father while you were getting punch. He has consented, and so has your mother Mrs. Collins. I see no reason why we cannot marry.”
“But I don’t love you!” Holly said rising.
“Since when has marriage had anything to do with love?” He asked scoffing.
“Please sir. Give me time. Let me at least go gather my things and say farewell to my sickly brother. I will come to you on the eve of the full moon.”
“Very well. You may leave, future wife.”
Holly felt sick to her stomach. She returned to the ball and Mr. and Mrs. Collins both looked eagerly and happily at her. She only smiled politely then excused herself. Rabb and Orgile saw immediately something was wrong. They followed her and called a coach for her when she refused to tell them, saying she felt very sick. Getting in with her the three rode in silence to Rosebough.
“He did what!” Exclaimed Tinn.
“He proposed. And asked Mr. and Mrs. Collins before he asked me, to make sure I couldn’t use them for an excuse.” Holly said as she gripped the bed sheet firmer, her knuckles turning white as she tried to swallow her rage. “That hateful man!”
“But he has given you time to stay and say farewell to me?” Tinn said smiling coyly as he thought.
“Yes, until the full moon. Why do you have a plan?”
“I might. But we will need everyone’s help.”
“Rabb, please will you help me?”
“Escape! Why do you want to leave us?” He asked, anger in his voice trying to hide his pain.
“I can’t tell you. Just listen, you and Orgile have to help us or else you may never see me again.”
“So, let me get this straight. If we don’t help you leave, we’ll never see you again, but if we do help you leave we will. That makes no sense!” he said turning away.
“Orgile, will you help.”
Orgile turned from his place at the window and looked at her, pain in his eye. Then he simply said in a monotone, “No.”
“Please, you have to help her or else he’s going to –” Tinn was cut off by Holly’s pointed glare.
“What? What aren’t you two telling us?” asked Rabb irritated.
“Holly, just tell them.” Tinn said with a sad look on his face.
“If I don’t escape in the next three days,” Holly finally said, “The steward of the Duke of Hestia will come and take me away as wife.”
“What! No! They can’t do that! I won’t let them!” Rabb yelled fiercely.
“We wouldn’t be able to stop them. There is nothing we could do.” Orgile said after much thought.
“How can you be so calm! There has to be something we can do!” Rabb yelled as his face became flushed.
“And what could you or I do? She’s our sister. We couldn’t marry her to protect her. We have no say over our mother and father’s word. All we can do is help her escape their clutches.” He said, and she thought she saw a tear in his eye.
“Fine. We’ll help you.” Rabb said, his voice breaking as he tried to keep back the emotion rising in his throat.
“Thank you. Both.” She said as she gave both a kiss on the cheek, then explained the plan to them.
The next day, a carriage pulled up. In it sat a figure, obscured by the shadow within. Holly was called for, dreading that it may be the Steward come early for his next wife. But as she came out, Mrs. Collins came to her and straightened her dress, pinching her cheeks to make them seem blushed and pushed a curl out of her eyes.
“Come Holly. Remember to smile, keep your head not too high or too low. There now, glide, glide. This is a great honor indeed. The Duke has come himself to asses you as the new Mistress of his steward and therefore of his household.”
Holly gulped as she went forward. She then decided that the whole business with the steward could be easily avoided if she made sure the Duke knew her for her true self. So she walked forward straight and squarely, not pretending to glide at all, to Mrs. Collins’ horror.
“So, you’re the Duke?” She said confrontationally.
The figure nodded.
“And he’s your steward?”
Another nodd.
“Well, then let me tell you. Sir, I cannot believe you would bargain with a girl’s parents as if she were a piece of meat hanging in a market! You should be ashamed of yourself! And come here to watch me and give your approval. Even if I did love the steward, which I do not, and even if I were willing to marry him, which I am not, we would than not need your approval sir! There is something in this world much more powerful than your power and that is love itself, whose strong bonds even you must be bound by!”
“Your Highness, please the girl is tired after a long day of knitting and knows not to whom she speaks. Please a moment.” Mrs. Collins said then turning to Holly she gave her a wicked frown.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“Telling the Duke exactly what I think of him!”
“You would ruin all chances of securing a good marriage? Foolish girl!”
“I follow my heart on issues as serious as marriage.”
“Don’t you know that when word gets around of your behavior no man will come near you for a hundred miles! Don’t you know-” But she was interrupted by the Steward.
“I am sorry madam, but I must withdraw my request for your daughter’s hand.”
“No, please, sir. She is ill. That is all. She is truly the sweetest and gentlest girl you shall ever meet.”
“Even so, I cannot marry her anymore.” Mrs. Collins was about to turn on Holly with a scowl when he finished, “It appears she has captured the heart of my master.”
“Oh! Really?” Mrs. Collins was shocked beyond words.
“Yes. He says he will come for her on the evening of the full moon.”
“Very good sir. Thank you.”
And with that the carriage rattled off. As the black smudge moved further away, all that one could see was the solitary white lily on the back of the carriage. Holly however lowered her gaze as she came under the hail of Mrs. Collins’ reproaches for speaking so plainly. She later told everything to Tinn, and for the first time in a long time had a good cry.
“There, there. It’ll be okay.” He said as he patted her hand. “Well, go through with the plan, though a few hours earlier. That way when he gets here, we can use his commotion to draw attention away while you make the run for the woods.”
“Thanks Tinneas.” Holly smiled through her tears.
“Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for, and believe me Holly, here you are surrounded by friends.”
Outside in the hallway, a figure was listening. He had heard everything. He knew everything. Now he had to act on what he knew. And he knew he had to make the decision now. And he did. He made the decision and did what he knew he had to do.
End Chapter
Rar! This was one of those chapters that I really didn't write, it just flowed from my pen, er, I mean my keyboard. I am very pleased with the way it came out. By the way, I'm thinking I want to up everyone's ages a bit. Do you think making Holly and Ivan 16 and Klaus 17 is too old? Let me know! I might even put up a quick little poll for it.
well, until my next post. It'll probably be another book review before I post Klaus' next part just because there is some editing problems I'm having with his story. Basically its just way too long and I need to cut somethings out (like I did with Chapter 10).
Until Then.
14 years ago
Awesome job! I think you depicted the life of a young girl from this era very well. I really enjoyed the conflict between Holly's tomboyish self and the demands placed on her to become a "lady." I thought it showed true character in Holly that she didn't spend all her time being stubbornly rebellious against etiquette because it was "just not her." Instead took the opportunity to learn while still remaining true to herself. Well done.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I was confused about was, Bron. It feels like he was not explained to his full potential and that many of his actions go without explanation. Why did he turn Holly in? Why does him seem so mysterious? What is going on in his heart and his mind? Basically, as a reader I feel like he is still a stranger, that I don't actually know him (unlike most of your characters). But, perhaps this is premature and you plan to reveal his purpose in the coming chapters.
Also, the whole Holly being proposed to seemed so sudden and almost out of place. I realize you might have done this on purpose for effect but as a reader I felt it was ... unrealistic. Even so, I do know that this was a common occurrence of the day but to help it flow more smoothly you might consider adding more of Mrs. Collins' hopes for Holly's marriage, or talk of other young girls being proposed to by strangers and expected to marry without love (it could be another subject Holly is introduced to about the treatment of women that irritates her)
I am very interested to seeing where you will take this story. You are an extremely gifted and I look forward to reading more. Keep up the good work South African!