Saturday, July 19, 2008

Character Ages Changed!

So the polls are in and they turned out nicely. It looks like there was a large enough vote in each to adequately represent the various opinions. So here are my decisions based off the feedback I so love.

Klaus will now be 16 and as the story progresses will celebrate his 17th birthday.

Holly will be 16 as well, though she will not age a full year during the story.

Ivan will be 15 and wll celebrate his 16th birthday as the story progresses.

There, and therefore accoridng to these changes:

Liam is still 18/19
Bella is still 8
Bron and Tinneas are 14
Tirs is about 9
Rabb is around 16
Orgile is just 19
Alexis is about 17
Edric is then 16
Dare looks 17/18
Jack, Coniglio, and Wick are all 14/15
Dale and Tal are both 12/13
Tethys looks 23, acts 55, is 18.

Um, let's see. That should be everyone. I think this change is for the better. I was actually seeing the main characters these ages in my mind, but was forcing myself to make them younger. And so because they were younger I had to adjust everyone else' age to match theirs.

Almost done with chapter 13. I'll probably have it up by Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. all the ages look great. Thats about how I was picturing them.
    I would have never guessed that Tethys was 18. That is so cool!

    Can't wait for the next chapter.
