Chapter 7
The train whistle woke the three friends. They looked about them and were astonished to find themselves all in a hayloft. The door in front of them opened to reveal a bustling train depot. They were in the empty cattle cart at the back of a train. The three hurried out before someone found them
“Where are we?” Asked Klaus in amazement.
“Welcome to the city of Yulleton.” Said a friendly boy sitting on a pile of luggage from the train. “Where you come from? Giv or Hestia?”
“Alexandria, actually.” Ivan said as they all stood on the platform.
“Wowzie! How’d you do that?” He asked getting off and shaking each hand.
“We took the Caeling Express.” Said Holly suspiciously.
“What! None who board the Phantom Train ever leave it.” He said backing off, then run away and disappeared in the crowd. Ivan reached into his pocket to grab his spectacles when he realized they were gone.
“Did I give either of you my specs?” He asked confused.
“No, I don’t…hey wait where’s Alexis’ ring?” Holly said checking her dress.
“I think that kid we just saw was a pickpocket.” Klaus said ruefully.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to describe the city to me then.” Said Ivan.
“Where to start?” Holly said looking around, “Okay so we’re on the platform of the main station. Across from us there’s a plaza surrounded by tall buildings with ornamental statues and flags.”
“It looks like there are small little stores at the base of the buildings and archways built into the sides of the buildings that lead to more plazas.” Klaus said squinting.
“Wow it sounds great. I wish I had my glasses to see it all.” Ivan said disappointedly.
“Well, we’re not here for the view anyway.” Holly said stepping down from the platform and onto the cobblestones. “We’re here to find Bella and Aconite.”
A light drizzle had begun to fall on the three as they went from shop to shop in the main square. Tall stone buildings rose up all around the plaza in the center six lines of small cart vendors had set up their goods and wares for the day. No one had seen either Bella or Aconite.
The day was miserable, the drizzle chilled them to the bone, and the sun was lowering behind the tall buildings, while the city was beginning to fill with the blue light of dusk. They saw a figure pull back behind a yellow lit curtain. Going up to the door they knocked. A woman answered. She seemed nervous. As they described Bella she kept looking from side to side. Suddenly she slammed the door shut.
“Hello there. Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Came the menacing voice. They turned around to see four men in black uniforms in front of them. Klaus dodged to the side to run but the heavy curmudgeon came down hard on the back of his head.
The intense white light was everywhere again. Klaus knew he must be unconscious from the blow he got. Then he sat up on the glass bed, it slowly retracted and changed into a chair. He sat there for a while, then realized that there was singing coming from somewhere in the glass room.
As he tried hearing it, trying hard to reach beyond the walls, he realized the room began expanding. He stopped and the room shrank back again. Turing his attention to the music again he saw the room grow again. Then a star appeared in front of him. It was light blue and seemed to hover for a few seconds, then a strange thing happened.
Glass filaments grew up from the ground and wrapped around the star, until it had taken the form of a glass griffin around the star. Then the star glowed and filled the image with light. The next moment it was there, for real, standing, breathing, in the flesh in front of Klaus.
“Welcome to Stoken.” Said the kindly griffin. “The soldiers found you just before I did, otherwise this would all have been prevented. However, you will meet me face to face very soon.”
“What is this glass room place?” Klaus asked, finally having someone who looked like he may have some answers.
“You mean to tell me they never informed you? They didn’t given you any instructions?” He asked with a worried look on his face. “In that case your stay here in Stoken may be longer than I originally anticipated.”
“What do you mean?” Klaus asked confused.
“You will see very soon. For now, follow your instincts about people and choices. They should do a fair job of guiding you in the direction that you should go.”
And with that the griffin melted away and the star flew off. Klaus was all alone again. He lay down on the chair and it transformed back into a bed. He closed his eyes in the glass room and opened them in the real world at the same time.
Klaus awoke to the sound of a thick, Irish voice, “There now little one. You’ve no need to fret. Soon ye’ll be up on your feet.”
Klaus sat up and looked around groggily at the two sleeping figures next to him. The woman who was obviously a maid of some sort kept talking.
“Well, you were asking for that knock running away from the martial like that. And let me tell you, you are lucky it was only a knock. I’ve seen the martial use that an’ ‘tain’t a perty sight. Now your friends they went along nice and easy after all the ruckus. But then, don’t think anyone would cross the martial after seeing such a pristine specimen of manliness in action. Why last summer he single handedly…:”
“I’m sorry to interrupt but where are we?” Klaus asked holding his aching head and sitting up in the wooden cot.
“Why, bless your souls you three are in the Dancing Duck Inn.” She said motioning to the warm, timbered room with its single dark bed, old green linen, and small fireplace. Outside the window Klaus could see they were opposite end of the city and that the Hall of Judgment was across the plaza from them.
“Yep, that’s the place where you three will be going tomorrow. The judge has allowed you to stay here for the night until your parents can be summoned. Then they will begin to sort out your case.” She said matter-of-factly as she put away her bandages and medical supplies.
“Wait, what case?” Klaus asked confused.
“Ask your friends. I already explained it to them. It aint like I’m the type of person to jammer on all day long. Gots duties to perform ya know.” She said with an indignant tone, then she was gone.
Klaus sat by the roaring fire his pounding headache subsiding bit by bit. Finally he woke Ivan who then sat by the fire with him and explained what had happened while Klaus had been unconscious.
“We were charged with twelve felonies, eight misdemeanors, and two cases of blatant contempt for the law. Sorry, that last bit about the contempt was my fault.”
“But we didn’t do anything wrong!” Klaus said angrily.
Ivan gave a big sigh as he closed his tired eyes, “This whole place is crazy. They have so many rules and regulations it is impossible not to break one. Especially if you don’t know any of them. We’re gonna need a good lawyer.”
Klaus sank into the chair frustrated by the new development. How were they supposed to find Bella if they were in prison. Outside the din of carriages, horses, and steam whistles mixed in the night air with conversations of vagrants, gentlemen, pickpockets, and merchants. Night may have come but the city was still teaming with life, an endless sea of tall black gentlemen and extravagant feathered ladies’ hats all bobbing along like rivers among the tall lamps that had been lit for the evening.
As Klaus looked he saw a young man dressed very finely in a light blue overcoat and wearing a beige hat staring up at their window. Their eyes met and Klaus felt like he knew him somehow. He beckoned Ivan over but when Ivan got there the mysterious man had disappeared in the crowd.
The next day the three were escorted by more officers to the Hall of Judgment. It was a large room made of green, white-veined, marble and fitted with dark mahogany. On one end sat the judge. On his left sat the marshal and the lady who had opened the door for them. The three were placed at the opposite side, on the judge’s right. Across from the judge the room widened and there were many rows of chairs for the many lawyers that were coming.
Then out of nowhere the blue coated man from the previous night walked in and sat next to Klaus, Ivan, and Holly.
“All rise, the High Judge of the City is ready to hear your cases. Present case number 9,742,075,453,154 million.”
“Have the parents and or guardians of the youth’s been notified? Why are they not in court?” The judge demanded.
A nearby clerk ran up and whispered a long string of babble in the judge’s floppy old ear. The words ‘nobody’, ‘orphans’, and ‘alone’ could clearly by distinguished from the whispered reply.
“Then who will represent these youths?” The Judge called to the many lawyers sitting among the benches.
“I will, your Justness.” Said the man in the blue coat.
“Well, I hope for their sake that you have some experience. Though, your youth would suggest otherwise. How old are you anyway?”
“Eighteen, your Justness. And not to worry. I have almost no experience.” He replied smiling.
“Let it be known that the accused are charged with…” the marshal began.
Two days later the three lay groaning with their heads on the table. They had finally finished the list of accusations. It would have gone a lot quicker, though for every item it had taken hours of debate by the many rows of lawyers before a proper wording for each offense was decided on. Then once the wording was decided on the judge called a recess until the next day.
The three walked down the marble steps out of the Hall of Judgment towards the Dancing Duck Inn accompanied by the man in blue who talked as they walked.
“Well I think after two days together it’s about time I introduced myself.” He said smiling and giving a flourishing bow. “My name is Liam Gwaylen. At your service.”
“I’m Ivan. This is Klaus and Holly.” Ivan said shaking Liam’s hand.
“Well, it’s very nice to make all of your acquaintances, I’m sure. However, I do wish it had been under different circumstance.” Liam said as they came to the Inn.
“My good woman!” He called the Innkeeper’s maid, “Here, the youths will be staying here a few more days.” He said as he tossed her a bag that had money in it.
Immediately the scowl on her face was replaced with a bright smile as she went about preparing their dinner. They sat at the rough wood table and talked while they waited for her to finish. Klaus told of their adventure so far, with Liam only interrupting to ask for clarification.
“So you see. We need to find Bella.” Holly finished.
“Yes indeed. What if I told you that I believe she may be in more danger than you think.” He said then motioned for them to follow him. They left the steaming bowls of food on the table and walked down to the square. From behind them they could see the officers who were following them to keep an eye on them.
“Luckily it’s located right here on the western part of the square.” Liam said as they followed him to a large rotunda like building made of white marble with large winged lions carved above the oaken doors.
“What is this place?” Asked Klaus intrigued by the strange place.
“This is the Library of Arts and Magic.” Liam said, and immediately he and everyone else was knocked over by Ivan’s crazed dash for the doors. He was dismayed to find no doorknob or handle.
“Here let me help you.” Holly said smiling.
She placed her hand between two intricate carvings on the door. At that moment Ivan and Klaus both saw that the space between the two was shaped like a hand. At her gentle touch the carvings began to glow and then the doors opened with a creak.
“This place is incredible!” Ivan gasped as he watched the flames of torches light magically throughout the structure.
Everywhere there were paintings, sculptures, and many many books. It was a collection of the greatest works of art throughout history and every single spell and incantation ever utter by humans and even the ones by nonhumans. In the very middle was a large stone and carved on it was a simple pictograph of a bird.
“The first artwork of mankind.” Liam said as they passed it.
They continued walking past scrolls that looked Egyptian and Greek and seemed to have some slight fire damage. Then they passed a circle of seven statues surrounding a purple sword in a strange triangular stone. Finally they reached their destination.
It was a small dark closet.
“This is it?” Asked Klaus, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, this is it. If you’ll follow me, we need to find an important painting.” Liam said as he entered with a candle.
At the back of the small closet was a panel that moved to the side that led down a flight of stairs. At the bottom they found themselves in a large cavern under the city, full of all sorts of mixed up things. Painted on an old dusty sign was the word “Storage”.
“How are we suppose to find anything in this place?” Asked Holly frustrated.
“Watch.” Said Liam smiling, the raising his voice, “Will the painting “A Portrait of Two Princesses at Age One” please come forward.”
Immediately there was a rattling from behind a stack of paintings. Finally, the painting that was moving dislodged it self and flew across the cavern. When it reached them it hovered in mid air in front of them. It had a portrait of two small chubby babies in small dresses sitting on a couch.
“Thank you.” Liam said, “Now, if you please, age the eldest by fourteen years and the younger by seven.”
Everyone’s eyes went wide at what they saw. The eldest princess grew before they eyes into Queen Alexis of Alexandria. However, the youngest one was what caused them all to gape, because the youngest one slowly changed and became their Bella.
“Just as I suspected. Bella is in fact Alexandra of Alexandria, the lost princess. She was thought dead for many years. It was said that one of the princesses would be the key to unlocking the treasure of the woods.” Liam said breathlessly. “That is why both have been the target of witches for many years.”
“What’s this treasure everyone keep stalking about? Laburnum mentioned it too.” Ivan said, confused.
“I’ll explain at a more opportune time. Right now, we must leave quickly. Speed is of the essence.”
They followed Liam out of the cavern and up the stairs and out of the building. Once back at the Dancing Duck they all ate the cold food and prepared for bed as they watched Liam write hurriedly in a very elegant and curved script. He finished it off by sealing it with his ring.
“There that’s done. Once the judge sees this you will all be pardoned.” Liam said exhaustion showing on his face. “Now get some sleep.”
Klaus, Holly, and Ivan sat nervously in court, the bright sun coming in through the large windows of the Hall of Judgment. Next to them, was Liam’s letter, but he wasn’t there. They had woken up to find him gone. They had waited as long as possible and sent someone to find him but it was too late. They had to go to court without him.
“Where is the advocate of the youths?” Asked the Judge in his blaring tone.
“Your Justness…” Holly began but was interrupted by the Judge.
“Why are you speaking girl? Are your gentlemen friends not able to?”
“Yes, they are.” Holly said grinding her teeth.
“Well then, sit down and don’t worry yourself with the affairs of men!” He said demandingly.
Holly sat without a word but her glare spoke volumes. Klaus stood up awkwardly and handed the letter to the clerk. The clerk passed it to the bailiff who passed it to the secretary who passed it to the lawyer who then passed it to the Judge. He opened it and read the contents, his face a picture of surprise. He quickly checked the letter’s front and saw the seal on it. Then stammering, he quickly regained his composure.
“Well, it seems you have all been pardoned.”
The three friends hugged each other with relief at the good news. The lawyers all crowded around and the court was filled with general clamor as everyone tried to get their hands on the letter and found out what it said. However the jubilation was short lived.
“There is still the matter of your guardianship!” The Judge’s voice rang out above the crowd.
“What?” Asked Ivan confused.
“Yes.” The Judge smiled maliciously. “We can’t have three children roaming the streets and getting in further trouble. Now let’s see. Ivan step forward.”
He peered at him for a few seconds over the top of his spectacles, then searched through his pile of papers. Finding what he was looking for, he handed it to the bailiff and then pronounced.
“You look like you have the bearings of a seaman. You will be sent to the Naval Academy in New Firplice.” He said and summoned in two naval officers that each took an arm and dragged him out.
“Klaus! Holly! Help me!” But it was too late and he was gone.
“Next, let me see. Next we have Holly. Well, since you seem to have no etiquette and breeding we’ll have to send you somewhere where you can get some. There may still be hope for you in securing a profitable marriage yet. I’m placing you in the care of the Collins family in Giv. They owe a debt of service to the court. You are hereby officially adopted by them.”
Before she could even say anything she was escorted out by several guards. So only Klaus was left. He was aware of his heartbeat picking up pace now that he was all alone without his friends in the court. The judge picked up the note and then said,
“You boy, are lucky. Your destination has already been decided. You will become the apprentice to Larson the Apothecary. That is my final ruling.”
He beat the gravel twice and the court was dismissed.
The three friends felt like they would never see each other again. Ivan walked down to the harbor and boarded a ship with several other boys that looked frightened and hopeless. The ship set sail as the dusk breezes picked up and the stars began to peak out of the colored sky. Holly was placed in an armored and guarded carriage that set off for Giv. It made its way out of the city and into the countryside. Klaus was walked down the steps of the court looking around at the setting sun and the tall buildings, plumes of dark smoke rising from the many chimneys.
“You must be the young master that’s being sent to the apothecary.” Said a short man in a leather apron and a large straw hat.
“Yes.” Klaus answered absent mindedly.
“Good, good. I’m Larson the Apothecary.” He introduced himself.
Then the two set off down the winding streets, Larson explaining the situation to Klaus as the sun breathed color into the twilight sky. As they walked the city changed from day to night. Shops closed and street officers came by with long torches to light the many lamps. The sound of music came from many of the halls and the city seemed now more than ever to be teaming with life. But Klaus didn’t feel that way. He felt numb with the realization he was all alone. Had he made a mistake in trusting Liam? If not, where was he when they all needed him most?
14 years ago
Very interesting! So you split them up huh? Awesome!
ReplyDeleteThat was an amazing chapter!! You paint the picture that you want the reader to picture very well. But for some silly reason of mine when you were describing the town with all the shoppes and people, in my mind I pictured ZELDA haha. I like the name Liam ;) but is the name Larson the same Lars that I suggested??
ReplyDeleteI am sad that you split the characters up but it does help the reader to picture the three as actuall individuals and I can't wait to read each of there stories.
Great chapter very interesting as Laurel said. Are you going to have more with Liam in it. . . he seems very strange, I'm excited. Great Job!!
Erika :)
P.S. Derrick was home for the weekend and he says hi.