A lymrical ballad about the Goodship Fearless. Don't know where the inspiration for this one came from, but here it is. :)
The Last Voyage of the Fearless
The morn was fresh and fill of life,
The sky was clear and showed no strife,
And at the great dock,
The whole town did flock,
The tension could be cut with a knife.
The Goodship Fearless, aptly named,
Filled her sails with winds untamed,
Her crew were all brave,
And none feared the wave,
Above all, her captain’s deeds were famed.
She set sail for the earth’s great end,
At such great speed that her mast did bend,
Ere her tmbers did break,
She left far in her wake,
The wondr’s city which her did send.
And what did they seek you may rightly ask,
To undertake such a perilous task,
Their goal was clear,
They showed no fear,
For they sought the immortal mask.
There on the farthest shores of land,
In pagan temples built on white sand,
They braved all trails,
And trekked many miles,
But finally had the mask in hand.
The captain set sail on the eve’n’s gust,
And all seemed to favor their cause as just,
But sea is wild,
When she is riled,
And like fools they gave her their trust.
Not long after Sol’s last gleam had gone,
A terrible dread filled everyone,
As waves came strong,
Winds joined the throng,
And everyman regretted what he had done.
The winds and the waves and lightning too,
Picked off sailors, but there was nothing to do.
The storm did rage,
The sea uncaged,
Ate every hand an’ officer on the crew.
One man remained, still gripping the wheel,
Ropes had snapped, the ocean tore at the keel,
The Captain grinned,
His body pinned,
Placed the mask on prow as he kneeled.
And so, the ship, now immortal made,
Sailed ever on, the price it paid,
For all eternity,
To battle the sea,
Two opponents doomed never to fade.
14 years ago
Wow... a talented writer AND poet! This is an outstanding poem on so many different levels; style, rhyming scheme, content, creativity, vocabulary, and coherency. Absolutely fantastic!