Here you go. The next chapter. This one was probably the hardest to write so far, just because of juggling diffrent charcter emotions, and the fact that I'm so tired but decided I wanted to finish it by tonight. Did I ever mention you guys are great? Because of you, I am pressed into writing, even when I don;t feel like it, and that causes me to perservere through it all. You know, I was actually about to trhow teh story out completely until you guys all came along and encouraged me, so thank you. Anyway, i know you're probably anxious to get to the next part so here you go. :)
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
“Bella!” called Ivan as he hurtled through the door.
Laburnum spun around and shot him against the doors with a thud. Then she waved her hand across the room and several long pointed ornamental spears dislodged from the walls. They floated and at her command they buried themselves with a dull, sickening thud in the trap door.
Klaus’ eyes went wide as he saw the spear protruding from Burt’s waist. As he reached for the weapon, he saw Burt cough and sit up. He smiled pulling the spear out, revealing the bent metal point.
“That was close. Luckily those were just the ornamental spears and not the actual guard ones.” He said wiping his brow.
“Um, C-captain.” One of the other soldiers stammered as he peaked through one of the holes made by the spears, “I-I think she heard Burt!”
“Everybody, up the shaft!” Klaus called as he shoved soldiers up one by one.
Then it was just the Captain, Burt, and Klaus left. Burt scampered up the Captain’s shoulders but then fell down on top of the trap door. Klaus helped him up just as the witch threw the real spears. The three were fast but not fast enough and one of the spears found its mark.
Bella appeared in a poof of white smoke outside by the cauldrons. The soldiers dressed as maids immediately leapt forward swords drawn, ready to protect her. They formed a wall in front of her to begin the charge.
Laburnum heard the commotion from behind her and swung around, her fat swinging back and forth from the sudden motion. Her eyes flashed as she lay eyes on Bella behind the group of maid-soldiers. She ran towards the group, and then a strange thing happened.
One moment she was running, her stubby legs a blur, and then the next she was in the air above them, having launched herself like a toad. She sailed over them, and then came down like a ton of bricks. The ground cracked in concentric circles where she landed and her whole body jiggled with lard.
Now there was no one in her way, no one to stop her from reaching Bella. From behind the group of confused soldiers, Holly and Alexis came limping out trying to catch sight of what was going on. They saw her reach down, and Bella’s whole body go limp under her touch.
Klaus and Burt helped the Captain out of the shaft. He had been hit, but all he did was clench his teeth in anger as he thought about the witch. They found the rest of the group waiting at the top. Then running they made their way to the courtyard.
“Burt stay here with the Captain. He needs to rest.” Klaus ordered.
“What! No way! That witch is gonna pay for this!” The Captain yelled and grabed a nearby spear.
“B-but captain!” Burt stammered.
“And I’ll do the same to you too if try and stop me!” He said growling. “The Queen needs me. That’s all there’s to it!”
Holly was supporting Alexis as they came out of the building into the courtyard. Soldiers dressed as maids were trying to advance on the witch, who was keeping her ground, and who held the limp girl.
“Laburnum! Give the girl! Your quarrel isn’t with her!” Holly called. “If you give us Bella, we’ll let you go. Otherwise you will be annihilated.”
“Big vords for vone so small!” She cackled
The Holly noticed how pale Bella looked. As realization struck her she raised her sword and called to the soldiers to make a way. Stepping foreward she could feel her own pulse pounding through her brain from the adrenaline. This was it.
“Come on witch. If you think you have what it takes to defeat me.” Her voice dripped with contempt.
“Dhont make me laugh!” She called back.
Holly quickly checked to make sure neither Klaus or Ivan was around. Then she ran forward, launched herself off of a nearby statue, flew through the air doing a triple flip. She landed crouched like a cat, sword ready, eyes burning with anger standing in the way of Laburnum.
“Like I was saying witch! You’ll have to go through me first!”
Klaus and the regiment were running through the hallways when they came to the upper clerestory windows that looked down to the courtyard. Seeing what was going on he quickly had the soldiers line up and get their bows and arrows ready. He saw the limp, pale, Bella and knew what he had to do.
“Bows to the ready!” He called, then gave command back over to the Captain.
He stepped up on the window sill, then began climbing down a rose trellis on the side of the building. He was fed up with getting lost in the maze like Castle. It looked like Holly needed his help. She stood alone in the way of the witch.
Ivan sat up coughing. His ribs ached and his head felt like someone was drumming on the left side. When he stood up, he felt the nausea sweep over him from the blow. Using the wall as support he walked out of the building into the courtyard. From the top of the steps he saw the whole scene and he could scarcely believe what was happening.
From high up in the clerestory windows, the Captain yelled fire, and a volley of arrows flew down towards Laburnum… and Bella! What were they thinking! They would hit the witch and Bella too. However his fears were short lived. The witch pointed her finger at the arrows and they kept flying as candy canes, shattering as they hit the ground. She caught one midair and swallowed it whole, magic crackling on her lips.
Then she pointed her finger at one of the side walls and it transformed into soft white angel food cake, which then buckled and broke from the weight of the surrounding towers. A large gaping hole was now in the side of the castle wall.
Raising her chubby stump like fingers to her mouth she whistled sharply. From far away a squealing, snorting sound could be heard. Then like a mudslide, a large horde of brown and tan wild boars came stampeding into the castle. There were probably thirty total and they were all pulling a single fur lined chariot.
Laburnum, still carrying the limp girl, stepped into the chariot. The boars were busy consuming the remnants of the cake wall. Laburnum chuckled as she said, “Dhat is gud. Feed my cheeldren. Feed und return to me de power.”
“Laburnum!” Yelled Holly as she and Klaus both advanced from one side of the witch. “Give us the girl! You have no use for her!”
“Hahaha! Yous tink you knows everyting Treedweller! Ha, yous know nuting! I hav de girl! I hav de key! Soon I vhil hav the treesure und den unlimeeted power!”
Then she whipped her boars and in a churning of squeals, snorts, and cackles she disappeared through the hole in the wall. Ivan’s eyes went wide as he watched her go. Klaus and holly seemed to be in a state of shock, so looking around he saw the table close to him rested on a single support. He jumped on the one end, sending everything on the table flying like a catapult at Laburnum.
Laburnum was barely out of the hole in the wall when the table's contents landed on her and the boars, who immediatly stopped to begging eating. Whiping the food of her face and clothes she yelled and shot small bolts of magic behind teh animals to get thme miving again.
“Come on! What are you waiting for! She has Bella! We have to go after her!” iavn called urgently as he saw she was getting away.
“Take it easy Ivan.” Klaus said as he lay down on the grass.
“How can you two just sit there!”
At this Holly and Klaus both laughed and then she replied, “Because we know something that you and Lubrunum don’t know.”
Laburnum was still going fast, the castle now a small white smudge on the horizon, when she noticed something funny. Stopping the chariot she looked at the unconscious young girl. She poked her in her side and the girl cooed. Stepping back Laburnum grabbed the spear she had with her and threw it at the girl, who then suddenly transformed into a dove and flew away.
Laburnum zapped the dove before it got too far, changing it into a chocolate statue of a dove. Messily biting into the soft chocolate she glared at the far off castle. She had been tricked, by that good for nothing white witch. No matter, she would have her revenge. She looked down at a baor that had begun eating at her dress' edge, covered in gingerbread crumbs. The magic crackled on her lips as she licked them before pointing her finger to the sky and yelling,
“Anon ost et carn vethmal!
Anon verd et lyth bethmal!
Ami dicto omnia morpho!
Zingiber pane de sucrito!”
“Milady. I am sorry. I have failed you.” The Captain said as he and his men returned into the courtyard full of weary warriors.
“No, everyone is safe now. That’s all that matters.” She said raising his bowed head.
“Um, we may not be out of the woods just yet.” Holly said, pointing to the sky.
A foul voice was upon the wind. Ominous looking clouds were beginning to circle over the castle, the wind picking up speed and the clouds circling faster and faster as lighting flashed across the sky. A strange orange hue seemed to pervade the atmosphere, evidence that the sun had risen behind the smoky black clouds.
“Everyone out of the castle! Now!” Klaus called as he ran to the stable to grab the cart.
The soldiers were all on horse back and the group was in Aconite’s cart as they evacuated the castle. The ride was bumpy and Ivan’s spectacles were knocked off. He found them, cleaned them on his short and then held them up to see of there were any scratches. He was facing backward and he was the first to see it.
“Guys!” he said pointing towards the sky.
Alexis turned and saw it too. Long, thin, wispy tendrils of orangey brown mist was reaching down slowly enveloping the castle. Where ever they touched the structure it changed into gingerbread, the curse spreading until the entire castle was transformed. Alexis gasped as she saw her home, her childhood, her memories begin to buckle under its own weight. Then she heard it.
“Everyone listen! Do you here that!” She asked silencing the chatter.
“Yes! The spell! It must be on the wind!” Ivan said excitedly.
“It’s a curse. A curse on the land, the castle, and the people.” Alexis said as she heard the whisperings on the wind.
“The curse! It’s coming this way!” yelled Klaus pointing towards the spreading browness on the edge of the castle walls slowly seeping into the nearby field.
“Well, if it’s on the castle and the land we need to get off of the land.” Holly said determined as she veered off the road towards the western road.
“We can go to the Winter Manor.” Alexis said, “That’s where I had the people evacuated to. Technically it’s beyond the boundaries of Alexandria. Follow the river; it’ll lead you to the manor.”
The group continued, but as they went on, they passed several people who were still on their way to the manor. Some had gotten lost, other’s had lost wheels on carts, while some just had too many children to travel fast. The soldiers on horses were soon galloping back and forth taking the stragglers to the Manor. They took more and more on each trip but still there seemed to be more people left over each time.
Meanwhile the curse wave was getting closer. Where ever it went it changed houses and buildings, stone and plants into gingerbread. Ivan saw the soldiers and their horses were getting tired and soon would not be able to make another trip. Then the cart pulled up to the Winter Manor.
It was in the middle of a large lake, sitting on a somewhat large island in the middle of the bright blue water. A floating bridge connected it to the mainland. People were on various portions of the swaying bridge trying desperately to get to the island as word spread quickly of what was coming behind them. The soldiers were bringing back the last of the people and helped them on the bridge when they saw an elderly woman with a group of small children struggling up the path.
“Come on!” the wounded Captain said hoping on a horse. He led his soldiers out and they all swooped up a child. Then they rode back as the magic was literally crackling behind the horses hoofs. The Captain kept pressing his horse to go faster. They had to make it. He felt like time stood still as he realized what he had to do. He motioned to his soldiers who all new what he meant and nodded in agreement.
They all threw the children from rider to rider, until they reached the captain at the lead, whose horse was still fresh. He rode ahead and threw them into the river’s water, where they were quickly carried to the lake and fished out by villagers. Then whipping his horse he raced ahead of the rest until he came to the bridge. He got off his horse when he reached the bridge. Then taking Alexis he placed her on the bridge next to Holly, stepped off, and severed the ropes connecting the bridge to the land. It drifted off as he saluted to his Queen.
“Captain!” Alexis yelled and Holly had to hold her back from jumping into the water as tears streamed down her face.
Everyone watched as the wave of magic broke on the soldiers and their horses, all of whom had lain down on the ground to brace themselves. The magic kept coming then seemed to hit an invisible wall when it reached the shoreline. The people rejoiced laughing and clapping that they were saved, but the small group at the end of the bridge all bowed their heads as they looked back on the brown figures lying on the ground, tears flowing down many faces.
Laburnum felt the magic stop leaving her body and seemed to twitch suddenly to the side as she slumped against the side of the chariot. Getting up she breathed heavily as she cackled at the sight. The entire land of Alexandria lay under her curse. However her cackle turned into a scream as she noticed her fingertips.
Her nails began turning a deathly hue and slowly they petrified into solid stone. She began hyperventilating as she saw the stone spread slowly like grey veins running across her fingers. Running back to the other side of the road where a few houses stood on the path, she unhinged her jaw and began consuming the buildings, animals, and crops that had turned to gingerbread. She even ate the family cat.
Panting as she struggled to swallow the sticky, sweet mess she wiped her dirty face and looked at her hands. The stone veins had stopped and began to slowly draw back until it was just her nails thathad the unearthly grey color. She breathed a sigh of relief. Getting back into her chariot she set off to find Aconite. Too long had this sword hung over her head. She was going to get the girl one way or another.
As the bridge bobbed and swayed the last villagers got off at the island. The group still stood watching the land, none wanting to move. It was Holly who finally spoke.
“They all knew what they were doing. They gave their lives for their Queen, their people, and their honor. Let us honor their memory by fulfilling their duty. We must protect the people. They are still in danger of Laburnum.”
“Wait.” Klaus said pointing to the shoreline. “I. I think the Captain’s breathing!”
Klaus jumped into the water and waded out to the shore. Everyone watched as he approached the brown outline of a man. Coming up out of the water, he walked over to the Captain.
“Captain. Are you alright?” he asked getting down on his knees.
“Of course I’m alright! Turn me over!” He said agitatedly.
Nearby Burt could be heard sniffing, “That was so beautiful. I hope someday when I really do die someone says nice things like that about me for real.”
This was accompanied by a chorus of laughter and chuckles from the other soldiers. On board the bridge Holly, Alexis, and Ivan dried their tears. Then they jumped into the water too, wading to the shore.
When they got there everyone stepped out of the water except the Queen. They ran up and helped Klaus turn the Captain over. Klaus looked sharply at Ivan who started laughing when he saw the Captain’s face. It was still like a regular face, but now it was bald, dark brown, and smelled of ginger spice.
“Hey you think this is funny!” Why I ought to…” But the Captain could barely even move his neck.
Holly turned the Captain so he could face the queen, and went off to help the others to gather the rest of the fallen soldiers and bring them to the shore. The captain and the queen talked for a while until everyone was back. Then the Queen turned to address the soldiers.
“You have all done more than you needed. And I could never ask for anything more. Thank you my friends, my protectors, proud soldiers of Alexandria. You have saved us all.” She said bowing, then continued, “And now, I will knight all of you personally that everyone may know of your great honor, bravery, and loyalty.”
“Your majesty.” Burt said, surprisingly eloquent all of a sudden, “If you step on land you’ll be cursed too. We could never let you do that on our account.”
“For far too long, you and the people have had no real Queen. While I have played Princess the people have been starved, enslaved, and cursed. But no more! From this day on, you will have a Queen. A true Queen.”
And saying this she stepped on the shore and was immediately engulfed by swirling writhing tendrils of magic, which when passed revealed her to all, transformed. She was now too, just like them, a gingerbread person. However in her willing sacrifice something happened. The soldiers felt power enter their bodies again. They could walk, they could move.
“Laburnum doesn’t know everything about magic.” Alexis smiled, “There are some universal laws which no amount of magic can undo. I have given you your strength back so that you can continue helping me serve the people and protect them from Laburnum. She will be back to transform all she has hated, and to consume all she had transformed so we must be ready.”
The clouds had gone, the day had passed, and the people were moving busily in the Manor Town as the Manor had been renamed. A mother and her daughter were just finished moving all their family’s belongings into a room in the Manor, when the daughter bumped an ornamental bird that stood in the corner.
A wood panel opened and she followed it to a small side room, filled with royal family artifacts. Soon the room was cleared, the artifacts taken up to Alexis’ chamber, and the small room made into a bedroom for the girl and her sister. They were just done when the dinner bell was wrung. Everyone made their way down to the large, well lit hall with its large wooden pillars and walls.
Then the Queen entered, not in her usual regal, floral dresses but wearing a simple white robe, tied around her waist with a tan scarf. On her head was a white veil but beneath it everyone could see her crumbly, almost sand like skin. On either side of her stood her royal guard, all similarly dressed in tan robes and turbans with white bandages wrapped around their hands and faces to keep them from drying out and crumbling away.
“People of Alexandria. Today we all lost something. For some it was their homes, for some their crops, and for others their very humanity. But we will not let the Witch Laburnum take anymore!”
The people cheered. The speech continued. Alexis laid out her plans for defending the island and for undoing the curse. In the back, three friends watched and smiled. They would be leaving in the morning for the Republic of Koal. Each was lost in their own thoughts.
Ivan could see the hope in every face. That was good. But the people needed more than hope. They needed the curse broken. Ivan itched to get back to his room and keep reading the book. That would answer a lot of questions. The whole idea of magic had always enticed him. He had been more than happy to embrace the idea when they had entered the forest. Now he was caught up in the midst of a full on magical war. This was so exciting.
Holly was glad Alexis had finally risen to be the leader she was born to be. They would need her help before this was over. She was also worried because of what Laburnum had called her in front of everyone. It wasn’t the right time yet to reveal it to eiterh of them. She still needed their trust.
Klaus found his mind wandering. He was tired after the long day and felt himself begin to day dream. As he did, he realized that he saw the glass room and the real room at the same time. It was surreal, glass filaments reaching up and over and growing and shrinking and breathing as they slowly moved in and took the place of real people. He suddenly heard the voice in his head again.
Klaus snapped out of it and motioned to the other two to follow him. They walked through the manor which was thankfully more direct in its architecture and quickly climbed up to the roof. From there they could see in every direction across the lake.
“What is it Klaus?” Asked Ivan, annoyed that he was being kept from his book.
“I, I dunno. I felt like we need to watch out for something.” Klaus said deep in thought.
“Well, I don’t-” He was cut off by Holly sudden movement.
She had seen something. The next moment she had Alexis and the captain up there with a telescope. They both looked grave then explained to the group what this new threat was.
“Their fearies. A great time to show up as usual.” Alexis said sarcastically.
“Um, so their bad?” Klasu asked confused.
“Yes. Have you ever heard of locust swarms and how they can strip a field bare in seconds? Well the fearies are like that but they don’t just eat plants they will eat anything.” Alexis explained. “That is why we will have to divert them somehow.”
“How?” Asked Ivan.
“With this!” The Captain said pulling a small shriveled purple and white object form his bag.
“Sugared plums.” Said Alexis.
“So, they have a sweet tooth.” Said Klaus smiling.
“Exactly. But you’ll need to get in front of them to do that before they reach the lake. Which means you’ll have to leave now.” Alexis sad sadly.
“I was hoping we could stay a while longer.” Holly said, “But it was time to go anyway. We nee dto go fetch Bella in Koal.’
“But once we get her we’ll be back soon.” Said Klasu optimistically.
“Good. Now follow me.”
The three friends followed her down to the stables where the cart had already been filled by the royal guard with sugared plums. The three got on it, as the Captain opened the door. They rode out on the brodge accompanied by the Captain and the Alexis. Once they came to the end, they all walked up on shore.
“Go around the lake to the other side. When they catch your scent they will pick up the pace so you’ll need to be ready to dash. Take it to the Red Highroad, which should lead you to the station. When you get there, give the engineer this ring and he’ll take you to Stoken from there you can sail to Koal. Make sure you send the cart into the woods before you board. Fearies can’t enter the forest but they won’t leave the cart either so they’ll be trapped. Well, I guess this is farewell. Until you return.”
“Good bye you three trouble makers. You make sure that Bella is safe. If you don’t take good care of her I’ll…” But he was cut off by the emotion in his voice.
And so the three raced off around the lake to intercept the fearies. The empty feeling of leaving friends behind was aching in each chest and not one word was spoke the entire time. They reached the other side and in the distance they could see small bobbing lights. They waited a few minutes then the lights seemed to suddenly get agitated.
The cart went flying down the road with Holly at the reigns. She had known this would be difficult but they were only just beginning and already they were facing challenges that were beyond any one of them. It would take a miracle for her to finish her mission.
Klaus was trying his best not to fall asleep. He knew where he would go and it didn’t sound very appealing. He just wanted to get Bella and go home. Deep down inside he didn’t even want to go back to Alexandria. He just wanted to go home.
Ivan was reading his book, flipping through page after page. When he finally came to the last page he felt confused by the order of things. It seemed like a lot was missing. He looked at the strange curly script when suddenly alight bulb went off in his head. Turning the page upside down the letters suddenly changed and the book continued. He turned it on its side and there was more too. It appeared there was more to this then meets the eye.
They reached the station and saw the far off twinkling lights making their way closer and closer. They could faintly hear a buzzing sound from the wings and what sounded like windchimes caught in a violent windstorm. Pushing the cart into the woods, they mad their way onto the covered platform. A thin man with a round face, big nose, and brown handle bar moustache stepped up. He was dressed in a smart blue uniform with gold trim and kept a golden pocket watch in his hand. He adjusted his gold round spectacles as he said,
“You three are just on time.”
“Wait, how did you know we were coming?”
“Because that is my job Ivan, to know. And don’t look so surprised, I know all of your names. Holly, Klaus and Ivan. My three passengers for today.”
“So then our destination is already planned?” Klaus asked.
“Why yes it is, but whether you board or not is up to you. Some take the Express, others choose the more difficult path on foot. But all who are meant to take the journey end up taking it, whether they even want to or not. So will you be taking the Express tonight?”
“Yes.” The tree answered in unison.
“Good, now I’ll need your validated fair of course.”
“Will this work?” Asked Holly holding up the ring.
“Ah, I see you have the royal mark on you. Please board, we will depart in a moment.”
And with that he stepped away with a flourish. The three boarded the warm, cozy train. Walking along the plush scarlet carpet they found three small room like compartments each with their name written in spirally gold on front of the door.
They each found a small bed, a small bathroom with a bath full of warm water waiting and a small desk in their rooms/compartments. All of them relaxed in their baths, feeling the stress and weariness seeping out of their bodies. When they were done they were surprised to see a set of new clothes on each bed waiting for them, along with a small white card.
“Dearest Passangers,
Welcome to the Caeling Express. We hope that the clothing provided will be to your liking, and will aid you further on your quest. Supper will be served promptly at 9:15 in the dining cart. Please refrain from overt noise making as there are other passengers who are going to rest. Thank you and enjoy your trip.
The Engineer”
End Chapter
So there you have it. I'm still not quite happy with it though I don;t knwo why. Maybe you guys can point out something obvious that needs work or was left out. Oh and here is the quick translations for you.
The Curse:
Before was flesh and bone, cursed be the people
Before was green(leaf) and stone, cursed be the house/lands/land of people
Be tranformed all by my words,
Into sweet bread of ginger (gingerbread)
Also the Caeling Express is pronounced "KAY-ling".
Good Night
14 years ago
Okay so before I forget...
ReplyDeleteWhat is your three favorite boy names? I want to find a name for a new charcter coming up soon. I can't think of anything. Help!
My three favorite boy names are
ReplyDelete1) Coniglio
2) Jack
3) Wickham
Hope this helps!
My 3 favorite boy names are:
ReplyDelete1) Tal
2) Dare
3) Erik
Good luck!!
1) Leeum
ReplyDelete2) Lars (Like our waiter at camp :)
3) Dale
There you go!! I hope you find them usefull.
Erika :)
Oh my gosh thats so weird! I had already decided on the name Liam when I saw Erika's post just now. Weird! But I do like the idea of including Lars from camp. Don't worry the rest of the names will definately be put to use very soon. I might even have the next chapter up by tonight.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that when Alexi went on the shore, she was cursed and tured into gingerbread but when HKI went on shore to lure the fearies away and go rescue Bella, nothing happened to them??
ReplyDeleterandom curiosity
Your extremely grateful reader,
oops! Did I forget to mention that.
ReplyDeleteOka, i'll have to go bakc and fix that too, but basically there are two things going on.
A) The curse was on the land, the people, and THE QUEEN. So it was gunning for her specifically.
B)The curse was on the PEOPLE OF ALEXANDRIA, and KHI are not people of Alexandria. If any person in Manor Town set foot on the ground they would be transformed, but any foreigner would not.
Yeah, I thought I had added that soemwhere but I must have forgotten to. Like I said, I'll go back and fix that too. :)