So here we go. The next chapter in the three's saga. Klaus, as you may remember was sent to the Apothecary of Larson. Just a sidenote an apothecary was the ancient predecessor to the pharmacy. At an apothecary one could get herbs or mixes of herbs for any physical, mental, spiritual, or social illment. As time wore on and apothecary's came in contest with pharmacies, the apothecary's also began selling more potions, poisens, antidotes, and charms, things that the scientific pharmacies woudl never sell. And because of this apotehcaries were labeled as dispensers of old wives tales and snake oil remedies and eventualy most were forced closed. Today there are only a handful left open in the US, with slighltly more in the EU.
So now that you know what an apothecary is, read on.
Chapter 9
Klaus’ Tale Part I
Klaus followed the strange man through the busy and crowded streets. As they walked he noticed how the houses seemed to grow smaller, closer together, and more dirty. Less and less of the pristine and beautiful city of men remained and each step seemed to take them lower in the dust. Now they were beginning to see drunken vagrants and street women staggering through the streets. They were also beginning to smell it. The smell of thousands of unwashed bodies, some covered in sweat others in grease and yet others still in boils and scabs. The smell of burnt food and whisky and smoke was everywhere and Klaus felt himself grow nauseas.
“Steady there lad. We’re almost at the Apothecary.”
And he spoke the truth because just then they rounded a corner. There standing in between two ominously looking dark houses was a small neat kept cottage, a ring of clover growing all around. It seemed very out of place in the filthy retched part of the city. Klaus and the man stepped inside and were immediately relieved to find the smell of the forest, flowers, and herbs keeping the outside stench at bay.
“Now, if you’ll just follow me.” And the two walked past the many shelves lined with small boxes of dried leaves, bark, flowers, and seeds.
“Your cot is back here.” The short man with the bushy beard said, pulling back a small door to reveal a bed stuffed with straw.
“Thanks.” Klaus said.
Klaus went and sat by the fireplace as Larson went to the back to check on something. Klaus grabbed a log from a pile that lay next to the fire and stoked it back to life. Soon a nice warm blaze was roaring in the fireplace. He didn’t even realize it as he drifted off to sleep right there by the fire.
That night he dreamed but it was not like any dream before it.
Klaus followed the strange man through the busy and crowded streets. As they walked he noticed how the houses seemed to grow smaller, closer together, and more dirty. Less and less of the pristine and beautiful city of men remained and each step seemed to take them lower in the dust. Now they were beginning to see drunken vagrants and street women staggering through the streets. They were also beginning to smell it. The smell of thousands of unwashed bodies, some covered in sweat others in grease and yet others still in boils and scabs. The smell of burnt food and whisky and smoke was everywhere and Klaus felt himself grow nauseas.
“Steady there lad. We’re almost at the Apothecary.”
And he spoke the truth because just then they rounded a corner. There standing in between two ominously looking dark houses was a small neat kept cottage. It seemed very out of place in the filthy retched part of the city. Klaus and the man stepped inside and were immediately relieved to find the smell of the forest, flowers, and herbs keeping the outside stench at bay.
“Now, if you’ll just follow me.” And the two walked past the many shelves lined with small boxes of dried leaves, bark, flowers, and seeds.
“Your cot is back here.” Larson said, pulling back a small door to reveal a bed stuffed with straw.
As the words echoed around Klaus’ mind he suddenly realized that he had heard this all before. He saw the world melt away like before and he was in the glass room. So he was asleep. He tried to will himself to wake up, and suddenly he became very aware that his eyes were really closed and he was actually lying exhausted on his new bed. Then his eyes opened and he sat up.
Outside it was getting morning, and a cold, still drizzle fell on the town. He waited in the shop for his new master to come out. Finally he came out of his room, and that’s when Klaus saw what he really was.
He was built like a man, somewhat strong and rugged even, but instead of skin he had longish tan fir all over his body. His broad face had a large black nose like a dog would have, though his face was normal in all other aspects. At the very top of his head were two small flat round stumps. When he wore his long sleeved coat and leather gloves and wide brimmed hat he appeared to all the world as simply a stocky old man with a large bushy beard poking out beneath his hat.
“Well, I see you’re awake, that’s good.” He said as he washed his face in a basin and dressed in his work clothes. “My name is Larq Son. But here everyone calls me Larson or Lars. I am of the Caribou Tribe.”
“I’m Klaus.” He said trying hard not to stare.
“Yes, I know. Everyone knows. Word has reached me that the Judge has secretly placed a reward on your head, for any criminal that can kidnap you. But all they know is they are looking for a Klaus. So you’ll need a new name.”
“Um, okay. What about Nicholas? I always wanted to be named Nicholas.”
“Good, that is a good name. Now, today’s drizzle means I can finally gather some chamomile and rue. Stay here, there shouldn’t be any one that comes by on account of the rain. But we’ll have to prepare. When it drizzles by day, fever’s on its way.”
And with that he pulled on his heavy dark rain coat, took his woven basket in his hand and left through the small, rounded front door. Klaus, or Nicholas, sat by the fire, ate some small cold biscuits, and waited. After a while he decided to make himself familiar with his surroundings.
In the main room, which served as a living room and a shop, there were many rows of shelves, all covered in bottles, vials, bowls, and dust. There was a large hearth with a warm fire and a pile of logs and dried leaves of some kind next to it. Hanging from the rafters were many kinds of long stalky plants, whose flowers, leaves, or berries were being dried to be stored in the containers on the shelves.
Everything was thrown around half hazard and only a person who had been there for many years would be able to find anything, because they would know where everything was. He walked behind the counter, and out the back. There in the small shaft of light he saw the floorboards had been torn apart, and out of them grew many types of herbs and plants, the spot of green surprising to be found in this part of the city.
Nicholas walked back to the fireplace, where there were two comfortable chairs. He sat by one and began to think. Why had Liam sent him here? After finding out about Bella he had seemed in a hurry to leave, forgetting all about them. Maybe he worked for the witches and was looking for her so he could have the key. Or maybe not. Nicholas lay back in the chair, closing his eyes as he reasoned with himself.
If Liam had worked for them or not either way he wasn’t here anymore and now Nicholas had to do something. Maybe there was something he was suppose to learn or do here at the Apothecary. All his life he had been a firm believer in fate, that nothing happened without a reason. So there must be a reason he was here. Maybe he was suppose to meet someone.
With this last thought he positioned himself where he could see the street. Outside everything was cold and wet. Beggars and drunks all lay asleep in some stupor or another in order to keep the cold away. The streets were dirty, the water was dirty, even the air was thick with the stench and the smoke. Why would anyone want to live here, he wondered.
Lars came back, and Nicholas helped him pick the delicate flowers off the chamomile, then prick them through with a needle onto a board of wood. The wood was set outside where the warm evening breeze would hopefully dry it before the mist came back. Lars must have noticed how uncomfortable his animalistic form made Nicholas because he walked to the back and pulled out a dusty top hat.
“Here, now watch how I fool people when I go about my work.”
And placing the hat on his head, he gave Nicholas a wink, then seemed to pull the brim down over his face, but when he looked up, he was completey human. He looked like a gentleman of about 25, with a small pointed beard on his chin, and a gleam in his eye.
“That better?”
Nicholas nodded.
All night long the two worked hard and set out each individual leaf of rue on parchment. Those damaged were placed aside on a separate sheet of parchment. Lars showed Nicholas what he did with the broken ones.
“It’s called Brokenleaf. When an herb gets its leaf broken it sends all of its power gathered from earth, wind, water, and the firy sun to heal the wound. This power then stays in the leaf and so Brokenleaf blends are ten times more powerful than the regular.”
And on they worked. Soon the early dawn gray streaks were beginning to herald the day. Then after they were done, Nicholas took a short nap, not dreaming at all, and then woke to see Lars bent over several pieces of paper that had scribbled notes on them. He carefully went and filled the orders, making sure they were accurate down to the very leaf or seed.
When he was done there were twelve small brown paper packages tied with twine sitting on his desk. Each had a tag with a different street address and name. Then he beckoned Nicholas over and gave him a burlap bag with a strange insignia on it. He filled his bag with the small parcels then told him to deliver them.
“But I don’t know the city!” Nicholas protested.
“You’ll do fine. Be back by dark.” And he shoved him out the door and closed it.
Nicholas walked through the streets looking at the parcels. Four of them were marked for Lowerside, three for the Plaza, and five for the Docks. Nicholas walked around until he spotted a woman with a very indecent dress sitting smoking a pipe like a man and eating a roast chicken, not bothering to wipe her face.
“Excuse me ma’am.”
“Sorry kid, I’m closed for business right now. Sheesh.”
“No, I wasn’t looking to sell you anything, I just need directions to Lowerside.”
This caused her and all within earshot to burst out laughing loudly, some choking on food or beer. Eventually she said in between chuckles and coughs, “Are you a moron? Look around this is Lowerside! Don’t get much lower than the bottom of the barrel.”
“Oh.” Nicholas said embarrassed. “Then the Plaza would be?”
“Up the Mainstreet. It’s right across the Hall of Justice.” And she said the word justice like she just took a bite out of a lemon.
“Alright, then the Docks must be the other way.”
“You catch on fast kid. Hey, if ever you’re looking for a good time in Lowerside, drop by here and ask for Sal!”
This was accompanied by more laughter. Nicholas didn’t really understand and was sure he didn’t want to, so he just kept following the path to the Docks. There he saw the many great vessels laden with cargo and passengers getting ready to set sail. He was here to drop off five packages at five ships, and he knew the packages contained mostly of anti-seasickness tea and scurvy prevention ointment.
As he was wondering around, finding the ships, he saw one with many sad looking boys on it. He ran forward and asked the first mate if there was someone named Ivan onboard. After a pause the first mate said no, and that the only Ivan in any of the crew logs left the previous evening for New Firplice.
Nicholas finished there and continued on. He stopped by Sal to get directions to the other places on Lowerside, but politely refused when she offered to buy him a drink, and luckily remembered to offer his new name when she asked. After one night in this place he saw what these people’s lives did to them and he wanted no part. When he was done with the Lowerside he made his way to the Plaza, the place he came form.
There, everything was easier. The streets all had clear names and he came where he needed to very quickly. He dropped off the feverfew balm at the houses then made his way to his new ‘home’. While he was still walking, he saw everyone fall back as a large carriage with six black horses careen through the street. After it passes him it suddenly stopped.
The passenger got out, a man with a long dark blue cloak, a large dark blue cap, with three light blue feathers in the front. In his hand he carried a large thick staff and at the end was a glass ball. He walked up to Nicholas, eyes squinting.
“You there! Yes, you.” He said in reference to Nicholas. “I can tell by your insignia you work for that good for nothing Larson.”
“I am Master Larson’s apprentice.”
“Hmph. And what would you know about Masters? He is no Master. He who lives in the garbage heap of the city. He who would forsake the keeping of the forbidden glade to pursue his own plans. I have even heard say he is no human, but a disgusting snow troll in disguise.”
Nicholas had to bit his tongue but deep down he knew that this man was almost right. His master was not quite human.
“Tell your ‘Master’ that High Master Oronus still awaits his return to the glade and his relinquishment of power!”
And with that he turned around and was gone in his carriage. Nicholas made it back just as the sun was kissing the horizon. He walked in yawing as he saw his master gently pulling the thin stamens out of small purple flowers lying on his table. He did not pass on Master Oronus’ message. Something told him that Lars had probably heard it before.
Wearily he sank into the bed, which seemed to him at that moment to rival even the great beds of Alexandria. However instead of drifting to sleep, he found his mind wondering over the new places he had seen that day. He thought about the condition these people lived in. Some looked like they had probably never even seen the clear blue sky or the rolling green fields or the towering mountains. Like they had always lived in this place with the stench and the filth.
The next few days were uneventful. He delivered more packages and rarely spoke with Lars. Nicholas really didn’t talk to anyone. In fact, he felt like he hadn’t really done anything, and when he tried to remember what he had done, he had a hard time remembering because it had all blended into a gray, boring, monotone.
On what would have been his third or fourth day with Lars, Nicholas was woken early in the morning and sent to the Plaza with messages. He took the folded piece of parchment and set off up the Mainstreet. He rubbed sleep from his eyes as he tried to focus on the street names, but they seemed unusually blurry.
He followed the Mainstreet to the Plazas. However, the intersection for his letters took him higher up the slopes of the city than he had ever been. Here were the rich houses, those who could afford a large parlor, a garden, and a view of the bay. He delivered a few messages from his master to several people there.
Then on his way back, he came to a fork in the road. Not being able to recall which road took him back to the Mainstreet, he just picked one. As he went, he realized he must have made the wrong choice, because it went further up, and eventually he found himself circling the very top of the hill the city was built on.
As he drew closer, he saw a circle of silver trees with leaves that seemed to glow at the top. Drawing closer he could hear the trees singing. They sang a song about an ancient sage that was the first to learn about plants and their properties. Then they sang about how the Three High Masters of Apothecary were descendents of this sage’s sons and that they answered to no one except the Sage himself.
Nicholas felt the music work its magic on him. He felt like he was floating, his eyes growing heavier. The very air seemed to be glowing and the voices seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. His eyes closed and as they did, he snapped awake, back in the Apothecary. It had all been a strange dream and it was still night outside. When Lars walked in to check on him, Nicholas was surprised to see him, not as a man, but again as a Caribou person. How much of it had been a dream, he wondered.
“Nicholas, wake up.”
Nicholas opened his eyes as Lars, a human again, was gently shaking him. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked around, then pinched himself to make sure he was really awake. Lars gave him a woven basket, then instructed him to follow him.
“Where are we going?”
“To gather herbs before the sunrise. Some must be gathered before Sun touches their petals and takes their oils.”
“But where are we going to find herbs in the city?”
Lars only smiled. He walked on. They walked down to the Docks, then along the shoreline of the Bay of Bho. They continued until they came to a small hidden path in the wet rocks. They hiked up the path for a little bit before they came to an area above the tide line, where Nicholas was greeted by a splash of greenery.
“You can always find plants finding a way to survive. You just need to know where to look.”
And so they gathered lavender, tansy, and mugwort, working fast as they raced the sunrise. Nicholas enjoyed being away from the depressing city, breathing the fresh air, working with the energizing plants. He loved the feel of the fresh soil on his skin and the dirt beneath his nails.
Soon though, it was time to stop. The sun’s rays came over the hill, and immediately the area was filled with the flowery, pungent, fresh smell of the herbs. Luckily they had covered the ones in their baskets, because as the oil evaporated many of the plants simply shrivled away within seconds.
And so Nicholas was initiated into the grand tradition of herbalism. Maybe this was what he was suppose to learn. Maybe now he would be able to find his friends. He had tried sending letters to Ivan and Holly but he didn’t know where either of them were. For now he had to trust in fate, that he would eventually be reunited with them.
The next day he was sent with a single parchment, sealed with Lars’ own seal. His Master had been very specific about making sure he came to the right house and delivered it to the right person. Nicholas was sent off, back again to the Plazas.
He found the address, and was not surprised that it was another one of the tall, thin, town houses. However this one was different in that it resembled Lars’ cottage, though on a much grander scale. It had golden clover surrounding the house, and a large central chimney from which spewed different bright colors of smoke. He knocked and a servant answered.
After a few moments he was ushered into a large parlor, similarly lined with herbs and bottles. From the other side of the room a small, short, elderly gentleman, with a white beard reaching down to his waist, and frizzy white hairs that stuck up in all directions entered and greeted Nicholas.
“Well, well. The new apprentice. Its been years since he took an apprentice. How strange, how very strange indeed.”
“Sir, my master has sent a message.” Nicholas said handing the envelope to him.
After quickly reading the letter, the old man looked up with a twinkle in his eye.
“So, your Master wants to know if I am still over booked with my dream patients. Well, how thoughtful of him. He must have sensed it, eh. You may tell him that I, High Master Gaius, actually do have someone that requires more aid than I have ability for. I’ll send her to him within the next two days.”
That night, after returning from his meeting with High Master Gaius, and relaying the message to his master, Nicholas went to bed in deep thought. If the song he had head, or dreamt, was correct, and he wasn’t sure about that, then there were three High Masters and a Sage over them all. He had met High Masters Oronus and Gaius so that must meant his master must be the third High Master. He wondered who the Sage could be.
His thoughts conflicted he began to drift off to sleep. This time he did not dream, or at least not like he had done before. There was no room, no images at all. In fact he was like one blind, like he had never known sight at all. Instead, he felt like he was running.
He was running but not going anywhere. He felt sweat running down his body as he tried desperately to move forward but he couldn’t. Then he felt the anxiety wash over his body. It burned his veins and suffocated his lungs. He felt like he was going to die with fear.
“Klaus! Where are you!”
The motherly voice from before.
“Klaus, Klaus I can’t find you!”
“I’m, I’m here! I can’t move! Help me!”
“I can only help you if you tell me where you are.” She spoke softly.
“I’m in…” But he didn’t know where he was. He had no memory of ever being anywhere else than in this terrifying place, no memory of ever being awake.
“Klaus, please. Help me. They’re hurting me!” It sounded like Holly.
“Klaus, why didn’t you come? You could have saved us.” Ivan this time.
“Ivan! Holly! Please, somebody!”
Nicholas sat up, his body covered in a cold sweat. He felt his pulse beating fast and he was breathing heavily. Getting up, his knees were shaky and he felt disorientated. The dream suddenly came back to him and he fell to his knees by the door, leaning his head against it as hot tears sprang unbidden from his eyes. He had never felt fear like that before. Like all the fear in the world had been poured on him.
The next morning, Lars, still looking human, awoken him and told him to prepare the table for three. Nicholas did as he was told, yawing from the lack of sleep the night before. Master Lars, as usual, didn’t ask. Latter their guest arrived. It was a middle age woman with blond hair that had been piled up on her head in buns. She wore a lilac dress with a ribbon around her ribcage.
“So, you are the famous Larson?”
She said with a handkerchief covering her nose to protect it from the smells outside.
“Yes, I am marm. Can I help you?”
“I am Anne. Anne Collins. I have journeyed far, from the Duchy of Giv. No one even knows I’m here. They all think I’m off ribbon shopping. However, I have come from High Master Gaius who says you may be able to help me with my problem.”
She had paused before she said problem and Nicholas could tell there was something wrong. She sat on the chair by the fireplace and his master sat opposite her. He instructed Nicholas to kindle the fire, using the logs he had used before. As he did, Nicholas noticed that he tree rings were laced with silver.
As the fire burned, Mrs. Collins fell asleep. So did his Master. Nicholas wondered if he should wake them, but he decided not to. He went about drying things, hanging things up to dry, and placing things that were already dried in containers as he waited for them to wake up. It had been almost four hours when Mrs. Collins suddenly started crying in her sleep. His master’s lips were moving and then both opened their eyes.
“There, the nightmares should stop now. Don’t worry about Tirs, nothing will happen. And the other two aren’t your fault. There is a purpose for all things.”
“And the girl?”
“There is more to her than meets the eye. Give her a chance. If I read the omens correctly, she will soon show marked improvement.”
“Thank you. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. If I did it for the money do you think I would be living down here?”
As she left, Nicholas thought about what his master had said and it was true. He had never seen him accept payment for anything. He wanted to ask Lars about it, but instead he found himself asking, “What did you do for Mrs. Collins?”
“Ah, she had a reoccurring nightmare. I helped her. My job is not only as healer of the body but also of the mind.”
“So, if I’ve been having strange dreams lately, I should talk to you about them?”
“How strange?”
“Well, last night, it wasn’t like a dream. More just like an emotion that I couldn’t stop, and had no control over.”
“Ah. You are one of the few people who dream emotion dreams. When you dream, you don’t see anything as much as you feel things, emotions of people, emotions of places, or even emotions of things. This happens often, no?”
“Well, not exactly. Last night was the first. Before that I’ve had reoccurring dreams of a white room or glass and stars talking to me.”
“Very interesting. That is called a truth dream. In it you see the truth of everything in your dreamplane. The dreamplane would be that room you saw. That is really how everyone’s dreams look. Our imaginations and minds just paint things over it. What’s really interesting is that you say you’ve had two kinds of lower dreams. Please, are there any other types of dreams you’ve had that are different form these two?”
“Well, when I first came here, I had a dream that repeated everything before I fell asleep.”
“Remarkable. I’ve never heard of anything like it! You meant to tell me you’ve had a time dream, one of the higher dreams! And other kinds too! And I never even realized what you were! A Dreamscaper! That must be the reason you were sent to me.”
“A what?”
“Here. I’ll show you.”
And with that he led Nicholas back to the fireplace and they both sat down after he tossed on one of the silver ringed logs. Soon both began to drift off. Nicholas felt himself sitting in the chair, and then slowly he felt like he was face first in water, drifting down slowly, on the line between waking and dreaming. Then he felt the plunge as he was inside the white room again.
A yellow star flew forward, and wrapped itself with glass filaments, becoming Lars, this time not only in his caribou form, but like he had never seen him before. From the waste up Lars looked like a bare-chested man, but beneath that he had a caribou body, like the centaurs of old. On his head were two proud horns, large and glorious.
“Good, good. A truth dream. You have these most often then?”
“Yes.” Then with a pause, “You, you look different.”
“Ah, yes. You now see me as I truly am, without all the hidden masks and magic cloaks to hide me. You see me as a Caribou Tribeman. It is because of the truth dream. It will make escaping much easier for you.”
“Yes. Remember when I told you that your dream is like a room? Well, imagine if you could walk out of the room and into the hallway, from where you could enter any room with an open door. That’s what I’m talking about. Leaving your dream and going to the Dreamscape, the hallway from which you can access any open dream.”
“So, wait. You mean I can leave my own dream?”
“Yes. Take my hand.”
Nicholas took his rough caloused hand and they walked towards a wall of his room. Suddenly as if from nowhere, a glass doorknob had appeared. Nicholas took hold and opened his door slowly outward. Then he felt himself being sucked out by the force of a thousand tornadoes. There was no white room anymore. There was nothing. Nothing but endless darkness.
“Open your eyes.” Said Lars softly.
Nicholas opened them, not even realizing he had shut them, and gasped at what he saw. He was floating with Lars, floating through millions of stars. There were some that were bright and blue, and others that were pale and yellow and still others that were dull and red. They spun around forming a swirling galaxy, and at the very center there shone a light, a star maybe, so bright, that neither could even look at it.
“What is this place?” Asked Nicholas, swimming through the stars.
“This is the Dreamscape.”
“What are all these stars.”
“See for yourself.”
Nicholas flew closer to one and as he did, it took on a peculiar shape. It was round at the top, with a rectangular bottom. Kind of like a keyhole. A thought struck Nicholas as he leaned forward, closed one eye, and peaked inside. It was a keyhole! And inside was a dream. It was strange, full of knights and castles and unicorns.
“These are people’s Dreamplanes. They are here even when the person is not. Speaking of which we must return to yours. Here, yours is…”
But before he said anything, Nicholas instinctively reached forward and grabbed a nearby whitish star. Immediately he was back in the glass room. And Lars was gone. Nicholas then felt the floating sensation again. He became aware that he was sitting in the chair by the fireplace. He felt like he floated out of water, face down going upwards. Then his real eyes opened.
Nicholas’ muscles felt sore. His lips were cracked and dry and his stomach growled like he hadn’t eaten in days. When he went to wipe away the sleep from his eyes, he was shocked to see the amount that had crusted there over a few short hours. Lars walked in from the kitchen with some warm soup. Nicholas was shocked.
“Master Lars, you’re not a, a Caribou Person anymore.”
“Caribou person?” Lars asked cocking his head and grinning, but with a knowing twinkle in his eye. “You’ve been asleep a long time Klaus. Almost seven days now.”
“What!?” He asked incredulously. “Seven days? Where you asleep all that time with me?”
“No. I tried joining you as much as possible, but I had to feed you as well. Sorry but the only thing I could give you was broth while you slept.”
“Wow, those logs are powerful.” Klaus said.
“Yes they are. I should have warned you when we came in.”
“What do you mean? You put them on there.”
“Maybe in your dream.” Here Lars became very serious as he sat down next to Nicholas and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Klaus, do you remember when you came in on the first day. I went to the back room and you fell asleep by the fire?”
Nicholas nodded.
“You’ve been asleep since then. It’s all been a dream.”
The bowl fell to the ground. “What!”
“Listen, like you said, the logs are powerful. They come from the Forbidden Glade. I’m just glad you hadn’t thrown any more on there. But, like I said, I’ve been with you most of the time. And what I have seen has told me that tomorrow night we will journey to the Glade. I must speak with the other Apothecary Masters about you.”
“So was it real? Any of it?”
“It was all real. And at the same time it wasn’t.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, most of the information you received was accurate. The places you visited were real, as were the people. Your dreams, and this is partly why we must go to the Glade, are very special. That’s all I can tell you now.”
Nicholas sat back in the chair, confused. That night he helped Lars with the plants. Neither was tired after the long sleep. Surprisingly, Nicholas was able to handle the drying and storage like he had done it for years, because of all the practice in his dreams. As he was working, a strange thought occurred to him.
If he had been dreaming the whole time, and genuinely thought the whole time he was awake, what was to say he wasn’t dreaming right then and there? His whole life could be a dream that he could suddenly wake up from. The thought did not sit well with him, and he tried to push it aside as the night wore on. He tried instead, to think about what may await him in the glade.
End Chapter
So this chapter took so long because after I had wirtten it, it felt liek somethingw as missing, like it was just too boring. So I added teh big twist at the end that it had all been a dream, meant to teach him as well as learn more about him. If its still too lsow, boring, or just plain weird let me know. Use as descriptive words (accurately) as possible. There are somethings that are intended to be slightly confusing, somethings that are intended to be slightly misleading, but I have to hear what parts specifically made you feel specific ways in ordered to better asses whether I am reaching my goal.
Thanks and Have a Good Weekend.
14 years ago
OK, not boring, not slow. Wierd, but in a very good way. argh. I'm mad because I cannot put into words how I feel. This chapter invoked alot of different emotions. you wrote it in a way where I felt like I was there experiencing what Klaus/Nicoholas did. There were heart-pounding, tear-jerking, mind boggling, eye-opening and frustrating moments
ReplyDeletethat really seemed personal to me.
I feel like screaming, and I totally don't know why. I feel like i'm reaching for something but I don't know what it is and I can't seem to grab it.
I think its a good feeling, but I'm not quite sure yet.
I know you said be accurate, but I can't process what I'm thinking and feeling enough to write it down. Just know what you wrote was brilliant, it really was the best you've done.
I agree completely with Paige. I am to stunned to think of and/or say anything else.
ReplyDeleteIt was brilliant, remember that.
So you guys never told me what you thought of Chapter 8. I am especially intrested in how girls will read it, whether they will see it as a triumph or fialure of feminism. Or if they will be too upset by the chauvinism in teh begining to finish it.