Well, this was an intresting chapter. I had already written a totally diffrent version of it, when I decided that there was something else I wanted to do with teh character of Klaus/Nicholas. So, here it is. While I'm writing chapter 13, if there's enough demand I can email anyone the other chapter 12 version ( or I could simply post the other version) so you can see why I had to rewrite it. But, i am satisfied with teh end result. Three versions later and I think I finally found the one that worked.
Chapter 12
The boy followed the tall, muscular man with the long, windswept blond hair and small blond beard on his chin through the bustling streets of Lowerside. They were walking at a steady speed, passing many small shops and taverns as they did. They stopped a few times as single mothers with large broods, newly delivered drunks, and dirty vagrant children all rushed upon Larson as they spotted him. They thanked him, many trying to hug him or kiss his feat, but he would have none of it. He simply smiled, raised them up, and told them how proud he was that they were still enduring even in the midst of darkness. The boy had never really realized how many people Larson had helped throughout the years.
They continued walking and climbing the Mainstreet of Yulleton until they reached the Plazas. There, they were again mobbed by people, though this time the response was more formal. Ladies and gentleman of all ages and classes came forward and greeted Master Larson, thanking him for all his kindness. Many had small children who had been cured of some debilitating disease. But Larson still did not stop. He and the boy continued walking.
They came to the fork that the boy had dreamed of and took the road he had taken in his dreams. They walked on the road no longer running straight and true but beginning to circle the tall hill on whose slope the city was built upon. They came closer to the top, and the boy could see the carriages waiting by the Glade’s entrance. The Glade itself, three circles of silver barked birch trees with glowing green leaves, seemed to be moving slightly in the breeze, even though there was no breeze.
“Now, Klaus or Nicholas, what ever your name may be, tonight you will be assessed by the three High Masters and the Great Sage himself. If you stand up to the first test, your life will be changed forever. However, you will still have to face other trails before you will be able to unlock…well, never you mind about that, if the time comes you will learn all. For now, when the guardian of the glade asks for you name, respond truthfully, according to what you know in your spirit to be true.”
And as he finished speaking, they reached the entrance to the Glade. There where the two tall silver birch trunks left an opening for some to enter, stood a small dark green shrub. The sun had already set and the light of the waxing moon was not enough to illuminated it clearly. Master Lars walked forward and as he did, the shrub moves. And the boy saw that it was no shrub.
It seemed to be a small man, made entirely of leaves. His face was a covered with a large maple leaf that acted as a mask and which had dark eyes and a mouth painted on it. He walked forward like leaves being blown in the wind, and when he spoke it sounded like rustling, whistling, and skittering of leaves across the stones in the forest.
“Who dares to enter the Forbidden Glade?”
“It is I, Chinook, Son of Larq.” Said Larson.
“You may enter.” Said the greenman, then as if noticing the boy, said, “Who dares enter the forbidden Glade?”
The boy felt beads of sweat gather on his forehead. What should he say? He knew he was Klaus, and yet. Yet, he felt like he wasn’t. Like Klaus was a coat he had worn in the Village and in Alexandria, and Nicholas a new one he had received in Lowerside. No, an older one he had gotten back in his dreams. He knew what he had to answer.
“I am… Nicholas!”
From somewhere in the night the wind suddenly picked up, and the sound of drums beating could be heard on it. Voices joined in chanting a strange and ancient song, and it seemed the very trees were dancing and singing. The sound pervaded everything, every leaf, every stone, even the air itself seemed to be pervaded by the jubilation of the woods.
The Greenman was on the ground, groveling in front of Nicholas as he spoke, “Y-you may enter, oh long awaited one!”
Nicholas stepped in, a pleased look on Larson face, whom he followed past the three layers of the Glade. There in the center stood three large ancient monoliths. Carved on them were intricate spirals patterns that bright green moss had grown in, making the patterns stand out even more. In the middle of the three stones was a small pool of dark blue water, obviously very deep.
From behind each of the stones an individual in a long cloak stepped out and took of their billowing hoods. The first in his dark green cloak and carrying a long staff with a light green glass ball on the top was High Master Gaius. His hair still stood out at all directions and his waist length beard was combed messily. Next was High Master Oronus in a similar purple cloak and purple topped staff. His long heard and white hair was combed to perfection and he had a scowl on his face. The third was quiet unlike the rest. It was a young woman, dressed in a turquoise robe and with long, wavy, braided blond hair that fell almost to the ground. She carried a staff with a blue glass ball.
“Where is High Master Pontus?” Asked Larson to the woman.
“He left last week for the Teaul Lands, and had already sailed past Sylvania before your message was received. He asked me to come in his place.”
“It is a great honor, and responsibility.” Said Larson.
“Shall we begin?” Asked High Master Oronus as he indicated the group, “It has been nearly a hundred years since all three staves of the High Masters and the great Sage himself had met in the Glade. Whom have you brought to us, Grand Master Sage.”
Nicholas’ eyes went wide as he realized they were talking to Larson. There was no way Larson could be the Grand Master Sage, was there? But if he was, why did he live in Lowerside of all places? He looked up Larson’s face and realized it was the faces. He saw the faces of the pained, the broken, and the rejects of society, and he loved them. That’s what he was doing in Lowerside, he was helping those who could not help themselves. He was there to show them the love that no one else was willing to show them. His mind snapped back to the present as he heard Larson’s response.
“This boy, was sent to me by the Judge’s orders. When he first entered my house, he stoked the fire with a glade log, and made it burn so brightly that he slept for nearly a week. In that time I watched over his dreams. I was not prepared for what I found. Simply put, he went on a dream journey.”
Immediately the trees started whispering and the Masters all tried talking at once, one over the other. Larson was trying to say something over the top of the top of the din, but they weren’t giving him a chance. Finally he tugged on his hat and in that instant he was enveloped in shining white robes that flowed and fluttered over him. His face was covered in a white hood that went over his eyes and left only his mouth visible. When he spoke his voice sounded like thunder.
Everyone stopped and looked at the one now truly resembling the Grand Master Sage. He shone like the moon and when he spoke Nicholas felt his whole body shake with the reverberations.
“Not only that! But the boy went on almost every type of lesser dream and most of the higher dreams while on the dream journey!”
The wind had stopped and an unearthly quiet grew over the Glade. Everyone looked at one another than at Larson and finally at Nicholas. Master Gaius looked amused, while Oronus’ brow was furrowed with thought.
“Let the boy be tested.” Said the woman.
There seemed to be agreement between everyone there and so Nicholas was led forward, till he stood between the three stones, in front of the deep pool. Slowly, each of the people present approached as well, and one by one they scooped up a handful of the clear fresh water and drank deeply. Larson motioned for Nicholas to follow suit. Then he did too.
The next second, Nicholas felt his eyes grow heavy and the floating sensation spread over his body in waves like an ocean flooding his senses. Then he blinked and was in the white and glass room. He looked around and waited, but nothing happened. He wondered if he should leave his dreamplane and go look for the circle or not. Finally, he opened the door and stepped out into the universe.
Stars careened wildly around him, the swirling whirlpool of millions and millions of fiery gems ever circling the bright center. Nicholas suddenly felt himself literally being pulled to the center of the swirling galaxy, to the shining light that all seemed to shine so brightly the light passed through him.
As he drew closer and closer, everything became brighter and brighter, the light burning through his veins and filling his entire being. He felt like it was too big, too large for his body to contain the feeling of the light streaming from every pore. He felt like he was going to be torn in half, as if his heart would explode out of his chest with light, and yet he drew closer.
And then his eyes burst open. He was heaving with every breath. He was down on his hands and knees, his fingers digging into the soft mossy grass. Sweat ran across his forehead and dripped from the tip of his nose onto the ground. Slowly, the entire glade came into focus, the four figures, three dark, one bright, all watching him. He slowly got up, and looked around.
“Incredible.” Said the woman.
“It doesn’t prove anything! Just that he is connected to the forest. It doesn’t mean he is truly the long awaited one!” Said High Master Oronus.
“However, he did react to the water, and not only that, to be so drawn to the Source speaks volumes unto itself.” High Master Gaius.
Nicholas couldn’t think straight. What were they talking about? What was going on?
“Obviously this goes beyond any of our skill, and beyond the skill of the entire Order of the Apothecary. I will depart tonight on the first boat I can find for the islands of Insular to seek out wisdom. During my absence I will require one of you to teach the boy the basics of dreaming. He has no control and so is very dangerous right now. High Master Oronus I believe you are the most qualified here.”
“I am. However, I will not waste my time on this boy.” Came his curt reply.
“High Master Gaius?” Came the question.
“I will.” Said the young woman.
“Master Tethys, you are still an undermaster and while your High Master does trust you and has you in mind for his position upon his withdrawal, I am not sure you are properly equipped for the task. Do you think you are?”
“Yes, I know I can do it. High Master Gaius is already very busy, plus he will need to carry your load while you are away. Please sir, I know I can teach him.”
“Very well. Nicholas, you are from now until my return the apprentice to Master Tethys.”
Nicholas nodded and then followed Tethys out of the Glade. Master Gaius came after them, but Oronus and Larson stayed behind. The High Master and the Sage stood across the pool from one another. They were silent until Larson spoke.
“So, how goes things my old friend?”
“How goes…well, you sure wouldn’t know! While you have been seeing to the care of humanity, I fear our order has been slipping towards darkness!”
“What do you mean? Our mandate is to serve humanity, aid them in order to contain darkness.”
“Have you taken your eyes long enough of your prize pupil to watch the stars? High Master Pontus’ star has disappeared, yet Master Tethys says she saw him living only a week ago.”
“If what you say is true my friend than I am sorry. I have not kept my role as Sage well. But it is even more important then that I go abroad now. Let that which has been festering in dark hearts come forward then we may know our true enemies for who they are.”
“Very well. But make haste. I do not think the Order will survive past the full moon. Something in my spirit seems ill at ease.”
“Very well, but promise me that you will keep a wary eye on the boy. Before this is all over, he will be needing someone that I can trust to take care of him.”
“I promise. Until your return.”
That night Nicholas spent in sweet, dreamless slumber aboard Master Tethys’ ship anchored at the Docks. He was greeted by seagull call and the sound of crewman calling and water splashing, and the gentle bob of the ship against its restraints. He got up, seeing the misty day that hung over the harbor. It was obvious the sun was already up but there was no way of telling the time. Just then a seaman opened his door and told him the Master was waiting for him on the deck.
Nicholas followed the rich grained wooden stairs up towards the deck. Everywhere there was polish brass and smooth sanded wood. This was defiantly no ordinary fishing boat. This was the personal caravel of the High Master himself. All the sailors worked in clean uniforms and were very unlike the ones Nicholas had seen wondering in Lowerside.
“Well, it seems you have finally decided to join me for tea.” Said Master Tethys behind him, “It’s Nicholas right?”
“Yep, that’s right.”
“Well, let’s begin. If you’ll follow me.”
There had been a table set up in the main forecastle of the ship, with richly ornate mother of pearl plates and silver cutlery. On it was a rich spread of scones and jam, crackers and cheese, toast and sardines, and many other things along with a tea pot and two tea cups. They soon were soon eating and talking amiably.
“So, let me see if I get the whole chain of command right.” Nicholas said with a mouthful of sardine. “I’m an apprentice under you. You are a Master, one of six, under the High Master Pontus. He in turn is under the Sage, along with the other three High Masters.”
“That is correct.”
“So, what are these basics you’re supposed to teach me?” Nicholas asked finishing his tea.
“Well, very simply, you need to learn how to control your dreams. For, now let’s starts of with simple entering and exiting of dreams. But first, how do you know you’re not dreaming right now?’
Nicholas suddenly felt a sense of dread creeping over him. Tethys walked over and placed a finger against his open hand. She smiled but Nicholas felt confused.
“If you are dreaming my finger would pass through your hand, but since it didn’t, you’re not. There are most test like that and I will teach them to you in time. But now, close your eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply. Do you feel it? The dreamplane so near you can almost smell the light. Breathe. Now, focus your mind, and look for the star.”
Everything went silent. Nicholas breathed slowly and deliberately, feeling a buzz in his finger tips and toes. He thought he heard a sound like a needle landing on ice and then he was in the white room, in his dreamplane. From far away he felt Tethys’ voice call him back and again he felt like dry water and cool fire was rushing past him, flowing over him and receding back into his mind as he became aware of his eyelids in front of him.
“Very good. But not quick enough. You need to be able to do that without my help. Again.”
And so it went, all morning long, Nicholas would slip into and out of the dreamplane. Sometimes he had trouble actually getting there, while other times he would get stuck on that end, not able to wake himself back up. Once Tethys had to actual come and grab him and wake him up herself. It was lunch time when she finally called a halt, happy with his progress.
After a quick meal, they both went outside, where the sun had burned the morning mists away and left the blue sky crystal clear. Far off out towards the west large storms clouds could be seen, but the wind was blowing against them so they were of no concern. There they sat on large pillows that had been set out for them. As the ship gently bobbed it was time to begin again.
“Alright Nicholas. Go to your dreamplane. I will meet you there for the next lesson.”
Nicholas closed his eyes and was instantly back in his dreamplane. He was sitting on a swing made of glass, gently moving back and forth when Tethys seemed to materialize out of nowhere. She walked up slowly and indicated the swing as she spoke.
“You may have noticed the glass structures in your dreamplane before. They are your mind’s way of making sense of outside stimuli. In this case, your mind feels you rocking because of the boat and is telling you that you are on a swing.”
And with one quick motion of her hands, the glass swing withdrew back into the white light and Nicholas fell on the floor. He looked up at her half astonished, half embarrassed, his pride hurt more than his posterior.
“How did you do that?”
“It’s actually very simple. You can do it too. In fact, this is your dream so your powers here have precedence over mine.”
“Never mind, we’ll get to that part latter. For now, watch carefully.”
And here Tethys held out her had and a strand of glass slowly grew forth and wrapped like a vine around her fingers. Klaus tried and followed her example. The vines of glass grew up and around him, tickling him as it slid across his body.
“Now, see if you can compress the glass into a ball.” Tethys said as she turned her hand palm up, causing the glass around her fingers to pull off the main filament, which then pulled back. Using the remaining glass in her hand, she moved her fingers gently in a scratching motion causing the glass to shudder and vibrate as it turned into a globule and then into a sphere.
“Wow.” Said Nicholas, who then started trying to do what Tethys had done.
“Well, don’t worry too much. Most people can’t do it on their first try…” But before she could finish not only had Nicholas made a perfect sphere, but he was tossing it back and forth from hand to hand, then caused it to split into three that he then juggled.
“Like this Tethys?” he smiled.
“Yes. Just like that Nicholas.” She said a forced smile on her face.
“Now, try and see if you can do this?” She said as she placed the ball on the ground, then squatting down next to it suddenly stood up raising both her hands over her head. The ball shot vines upward that grew around each other. Tethys moved her hands and fingers like spiders and the filaments branched out until a perfect glass tree stood in Nicholas’ dreamplane.
“Okay. That looks hard but I’ll try.”
He didn’t even use the ball, he simply crouched down and jumped into the air twirling as he did and flapping his arms. From all around them, a whole forest of glass trees hot upward. Tethys had to leap out of the way of one shooting up beneath her.
“Oops, sorry Master.” He said apologetically.
“That’s fine.” She said and walked over to her tree from before, “You can also make these illusions more real. Watch, it just takes imagination.”
And as she said that she placed her hand on the tree and suddenly the entire thing filled with light and then in a flash, there stood a real tree, down to the very bark and leaf. Nicholas was so excited he raised his arms and yelled like a little boy and as he did the whole forest erupted in life, trees, birds, squirrels, the blue sky above them, the soft grass beneath them. It was as of they were no longer on a dream but in the real world.
“Incredible. I’ve never seen such a realistic dream. There are no borders.” Tethys looked amazed, “You expanded your dreamplane. How?”
“I was trying to hear the music.” Nicholas said sheepishly.
“Well, anyway. I think it’s almost dinner time. Time for a short break, and then we’ll be learning throughout the night.” With that she exited his dream in a flash.
Nicholas stayed for a while, recreating the Village in the Mountains. He walked through saying high to all the people, and he felt happy. But it didn’t feel like home. He lowered his hands and the village disappeared. Then he tried making Alexandria, but it was too painful. Finally, he made the Caeling Express and stepped on board. The Engineer came forward and stopped Nicholas.
“I’m sorry but you can’t board this train, son. It’s not your time yet.”
“But it’s just a dream.” Nicholas said, “You, all of this, I can make do what I want.”
“Well, yes, but there are some things more powerful than dreams. This train is one of them. Trust me, someday, when you least expect it I will come steaming into your dreams, but not tonight. Tonight you must return to Tethys and learn as much as you can. By tomorrow night, you will have a new Master.”
“What?” Nicholas asked confused, but the Engineer only stepped onboard and the trains pulled away. As the whistle sounded, Nicholas sat up on the deck. Tethys had just woken too, meaning his entire extended dream had only taken a second or two.
That night, after dinner, Nicholas went to bed, as did Tethys. He sat on a rooftop of a large building in Stoken when she arrived in his dream. The sun was just setting and the streets down below was full of people. Smoke billowed from many chimneys making black columns across the red and orange sky.
“Good location. It will do well for your next lesson.” Then she pushed him off the building.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!!!” he yelled as he fell, but when he hit the ground, he suddenly felt himself splash in water.
“Very good use of molding the dreamplane.” She said helping him out of the small lake he had created where they had been pavement.
“Now, follow me.” She said and she jumped, soaring up and up until she reached the top of the building, standing on a flag pole. “Follow!”
Nicholas jumped, went two feet up and came back down. Then he remember he was in his dream. His dream. From above him he heard her call.
“Don’t worry. It took me weeks to learn to do this.”
But I don’t have weeks, thought Nicholas. Then he suddenly found himself floating next to Tethys.
“Wow, how’d I do that!” He called, trying to steady himself in midair.
“Very impressive. You just warped from there to here, and you’re flying.” Tethys said, slightly bitterly, “Things that would have taken an average person months to learn.”
“I just imagined myself up here, next to you. I told myself I was up there next to you.”
“Very good. You have learned much more than I had anticipated.” Then she clapped her hands, and the whole world folded back in on itself like a lotus closing. The two were floating and Tethys quickly summoned two large glass balls for them to sit on.
“Now, I will teach you about the three lesser dreams you dreamt.” She said bringing her hands together as she spoke “First, we’re currently in a truth dream. That would be a dreamplane devoid of any glass illusions. Within this type of dream, everything takes on its true form.”
Then floating over to wall of glass she caused a door to open to the dreamscape. She and Nicholas floated in on their glass balls, drifting in the endless sea of stars. They drifted along until they came to a purplish star. She and Nicholas both reached out and were instantaneously transported to the dreamplane of the person.
There was darkness everywhere. It was like Nicholas had never seen before, like he had never known anything but the darkness. He recognized this dream type. He had had a similar one before. As if reading his mind, Tethys spoke, her voice echoing in the nothingness.
“Yes, this is the type you had before. An emotion dream. A dream that lets you feel the emotions of the person or even a lifeless thing. Give it a second it will come shorty. Prepare yourself and remember to keep control of your emotions.”
As she spoke suddenly a wave of sadness struck Nicholas. He suddenly felt the sting of a thousand heartbreaks, like the sorrow of the whole world was upon him. Tears stung his sightless eyes and his veins burned with the ache of loneliness. He felt all alone. He felt like he was dying slowly of the depression that was eating his soul.
And then he saw him. There, sitting in a huddle up ball on the floor was a small boy. He was burying his face in his knees and weeping his heart out. But it was not a good, comforting, cathartic cry but instead it seemed to make everything hollow and painful. Nicholas felt Tethys take his arm, pulling him as if to say it was time to go. Nicholas pulled away.
“Little boy, why are you crying?” He asked.
A shock of dirty blond hair gave way to two sad dark eye that looked up at him. He spoke and his voice echoed around the darkness, the only light seeming to be a dull yellow glow that saturated the boy.
“I-I don’t know what to do. I feel alone in a house full of people. I feel like I can’t go on anymore. Maybe I should just give up.”
Not knowing what to do and running on instincts, Nicholas grabbed the young boy in a long embrace as he let him cry cried on his shoulder. He stayed that way for a few moments just letting the boys sorrow transfer to himself and then said,
“It’ll be okay. Remember, never to give up. Things will change, very soon. You aren’t alone. If you reach out, then people will reach out to you. Don’t forget when you wake up.”
Nicholas woke in his bed, sat up and looked at the waxing moon outside his window. He knew he should return to the dreamplane and finish his lesson, but somehow he also felt like he needed to deal with the sudden sadness that gripped him. He knew it was probably all in his head, but he felt like he had really taken some of the deep sadness from the tortured soul he had found. And as the sadness seized him, he felt it press in all around him. Then the image of Ivan and Holly filled his mind, and he knew he wasn’t alone. They would be reunited soon. The sadness retreated, beaten by his friendship, and so he went to sleep peacefully.
Tethys sat up in her large ornate be. She looked out her window at the Docks and all the people walking along in the middle of the night. She knew what she had been sent to do. So far she had accomplished her goals, and High Master Pontus would be proud. She would secure the position of High Master for herself. All she had to do was let go at the right time. But her conscience was gnawing at her. She had seen what he could do. She had seen the transfer, something she knew no one else could do. Was she depriving the world of its much needed healing? No, she had to remind herself that her allegiance lay first and foremost with the Apothecary Order. She tried willing herself into her dreamplane, but she couldn’t. Gulping down some chamomile water she was soon in a fitful sleep.
Nicholas sat in his dreamplane, which he had sculpted into a large deep valley with many colorful layers that he took from sunsets. Flying throughout his canyon were many large eagles that were pure white, with circles of light blue feathers around their necks. He was flying with them when he saw Tethys appear on one of her glass balls next to him.
“I’m not feeling well after the emotion dream. I will send you on the final lower dream type, then I will retire. I want you to keep practicing throughout the night. Once you feel comfortable with your level of dreaming, you too may rest in your dreamplane.
“Alright.” Said Nicholas, “What’s the final type of dream?”
“The vision dream. It allows you to see through the eyes of another.”
“Wow! Just people who are asleep or…”
“No, people who are awake too.”
“That’s amazing! How do I do it!” He asked excitedly pulling his imagination back, returning his dreamplane to normal.
“Simple. Go out into the dreamplane. Find the star of the person you wish to use, then swallow the star.”
“Um, okay.” Nicholas said, somewhat unsure.
“Here’s a star chart. It doesn’t come close to having everyone, but it does have some important people that you might like to see through. Well, have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast.”
And then she was gone. Nicholas followed the chart, and decided to see through Larson. When he looked all he saw was Larson’s eyelids and he assumed Larson must be sleeping. So he went back out and looked around some more. Suddenly a golden star came close and he felt like he knew its name. As he said it, it sounded foreign to his tongue.
Then he took it and swallowed it. It was surreal. He was on a swaying boat in the middle of a great storm. There were dark, wet figures running around. He saw lightning flash across the storm torn sky. He saw the mast come closer and realized that Ivan must be walking. Then he saw the mast move down, meaning Ivan was climbing the mast. Far away, Nicholas saw a light through the clouds.
“Ivan, a light!”
As if hearing him, Ivan called out, “A light! Quickly, Dale, tack around or you’ll put her in irons!”
And then Nicholas was out in the dreamscape again. He practiced back in his dreamplane some more, then decided to lay down on the glass and go to sleep.
Nicholas awoke the next morning and had tea with Tethys. She still looked like something was bothering her, but when he asked, she replied that it was nothing. She asked how his vision dreams had gone and he said they went well. They continued small talk until finally, Tethys told him it was time for him to go on a higher dream.
“But first, let me see what you can do. Here, I’ll be viewing through your eyes, you view through someone’s eyes on the chart.”
Nicholas looked at the chart and picked a random name from one of the corners. He went into his dreamplane and found the star. He felt like someone was looking over his shoulder the whole time, then he recalled that Tethys was watching through his eyes right then. He came to the dream, remember the name as he entered.
“Hello Professor Prospero.” He said to himself.
The next instant he saw he was in a glass room, shaped like a ball. To his left was some kind of pinkish shinny crystal. Outside of the glass he saw large billowing smoky black clouds thundering down on the tower he was in. The professor turned around and he saw flights of stairs rush past him. Then he was outside in front of a cylindrical building with a glass domed roof. He saw something shiny brought up beneath his eyes.
It was a flute and he heard the many melodies that flowed from it. The next instant he realized the Professor was soaring on thin air itself. Or wind. He wasn’t sure. But the Professor called more winds to drive back the storm yet nothing seemed to work. Nicholas felt sorry for him. He wanted to help. Then he returned. When he awoke, he saw Tethys was already up.
“I’m sorry Nicholas but something has gone wrong. I must return to Einri quickly. I’m sending you to High Master Gaius for further instruction.”
“O-okay.” Nicholas said. He walked down to the carriage waiting for him, confused but understanding. As he was ready to depart and she ready to sail, she walked up and spoke quickly.
“Thank you Nicholas. You have given me hope again. Hope to believe in the world. Hope to fight the darkness. Until we meet again.”
“Good bye.” And then she sailed off.
Nicholas was taken to the house of High Master Gaius. He was very confused. When he drew close, something felt wrong. At High Master Gaius’ house he realized the chimney wasn’t pouring colored smoke like usual. It was all black. Running inside, he found the house full of smoke, many places scorched with fire. He looked around trying to figure out what had happened. Then, he came to the Master’s bedroom. Slowly opening it he found them. High Master Gaius and all his servants were in a pile on the scorched mattress.
Nicholas covered his face as the smell struck his nostrils, burned his throat, and filled his mouth with bile. He ran down the stairs, tears beginning to form at the destruction all around. He fled to the Glade, not knowing where to go. He sat there for several hours, trying to decide what to do. He quickly went to his dreamplane and looked for Ivan, Larson, and Liam’s stars. He found them but all were empty. They were awake.
He ran down Mainstreet and to Lowerside, but Larson wasn’t there and the Apothecary was locked. As he walked back alone, he thought he saw several men in the shadows following him. He sped up his pace and they did too. He wasn’t looking where he was going and ran straight into something large and strong.
“Wow there little mate. I told you before, I aint open for business until after sunset.”
“Sal! You need to help me! They’re after me!” he said breathlessly. “I need a place to hide!”
“Alright. Here, come into my tavern. Stay down and if they tries to get you, run out the back door.”
He saw the men walk up. Sal talked flirtatiously with them, but when they drew knives, she pulled out a large axe, not exactly the wood chopping kind. They fled from her sight, but then as she turned to walk back in, one came up behind her with the knife. Nicholas ran, not looking back but there a sickening thud as a body hit the wood floor.
He ran back to the Glade and sat there until nightfall. He drifted into his dreamplane, then swam in the sea of stars in the dreamscape. He instinctively knew which one it was he needed. He grabbed the star and entered Tethys’ dreamplane.
“Nicholas, what are you doing here?” She asked confused at his sudden appearance.
“Tethys! Someone killed Master Gaius! They burned him and his house and everyone! Now they’re after me!”
“Where are you?” she asked urgently.
“In the Glade. I figured the greenman won’t let anyone else pass unless they’re part of the order.”
“Nicholas, listen, the men after you are apprentice of the school of poison. They can get into the Glade and are probably on their way there right now! You have to get to some place safe.”
“Where!?!” He asked urgently.
“Sneak aboard a ship and head for Lumph. Oronus has a house there that should have key in the back, buried beneath an old pine tree. You should be able to stay there for now. Don’t worry Oronus shouldn’t be going to Lumph until winter.”
“Thank you.”
“Just hurry! And don’t trust anyone anymore Nicholas. The Order has fallen to darkness.”
End Chapter
So again, same feedback requested as before. If you read this chapter right after Holly's part II then let me know if the transition back was smooth enough. If you read this chapter after rereading chapter 9, let me know if its too much of Klaus/Nicholas for one sitting or not. Either way, let me know what you guys think about the plot, the style, and the content.
Until next time, adue.
14 years ago
I read both Holly chapters and I think it flows very well! It has a very smooth transition.
ReplyDeleteAs for this chapter, I really liked it. The new characters were presented nicely and I love what you did with the dreamplane! I really liked how you overlapped his story with Holly's! I do not think it was to much Klaus/Nicolas.
Until next time,