Last night it happened again. I had a conversation with a dear christian friend, whose opinion I respect in many ways. Like times before with other people, the "arguement" was good mannered and we both mearly laughed it off and continue don with what we were talking about before the nasty topic had surfaced. Glabal Warming.
There has been a question that has plagued my mind for many years now, and its this: Why do so many Christians in America deny the exsistance of global warming before ever even doing any research for themselves? Why do the mainstream Christian media, icons like Pat Robertson among many other, list global warming as a foly of man, or among the sins such as abortion or euthanasia? Is it because glabal warming originated in the "left"?
I'll stop my self from even going into a rant on right wing and left wing politics in the upsurdly ineffiecient bilateral system of US. Instead, I want to honestly try and answer this question. Why do Christians feel threatened by Global Warming?
I've asked several people and the answer has been the same every time.
Yes, I understand that the earth goes through cycles, based on the systematic shift of orbit from an eliptic to a circle, as well as the change in axial tilt, and the poles even switch polarities on a regular basis. I also understand that there is an 11 year cycle involving sunspots and solar activity that also affects the earth, as well as the fact that our readings come from airport data and that they are consstent with airports being moved out of cities and then cities creeping up on them, creating a heat trap that threw off the readings. I understand all of that. But, you still haven't answered my question.
Why do Christians feel threatened by Global Warming?
Some have replied that it is because Global Warming says the world will end with glacial flooding and that the Bible says the world will end with fire. First off, let's make ne thing clear. The eschatology, or end tmes studies, have never made a definitive statement that God plans to singe the earth when He's done. That is all conjecture based off verses with many alternative meanings and interpretations. Second, Global Warming, as a process, also does not claim the earth will be flooded a second time, violating God's promise to Noah. Scientist who wished to spur the public into action stating that Global Warming COULD cause sea levels to rise in teh next THOUSAND YEARS. That in itself is already anticipated through various other cycles active on the earth. So, the only thing that still supports that arguement then is that too many Christians are too laszy to get off their lazy butts and do some research for themselves.
However, there are some, the few who have done research and still say that Global Warming is "of the devil". Why? Why would important figures in Christianity deny Glabal Warming? I think the answer lies in part that they are card carrying memeber sof the Republican party. Before you tune out, listen to the logic here. This is no conspiracy theory, just connecting the dots between facts.
FACT: Because the Republican party apposes abortion(in theory), they are considered morally superior by most Christain groups and organizations when compared to the Democrats.
FACT: With a Republican President in office, a Republican majority in the Senate, and six of the Supreme Court Judges appointed by Republican presidents there still have been no major changes made to abortion laws.
FACT: The Republican Party receives a very large amount of charitible donations from the major large oil corportaions. The deals struck with arab shahs for American oil companies to access the oil in the Arabian peninsula were made for the most part by Republican presidents.
CONJECTURE: Since the Republican Party is considered infallible by so many Christian groups, and since the Republican party, sponsored by the large oil companies, has repeatedly denied the exsistence of Global Warming, most Christians automatically assume that Global Warming must be a lie concocted by the "immoral left" to save more trees and kill more babies.
And then this creates a very convenient way for Christians to simply sherk off their God given responsibility. Think back, way back, past the flood, past the garden, past the snake with the fruit. When God made earth, before he made Eden, he created Adam from the wild earth SO THAT THERE COULD BE SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE OF CREATION. And that same mandate, to be a steward of the earth, has passed on to all Adam's decendants. We are responsible for what God has given us.
Not only does the parable of the man who gave his three servants talents illustrate the point that when God comes back He will hold us accountible for the things he gave us authority over, but there is also the Great Divine Law of Sowing and Reaping.
This law, laid down on the sixth day of creation and reaffirmed by Moses, the prophets, and Jesus himself says very plainly: What you sow, you will also reap.
If we use our resources carelessly, if we drive vechiles that spew poison into the pure air gven to us as a gift by our creator, just so we don't have to use the legs he gave us to walk with, if we persue cold, heartless, endless capitilistic industrailization just so we can gain money, not caring about the cost to our own health, the health of our children, or the health of the home God has given us, according to the Divine Law, we will reap the consequences for our actions.
And Global Warming is just that consequence. Its affects aren't all warming though. In my homeland, last year, something happened that has never occured before in recorded history. The Ocean froze, all around Cape Town. This happened because a glacier in Antarctica broke off into the sea, lowering teperatures and freezing the entire bay solid. And this illustrates my final point.
What we do will not just affect us. Our actions affect other, small, underdeveloped nations who have no protection from the acid rain our factories cause to rain down on their crops, buring the leaves and spreading famine in their lands, or the increased heat that results in hurricanse that mangle countries like Burma and Indonesia. Or our children, who may never be able to play outside in the sun, because we have damaged the ozone layer beyond repair.
Right now, several things can be done. You can follow the mainstream Christian media, denying Global Warming and keep living as if your actions don't affect anyone. Your tax money can just keep being funneled into a pointless war in Iraq and soon Iran. Or, you can choose, as a citizen who can, or someday will be able to, vote to make the responsible choice. Even if Global Warming isn't real, is it not a better thing, to care for the trees, the majestic giants created by our glorious creator to speak of his splendor, and care for our home and our children's home as wise stewards?
Think about.
14 years ago
Would you like to elaborate on that at all? Maybe just one sentence? possibly a letter?
Is that enough elaboration? :)
ReplyDeleteWell put. If I didn't believe in global warming before(which I did) I sure do now.
ReplyDeleteI believe! I BELIEVE!!!
Hey Jean great post. I'm not quite convinced, however, that global warming is man made. I think what angers many people is global warming policy (not necessarily global warming itself). Radicals on the left use global warming to enforce unrealistic policies that would exchange widespread economic down fall for a minuscule change in climate change. The enormous economic costs that these policies demand would create poverty and therefore increase the dirty emmissions of so-called pour man's fuel (coal, etc.). Whether global warming exists or not, the leftists that are leading the "believing movement" are not reviewing their facts carefully (and risk severely hurting the global economy) , and have a underlying agenda (political financing and euthinatia ideology).
ReplyDeleteChristians generally do respect the environment due to their moral grounding. I think that what separates us Christians is that we do not go overboard. I think that we need to be careful not to follow these people hold nature over humanity and who a lot of the time overlook evidence so that they can further their cause.
Just a side note I recently heard that the earth was a lot warmer a few centuries before the Industrial revolution took place. It then cooled down during the 1800s and early 1900s (in the midst of the revolution) and now its rising again. This seems to prove the existence of climatic cycles.
Personally I'm not sure whether or not warming exists but right now I don't feel like trusting biased focus groups.
What about trusting scientist?
I'm just kidding.
Hey, go back and reread my post. I said I know and understand, better than most anti-global warmist, the cyclical arguements, among the many others. I never said there might not be a cycle. What I am saying is that do people honestly believe that taking billions of tons of CO2 and pumping it into the air for 300 years won;t have even a small effect?
There are much more important issues in the world, like orphans, AIDS, wars, genocide, etc for us to worry about this crap.