01) Cars (you have to pay insurance even if you don't ever drive them)
02) Wars ( No matter what you say no one ever wins! Especially the civilians that ALWAYS get involved and have no choice about being in it!)
03) Cubism (sure it's art...)
04) Cars (they're noisy, smelly, and no matter what anyone says... ugly!)
05) Money ( yeah it sounds dumb, but the whole concept of money is dumb, so there!)
06) Lengthy Paperwork (like applying for SSN, school, or aforementioned insurance)
07) Country Music (If they could only sing about something other than their pickup truck, shotgun, and dead dog!)
08) Cars (Not worth all the trouble they cause e.g. deaths, carbon monoxide, carcinogenic waste products, having to get insurance, having to pay for gas, etc.)
09) Politicians ( Read: liars)
10) Satan ( not as bad as politicians but pretty darn close.)
So, that's the top ten things I actually dispise with all my soul. And yes, they are in decedning order, with most dispised thing at top and going down. But then again, that's just my opinion. :)
14 years ago
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