It will begin.
So this is the weirdest dream I've ever had. I dreamt I was at Powells and picked up a book that was titled "1-1-0-5-1-5: It will begin." As I read it I was inside it nararating the story. And the story was the chilling part...
It began as any other day for twelve people on six continents. And a day of dread for one. On November 5th, 2015, nearly 1 billion people across the globe don’t show up for work. Most of the world’s top security departments and government agencies have been compromised, troops sent to obscure locations to fight each other. All of the public and private secondary schools and colleges are empty, all except for one high schooler, who refuses to talk.
Nations are blaming each other, and a terrorism ring known as Red Ironforge is thought to be behind the mass drugging of the billion people that didn’t show up for work, and the kidnapping and possible murder of the students.
As several individuals move closer to finding the answer concerning Red Ironforge, an even more sinister scenario becomes visible. Red Ironforge was merely a cover to hide the secret meetings and messages that had been relayed across the World of Warcraft games as well as MySpace and Facebook. The message was simple but clear, on 09-05-15, the revolution would begin.
The five years before, a new drug had been introduced in the schools across the globe, called Clarifix. It s acted as a neuro-stimulant, used to help students stay awake and focused. The neuro-stimulant caused grades to rise and some of the best and brightest students ever seen rose through the school systems. But it also came with a cost.
Smarter students begin to ask questions that had never been asked before. They begin to question the status quo, and realize that their parents are either apathetic, complacent, or dependant when it comes to the governments of their countries, allowing the governments free and unchecked reign. They decide that it’s been long enough. They decide to incite a revolution.
Across the spectrum, poor, middle, and upper class students all begin to plan. They are led by a coalition of leaders, the sons and daughters of kings, presidents, and ambassadors, who attend the Leaders of Tomorrow Academy in Switzerland. The plans begin to circulate through the use of World of Warcraft, MySpace, and Facebook. After several years of planning the day comes. But there is one problem.
His name is Phillepe Sanchez, and he refuses to participate. He is one of the few students that were at a level of competency high enough that he did not have the Clarifix administered. His father was one of the few in the scientific community that disagreed with the mainstream findings that Clarifix was beneficial. His research led him to isolate a protein compound in the neuro stimulant that acted as an inhibitor blocker and testosterone enhancer, leading cause for the sudden rebelliousness of the students.
Phillip’s girlfriend, Sophie, who he met over MySpace, is part of the revolution. If he gives up any information, either the revolutionist will kill her, or the governments will when they find her. So he is intent on remaining silent.
Only one adult knows what’s going on. His name is Professor Vito Allegro. He is a professor at Cambridge in England, and occasional guest speaker at LOTA. There he is the one that first inspires the students to form the coalition, and opens their eyes to their potential and power. He is also the brother of the owner of Claricorps the manufacturer of Clarifix, and once the revolution begins, he is able to reroute a substantial amount to the revolutionist until they are able to begin importing from the drug cartels in South America.
Sophie is caught up in the ideas of the revolution. After beginning Clarifix treatments three years back, Sophie has begun to realize that she has no future if things stay the same. She also feels the pressure to go with the flow, since everyone else is part, if she isn’t she’ll be picked off. Her boyfriend Phillepe has refused to take part, but promised that he would give nothing away as long as the revolutionist kept her safe. At the same time she is also attracted and scared of the revolutionist leader of her region, Guy de Lemar, who is making advances towards her.
Guy de Lemar is a student who had ADHD. He was given a double treatment of Clarifix along with a new drug for ADHD which resulted in him becoming very aggressive and rebellious. He is smart and unlike many people he realizes the potential of power found in the student population. He is also the one who first contacts the drug cartel that begins manufacturing “whites”, the new, stronger Clarifix supplement. In the end, when the revolution is stopped, he is executed as the leader, sacrificing himself as a scapegoat so the coalition will remain safe.
The closing lines of the book were as follows:
“This revolution of yours is over. You lost! Now tell us who were the real leaders!” yelled the Interpol Interogator.
The Detective felt unnerved by the young prisoner’s unblinking stare. He knew something. Something that even now kept him ardent and firm and that something was what scared the Detective. Then Guy began to laugh.
“You honestly believe you have stopped us? Ha! How do you know you have even done anything? How do you know that this, all of this, you, me, Phillepe and Sophie, that it wasn’t all just part of a plan? You think you have stopped the revolution? No… the real revolution is coming. They know now that they have power. And the signal has already been given. Did you honestly think 1-1-0-5-1-5 was just a date?”
Did you get goosebumps, because I did! so that was the shortened form. The actual story from my dream followed an Interpol detective (the one at the end) and an American CIA agent as they try to figure out what happened and where the kids are while they are dragging Phillepe along. The parents of the kids throughout teh diffrent nations, being pushed into a crazed grief based anger, storm government centers and begin exicuting governmnet officials. It was scary!
Oh! So to clarify if you didn't already get it...
-teh troops are sent to obscure locations (antarctica) so they won't be able to intervene.
-the smartened studenst are teh ones who hack and comprimise the security systems.Think kids who are already geniuses now on smart juice!
So that was my story dream. Pretty bizaar. The scary thing is that if anyone ever did get all the kids in the world to organize there really isn't anything any government agency could ever do against them. I mean you can't lock up or exicute veery kid in the nation. There goes your work force. Maybe I shouldn't eat artichoke before bed...
14 years ago
you'll turn into ted dekker yet, mister!!!
ReplyDeletehaha :D
ladies first :)
ReplyDeleteUhhhh.... scary! You should have warned me not to read this right before I go to bed!!!!!... bad idea!!!! ;)