Things to Learn from the song "Healer"
+That a song should never be about who wrote it. Instead a song should be assessed on the truth of the words, the relevance of the music to the purpose of the song, and annointing of the spirit on it. This is one of the big issues that revolve around this song. For too many people the song was just about the person who wrote it, and when his confession came out suddenly the song was now irrelevant and sacriligious.
+What happens when a good person does bad things. This song is powerful because it acts as a perpetual reminder of the cost of unrepentant and secret sin, especially when it's found in a person of influence.
+That it is never my place to judge, and always my place to love and forgive.
+That God can take what the enemy intends for evil and use it for good. Look at the bad situation with this song. It seems that the song could only carry bad memories and shame with it, but really there are many good things we can learn from it and be reminded of when we listen to it.
14 years ago