Do you ever get that feeling like you just want to scream?
Do you ever get that feeling like you can do anything yet nothing you can think of sounds good enough?
Do you ever get that feeling like you should do something, write something, but all you see is the blinking cursur line telling you the obviously blank page is still obviously blank?
Do you ever get the feeling like you want to describe your emotions but there aren't words for them?
Thats what I feel like right now. I just came back from the Worship, Prayer, Presence night. It was great. It was unbelievible! It was like being back in a Pentacostal Church. It was like coming home. Thats the best way I can express my turbulently serene emotions at this time. I'm very glad I was forced to go. It was a good night. Meybe tomorow I'll write some more about it. Or I could just post Chapter 19...
14 years ago
Haha, I feel that way all the time actually! lol! WPP was awesome, huh? I can't wait till the next one!