Well even though a certain promise from a certain someone was not fullfilled I though it unfair to punish the whole world. Instead, I'm just going to kill her character in the next chapter. :)
So some reasons this chapter took so long:
1) The accents, they were fun but I had to reread them five or six times to make sure they were right.
2) I finished the chapter but it was all written in my notebooks and so I had to copy it all verbatim which took a while.
3) I've been busy filling out paperwork for school and for my immigration status so I won't get deported. :)
Chapter 18
The blue ocean was calm and playful. It lapped melodically against the side of the wooden boat that was traversing the depths of the Rish Bay for the third time. After a long night spent anchored at the mouth of the bay, the ship had set sail and was going steadily up the bay. Dale was at the helm, feeling the grain of the ship’s wood against his bare hands. It was an amazing feeling being in control of the large vessel, piloting it around obstacles.
“Good morning me hearty!” Came Tal’s voice, disrupting any feelings of grandeur Dale may have been entertaining, “How are we this morning crabby legs?”
“Crabby legs?” Asked Dale.
“Yea! I’m trying to make up nautical nicknames for everyone!” Tal grinned from ear to ear.
“And crabby legs was the best you could come up with?”
“Hey! Be grateful I didn’t call you barnacle bottom!” Dale rolled his eyes at Tal’s remark, but that didn’t stop him, “You know, you’re no fun anymore!”
“Well, maybe that’s because I actually have a job to do. I have to be responsible for everyone on board.”
“Yeah, yeah. But you don’t have to grow up so quickly. We’re the youngest here, we deserve to be a little childish.”
“Shh!” Dale shushed him, “Do want everyone to find out how we snuck into the school even though we’re not old enough? Do you want them to send us back to the orphanage?”
“There you go again. Worrying. It’ll be fine! Here’s your breakfast by the way!” Tal said as he scooped a bowl full of greenish jiggling goop into a bowl and handed it to Dale. “There you go crab legs, enjoy.”
Tal left the scowling Dare at the helm and made his way down to the deck. There he found Coniglio busy tying some line around one of the small cannons they had gotten from Liam.
“Morning Lio, you…lobster…um…lungs!” Tal said, stuttering as he was looking for the right word.
A string of babble came out of Lio’s mouth. “Lobster Lungs? Why would you call me lobster lungs. Is it because I talk too much? Or because I look like a lobster lung? Wait. Do lobsters have lungs?”
Tal seemed to have to think for a few seconds before he could answer, “I don’t. Um, here’s your breakfast.” And he scooped another bowl of the green goop that reeked of squid and anchovy.
“Oh…you…made…breakfast…” Lio gulped nervously.
“Oh yea, and I know that with your energy you need extra helpings so here you go. Another scoop.” And with that Tal was off, dragging the small black cauldron behind him, green goop splashing out and burning through the deck timbers.
He went and gave some to Silver, who nearly passed our from the fumes, and Oronus who sprinkled some herbs on top, took a sip, and then dumped an entire bag full of herbs in it. Next Tal cornered Wick below deck in the engine room. Wick actually gladly accepted a bowl and thanked Tal. Tal was pleased with himself until, on his way out, he spotted something.
“Hey! Is that some of my sea urchin casserole from yesterday all over the gears?”
“Oh, no! Um, ya see. That there’s high grade… sea urchin… gear lubrication… it looks very similar.” Wick said nervously.
“Oh, okay.” Tal smiled before heading in search of his next victim.
In the main cabin, Ivan and Edric were talking while standing over several charts that Ivan had spread out over the desk, matching some so their edges lined up and created coherent pictures. He motion to boundaries and areas of bare table as he spoke.
“So you see, I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find a complete map of all the lands we have visited and how they line up. We have this one here of the Wreath Confederacy, and that one there of Insular, but then there’s this big gap here where Alexandria should be, and then over here, there isn’t even any forest on the map!”
“You’re right.” Edric said smiling at his friend’s antics.
“So, I have decided that I will make one! A universal map to all the lands we visit. In fact, I’ll go and start right now.”
“Great. And when we get back to my Aunt Eilinor, we can use the Castle Archives to make sure you have all of the Insular charts right.”
Just then the door burst open and in walked Tal. “Good morning to you sirs! Captain Turtleface and Weatherer Whalebelly!”
Ivan and Edric both spoke at once.
Then Edric noticed the cauldron and the small bowls and spoons. He smiled and shook his head a little as he spoke, “Oh, I fancy it must be breakfast already.”
“Aye captain!” Tal responded enthusiastically, “And it’s Seaweed Surprise with curdled Seahorse milk!”
“Oh, that sounds…very fancy.” Said Edric who took a bowl and a small taste, “Mmm. It’s kind of stringy with a crunchiness scattered within.”
Ivan had to force himself not to grimace as he said, “Well, I’m actually not hungry. Besides, I have to shake off my…um… whalebelly.”
“Alrighty, but you’re missing out!” Tal called as he left.
As Tal stepped out, he passed Dare, the dark, muscled figure with the imposing scar. He was about to offer some to him when he heard the low, guttural growl coming from Dare, and decided that maybe he wasn’t interested. A few seconds later Jack was heard retching while he leaned over the side of the deck. One by one, bowls of Seaweed Surprise were delicately and secretively emptied over the side of the deck, and soon a trail of dead fish could be seen behind the boat as they rose belly up in the water.
High above the hullabaloo, Liam sat in the crow’s nest. His sat with his back against the mast, his knees up with his arms crossed against them and his forehead resting against his arms. He sighed and spoke without looking up.
“So Skree, my good friend, what do your eyes see as you fly over the world?”
The bird who had landed without a sound seemed surprised that Liam had know it was there. It could tell that something was bothering it’s master and so it laid its soft feathery head against Liam’s. Liam looked up and the falcon did too. He smiled at his bird and gently placed his hand on the feathered head.
“I’m alright. I just have a very difficult problem to solve.” The bird nodded and he continued, “I always thought that once I got the key everything else would be easy. But it’s not. The book was divided. The part we have…it’s basically useless. It doesn’t even mention the Sacred Treasure.”
The falcon kept nodding and Liam smiled as he spoke in bird, “Your understanding of human tongues improves daily.”
The bird answered, “My master, let not the book and what is to come trouble you. The present has enough troubles to bear. Hark, I have gone to and fro as you commanded and have seen a great evil. Master, daily more dreams go out and farther the Void spreads.”
“Then we have not a moment to waste.” Said Liam firmly.
It was afternoon when they were back at the castle. They sat along the large table in the main hall which was looking much better. It seems that having the youth in her home had invigorated the aged queen as well. The group however did not have time to notice the change as they sat in the council of war.
“My friends. Yesterday, with some supernatural help, we retrieved the Book of Treasure Lore.”
Everyone except Edric and Wick threw their hats in the air and gave a loud cheer.
“However, it was only a part of the book. And unfortunately its contents are not very helpful. At least not yet.”
Here he motioned to High Master Oronus who held the piece of the book and read:
“The Book of Treasure Lore
This is the compilation of the wisdom and traditions of the great sages and seers of the encircling forest, and was compiled and put down by, the descendant of the first seer, one Mercius the Lorekeeper.
In the old days, long before the kingdoms of man, and elves, there was the age of the sorcerers and the dragons. In this time, great light and great darkness was in turmoil across the earth and the sorcerers, keepers of nature, desired to destroy all evil from the earth. They therefore chose three guardians to find darkness where ever it may be, and to eradicate the dragons, the progenitors of shadow.
Three were chosen to bare the burden, and a heavy burden it was, for the sorcerers delved deep, harnessing ancient powers that they were never intended to discover or use, and created the three cursed treasures. These were to aid the three guardians in their quest to destroy the deamons.
The first treasure was a dagger, created from all the seven known elements combined, and the five unknown added as well. The dagger took the form of a long, pointed, glass dirk, the blade as long as a man’s forearm. The handle was made from the bronze found at the core of the earth, and glowed with its warmth. It was said that if anyone unworthy of the dagger where to lay hold of it, they would scorch their hand. It could, with a single swipe, summon hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, and raise the very fire from the depths of the earth. The dagger was so mighty that it could destroy an entire army without even using any of its elemental affinities, and so was named the Dagger of Destruction.
The second treasure was a cloak, which was woven from the very fabrics of the Void itself. It was dark like the emptiness of the dreamscape, and time and space itself were wrinkled within its dark folds. It could take the wearer anywhere in an instant, and could let them relive the past, as well as see some of the routes a decision could take in the future. When traveling a man would be seemingly consumed by fire, ice, and leaves as nature itself abhors the presence of the void. If anyone unworthy of its awesome power were to place it upon their shoulders, they would be consumed by the Void, and would suffer eternal darkness and dreamlessness. Only one who had a strong mind, will, and spirit could stand against the power of the Void. It was mightier than the dagger, for its power was older and fiercer, and it was named the Cloak of Emptiness.
The third and final treasure made by the sorcerers was a mask, plain and simple. It was carved from ordinary wood, some say of the chronodendron tree. It had no carvings, no painting, no ornamentation for its beauty. It was plain, the size of a man’s face, with a hollow area for the nose. It had two eye slits, deep set, which casts the wearer’s eyes in darkness, and a similar mouth, carved to show neither joy, nor sorrow, nor fierceness, nor fear, simply being. This was the most powerful treasure, endued with the forbidden knowledge, the ancient magic that the sorcerers had been blinded to, yet that they sought out and found. If anyone except the chosen guardian or his descendant placed it on their face, they would die instantly, in body, spirit, and soul. This was the Mask of Immortality.”
“So there you go.” Said Liam as he faced the group.
“So…. Wait.” Said Lio scratching his head, “Which of the three treasures are we looking for?”
“None.” Said Silver, a tabby cat once again as she strode across the table, her long tail flicking as she spoke, “These are the three cursed treasures. They are not what we seek. No, we seek the Sacred Treasure.”
Just then Queen Eilinor walked in and motioned to Edric and Liam. The two got up and she held a whispered conference with her. After a few seconds they came to the table and she sat down at the end as she spoke.
“Good guests of my home. I welcome you all with open arms, and offer you all the greatest hospitality that I can. However, I must ask a great request of you. This evening I received word that a large force from Albia has crossed our northern border at the Serpentine Wall. My scouts say that they are headed for the Northern Bridge to Tara.”
Here Liam stood and spoke, “We must go out and ask them to leave, and if they won’t… to make them leave.”
There were nods of consent all around the table and fresh horses were immediately called for. Weapons were sharpened and the group was soon ready to set off. They rode all night long, stopping only for short breaks. It wasn’t until a few hours before dawn that they finally stopped to sleep. Holly, Liam, and Silver didn’t. They knew they would be more refreshed and better focused if they stayed awake.
The next morning the group set off. The crew, Ivan, Nicholas, and Oronus all were even more weary then when they first set out, but the three from the previous evening set the pace and weren’t slowing down. It was still before noon when they reached the Albians.
The force was larger than expected. There were enough men to outfit a small army, all wearing shining breastplates and wool kilts. They all carried large long bows and quivers full of sharp arrows and had small barrettes pulled over their left eyes. And on each shoulder was perched a fiercesome bird of war.
“Who is your leader?” Called Liam as he rode forward.
“Ah ahm laddy. An ya best ba fear’en Wield Angus McBrahndypants!”
The large horde of Albians sat encamped on the green hill that sloped down to a white chalk road that wound like a snake through the greens. Up at the top of the hill stood an old gnarled oak, with hardly a leaf left on it’s bare branches. Beneath its skeletal canopy was a large mossy boulder and five wicker chairs had been set up in front of it. Liam, Edric, Nicholas, Ivan, and Holly sat on the wicker chairs in front of Angus McBrandypants on the boulder, a pipe peaking out between his thick short red beard.
“So, ya wee lads an lasses were sent by tha Queen o’ Gwaylen. Whiel now, she must ba mighty desperate if yur all she’s got ta rely on.”
“Either way sir.” Spoke Liam with his cold blue eyes, “if you are planning an invasion we advise you turn back. We may be few and young but we will all fight like a hundred men each.”
Angus gave a long, hearty laugh that shook his entire frame before speaking, “Ah laddy! Thos ar awefully bieg words for one sah young. But Ah leik yer spirit! By mha gret auntie’s wiskers ifen Ah had twenty men wit yur confidence Ah could be king o’ tha whole Insul’r nouw. Dun’t be afearen. Ah aint plannen on invaden, ye ken. In fahct, yew could say Ah’m dune da opposite.”
“I don’t follow.” Said Liam, motioning for him to continue.
“Wiel nouw. It must ha ben tow nights bahk. Whe hada greand auld war co’ncil in Ahlb’a an decided ta attend the gather’n at Brannon, ta try far a peaceful accord with thos Dray. Everyone an’ there auntie seemed to like the idea except for tha Wren Clan. I decided ta keep an eye on ‘em. Good thing tow, cuase they crossed yur border last night an are headed far Tara.”
“Which route are they taking? The northern highroad or the southern goatpath?” Asked Ivan, pulling some charts and maps from his pocket and beginning to examine roads and paths.
“Are ya daft boy? Ah sed wer after tha Wren. They rarely ever trav’l ba foot. They’ll ba flying. Do ya ken.”
“Are you tracking them?” Asked Liam as he gave a blow on his silent whistle.
“Oh aye. They’re encamped at tha foet o’ tha southern hiells, just pahst tha Serpentine Wall, o’er to tha eastern sied.” Angus said, giving his pipe a few thoughtful puffs.
“But why did they cross into Gwaylen.” Said Holly as she squinted at Ivan’s map. “It would have been much easier to meet the Dray by simply heading northeast across the Tara-Albian border. Going Southeast means they’ll have to come all the way around…”
“…and end up coming up directly behind them. They aren’t starting a war. They’re starting a fire.” Nicholas said as he connected the dots.
“Like they did in southern Tara.” Whispered Edric looking down.
“Thaht’s what we figured too. ‘An thahts why we haf ta stop them. If they set fire to tha forest in tha north there’s no dought weil be face’n a whar.”
“So we must stop them crossing into Tara. We must defend the bridge.” Liam spoke standing up as Skree landed on his shoulder.
The afternoon sun was past it’s zenith and was slowly starting the journey to the western edge of the world. Across the western shores of Insular, further west than Glassiere, in a strange and hostile land there was a figure in a long white cloak whose face was hidden by the low brim of the cloak’s hood.
A white swan fluttered out of the east, newly arrived from Insular after delivering the message from her mistress. She descended in slow circles and alighted on a small pool next to her mistress. She bowed her head as she spoke in bird tongue.
“Mistress Cikara. I have done as you commanded.”
“Were the owls a problem?”
“No, it is as you foresaw, they protected me from the owls.”
“That is good.”
“Mistress, why did you not simply tell them where the other parts are?”
“I have faced the same riddles they face, and have seen two of the parts of the Book. But I cannot solve the final part. It is the most important mystery and is doubly guarded. The last part requires a ship to find it and a miracle to understand it… But maybe this one Larson spoke of, maybe he is the miracle I need. He might be the next seer, the next sage, or maybe something even greater. That is why I am seeking their aid. I have sent you, dear Cigna, to carry my messages so that it will help them recognize me as a friend. But I cannot tell them directly. They must go on this journey, the same one we went on, and they must learn the lesson that we had to learn. They must learn to have mercy or their group will be torn apart when the betrayal comes.”
“What betrayal mistress?” asked the white swan as it floated on the water.
“Soon you will see. For now, I have a second message for you to deliver to them.”
“We’ve spotted the Wren encampment!” called a scout as he returned.
Every weapon was at the ready. All the Albians had their hawks, ospreys, and kites on their shoulders, wings outstretched and ready to take off at a moment’s notice. The birds all had their beaks and talons sharpened by the master and were ready for battle.
Ivan had summoned Zephyr and was already floating above the ground. Holly had loaned two dirks from the Albains and was mounted on top of Silver, who had taken her griffon form again. Nicholas and the crew had not come with them, none really being able warriors.
As the small army marched forward they crested the green hill and from the top they saw the Wren for the first time. Ivan had never seen anything so strange. It seemed like there was an encampment of scarecrows sitting around small fires all at the bottom of the hill. Their clothes were shades of faded blue, violet, and grey with large brown patches on them. They all wore large felt hats with long brims and grey-violet gloves with no fingers. Everything about them seemed tattered and torn.
Angus, Liam, and Oronus walked out to meet the leader. He looked no different from his men except that his cheeks seemed more sunken, his blue-grey eyes had dark rings of sleeplessness below them, and his blue-grey hair seemed oily and stringy.
“Angus McBarndypants, Ah should da known thaht yewd try an stohp us!”
“Duncan O’Day! Yew’v gotta stohp! This won’t solve enething!”
“On tha contr’ry! Ah, aint aimen ta solve ene thing! Ah intend ta start sohmething! A war!”
And as he called out he raised his hands and all his men did as he did. Their long grey cloaks billowed out and burst into wings in an explosion of blue-grey feathers. Then with a flapping they all took off, each with a burning torch in hand.
“Stop them! They must not set fire to the forest on the other side of the bridge!” Called Liam.
“Ya herd tha lad! Let ‘em fly!” Called Angus in full battle fury.
And the small army of birds took to the skies. They came around and for a brief second everything was silent. Then the crash of bodies, the calls of birds and men alike, and the sound of blade upon beak echoed through the morning. The Wren, though outnumbered, were doing great damages with their short swords.
“Archers! Let’s give em somthan ta chew on!” Called Angus as he raised his own longbow with his men. “Let loose!”
A volley of arrows flew into the swarming melee, felling a few Wren instantly and wounding dozens more. Silver and Holly had risen up and were doing their own share of damage. After about fifteen minutes of fighting it seemed like the tide was turning in their favor and that the battle would be won fairly quickly.
Then a loud screeching was heard. From the Southeast twelve large black Stryx, with smoking wings, were flying towards them. Ivan and Zephyr kept bumping into Angus’ birds and he spat out the fifth mouthful of feathers he had received that day. He flew a little ways off from the battle and didn’t see the Stryx before it was too late.
Holly saw Ivan dropping out of the sky. She quickly motioned and Silver swooped in to catch him. He was dropped next to Oronus who applied a hasty poultice to revive the boy. Meanwhile Silver and Holly flew back up to join the battle, both roaring their war cries as they fought the Wren.
The Stryx were aiding the Wren, but just when it looked like it was lost, the trees on the other side of the Bay began to move. They stood up, dirt falling from their roots and began running across the bridge. They changed as they ran, becoming more human. Their skin was dark and rough like bark, their hair green and prickly like pine needles, and their eyes were dark tree knots. These were the male Dray and they were being led by Nicholas and the crew.
“Nohw! They’re coming to uhs. Let’s finish what we staerted. Let tha forrest burrn!” Called Duncan as he led the charge towards the Dray that were standing on the stone bridge.
The Dray began reaching deep into the masonry and pulling massive boulders from the bridge and throwing them at the Wren, felling many. Meanwhile, Silver had grabbed a Stryx in each talon and was throwing them against the incoming missiles from the Dray. Holly jumped off of Silver’s back and onto a Stryx, cutting it’s throat and leaping onto the next one.
The Wren had reached the trees and began circling the small forest that had accumulated in the middle of the stone bridge. As they circled they began setting them on fire, screams of anguish and pain coming from the Dray as their flammable skin began to blaze. Several shot out their long, thin, branchy arms and plucked Wren out of the sky, shaking them until their bones were all broken and throwing them into the Bay.
The war birds were circling in the opposite direction of the Wren and the two groups were continually jousting each other in the air, the blood of Wren and birds dripping onto the burning trees below. The Dray were animalistic and acting on instincts. They were killing friend and foe alike as they bellowed and roared in pain.
“Pull bahk!” cried Angus above the battle din.
“But we have to help them!” called Edric as he fired another arrow.
“Dohna question me lad! It’s all part o’ their plahn! Just fall bahk! Nohw!”
The birds and the archers all pulled back onto land while they watched the Wren and the Dray continue fighting. Silver and Holly brought the last Stryx down then landed next to the group. Holly wiped black blood from her cheek, while Silver cleaned her talons on the grass. They all just stood there watching the Dray and the Wren as they fought for almost an hour more. The Wren were now setting themselves on fire and falling into the middle of the Dray, causing havoc. The flames were also beginning to spread along the roots of the burning and dead Dray back to the forest on Tara.
Then it happened. The last Wren fell into the burning forest on the bridge. The forest seemed to roar one last time. Then there was the loud crack. The weakened bridge made a few more cracking sounds and then Dray and Wren alike fell into the Bay as the entire bridge collapsed. The Battle of the Northern Bridge was over, but as Nicholas viewed the floating bodies of Dray, Wren, birds, and men he couldn’t help but wonder who had won.
The army of MacBrandypants had encamped in the old ruins of the Serpentine Wall. The Wall, in its older glory days had run from the Eastern Shores to the Rish Bay, with many forts and towers along the way, guarding the Albian border. Now there were only bits and pieces left to mark what had once been the greatest monument to Albian engineering.
They were camped in an old citadel that was still relatively intact and stable. A large bonfire was made and fiddles, pipes, and drums were brought out as the soldiers laughed and played around the campfire. The Albian cooks did not disappoint, and with the meager rations they had and a few boars the soldiers had killed there was soon a feast laid out fit for a king.
“So ends tha clan o’ the Wren.” Called Angus with his horn raised, “Another branch o’ Ahlb’a shorn off. They mey hahv been our ahdversaries toeday. Bhut they were ahll, everi one o’ them, a tru warrior. To ar worthy ahdversaries!”
There was a resounding “aye!” and then the feasting began. After a few songs were played and jigs dance, Angus, with a strange smile on his face, called for order and he motioned to his two assistance that followed him everywhere. They both walked forward then burst out of their long black capes to reveal themselves as two jesters.
The first was a young woman or older girl, dressed as a horse of some kind. Half of her outfit and face was painted white, the other half was painted black. She smiled and skipped into the middle of the stage, then looked around with a smile and a wink. “Me name is Shisu!”
The second was a young man, dressed as a lizard of some kind, maybe a dragon. He cart wheeled forward, and then backward, and then forward again and yelled at the top of his lungs, “And I’m Windu-Washa! You can call me Winn! I love sugar! And caramels! And sugar!”
Then they began their new routine for the lads. Shisu pulled a jug of water from out of nowhere. Then Winn threw his cape over the jug and sat underneath it too. Shisu tapped the top a few times and then pulled the cape from Winn and the jug. It was empty. As Winn made more cartwheels Shisu held up the jug calling,
“And nows, so yous can see dat it reel magik.” She titled the jug and gave it flick of her wrist. But instead of being empty, a large amount of water flew out and splashed all over Winn, who looked up shocked and dripping.
“Hey, what yous do that for!?!” He asked cross.
“You beeg fathead! Yous were suppose to drink water while under cloak.” Then realizing what she had said, Shisu’s hands flew up and covered her mouth, “Oops! Okay, you wait here and I go get more water.”
While she left, Winn pulled out a bean bag. He tossed it from hand to hand and then foot to hand and then foot to foot. He added a second and then a third bag and soon he was juggling seven, some spinning in front, others behind, and one even over his head and between his legs, all at the same time. Then Shisu came running up with her jug of water, tripped on her costume and soaked Winn again.
The night went on with laughter and joy. Shisu sang a funny ballad about her sister marrying a crab, and Winn did a funny dance involving squatting, kicking, and hoping at the same time. The group laughed until their sides were sore. Angus’ jesters kept them entertained for hours and the long day ended with a good laugh and sweet slumber. Except for one person whose slumber was interrupted by a dream.
End Chapter
Okay so this one was actually about a page and a half shorter than usual but I had reached a good stopping point so I stopped. Let me know if the whole battle on the bridge thing was too rushed, or if the accents were too hard to understand. Also if Angus and his men weren't developed enough. Oh and what did you think of the jesters? They came in at like 12:34 in the morning so I can't vouch for their sanity. :P
14 years ago
Okay so just to claify a few things:
ReplyDelete+In the battle the sides are Mcbrandypant's men and their war birds, plus the Dray, and silver and Holly VS. The Wren clan and the Stryx.
+yes the trees are the male Dray.
+I have no idea how Nicholas and the crew got to the other side... Maybe they swam under the bridge?
+And yes, when I asked for comments I actually meant it.
Your attention to detail is absolutely astounding! The seaweed surprise, your descriptions of the landscapes, not to mention the outstanding history you have written for it! Wow... its just amazing!
ReplyDeleteThe battle was fantastic! All the creatures you have created are great! I must say the trees were my favorite though!
Until next time,
What an awesome chapter! Out of all of it though I was especially impressed with your character development of both old and new. I loved the additional information on Tal and Dale! But I like how we still don't know their whole story. Each character has this ever evolving story going on and its crazy cool!! Haha, and the nicknames were a very nice touch!
ReplyDeleteI truly adore the jesters!!!! It was an absolutely perfect way to the end the chapter after a battle! They really did make me laugh out loud! How on earth did you think of them?!?!
As usual, I cannot wait for your next chapter!!!
Hey dude. Cool chapter. Very nice appraoch to introducing pacifisim and the undeniable affects of war. Well crafted chapter, with affective transitions between the characters at the beginning leading on to the bigger story. Also, the Scottish dialect was also very well written... very William Blakesque.
the "other" is Silver
ReplyDeletegasp! I forgot Silver? How could I!!!!!....
Unless she is actually the manifestation of Holly....
because Holly is a witch!!!!
yes, we like that idea precious.
Master's our friend.
oh, go drink some coffee!