Yay! New Chapter! Okay, so I'm sorry it took so long this time but I've figured something out. The time it takes me to finish a chapter is directly related to the ammount of feedback I get, whether verbal or written, though I do prefer written as I can go bak and reread comments and use them to motivate me, either to keep doing what I'm doing cause it works, or to change what I'm doing so it can start working.
Anyway, here's the new chapter. Enjoy. ^___^
Chapter 16
The green-grey waves of the ocean rose and fell, capped with the salty white foam. The small vessel went up slowly and then fell down sharply as the monstrous waves moved like lumbering giants beneath the sheet of water. The dark clouds had gathered on the horizon and the blue sky was overtaken by the eerie darkness, the air seeming darker and fouler. Then from somewhere up in the smoky, inky, heavens, a flash of lightning ripped across the sky.
Nicholas’ eyes snapped open as he sat up. It was very late and only Dale was up, manning the helm. He walked out of the boys cabin and onto the swaying deck to get to Dale. As he was walking, a large wave crashed over the side, nearly taking him with it. He clung to the railing as the cold torrential force of the water tried to drag him to his death. And then it was over as quickly as it had come. He continued on until he reached Dale at the helm.
“Dale! Where did this storm come from?”
“I don’t know! We were on track when suddenly there was a flash of lightning and then this storm was here!”
“Should I wake Ivan so he can still it?!”
Another flash tore at the sky.
“I already did! He tried and then the storm took him!”
“They all tried to stop him, but one by one they were all taken!”
“What do you mean!?! Who were all taken!?!”
“Everyone! I’m the last one! She promised to let me live if I stalled you out here until now! I’m sorry Nicholas!”
As Dale spoke these words, lighting flashed and the seemed to encircle the ship, as it crackle with electricity. Then a large tentacle flew up out of the water. As it came down, Nicholas jumped to the side, but Dale was not as lucky and he was dragged down screaming as he tried to take hold of the timber. Then he disappeared beneath the waves.
But before he could do anything, a tentacle shot out behind him and dragged Nicholas over the rough ship timbers. He grabbed onto the railing and he heard his back popping as the tentacle of the creature strained against him. Then it whipped his entire body against the wood, knocking his breath out and causing him to let go of the wood. He was pulled into the depths.
As he was going down, the tentacle of the creature began to squeeze harder and harder. He was sure a rib had popped, when finally his mouth opened and his air came out in a mushroom of bubbles. He tried to stop himself but with horror filling his mind, his body instinctively took a breath and filled his lungs with water. It was cool and sharp and felt unlike air, yet he was fine. He took a second breathe and felt the strange sensation of forcing the water out of his lungs as he took another breath.
The water grew darker as he was pulled deeper and deeper into the depths, farther away from the light. Then it occurred to him. His hands wiggling at his sides, he finally brought them together and stuck his forefinger into his palm. It went through. As realization that he was only dreaming hit him there was a rushing of water and fire and wind through and around him. He saw bright pinpoints of light emerge out of the inky blackness.
He was in the dreamscape, and the long tentacle was now a tendril of darkness, wrapped around him. He tried struggle free as he saw stars whizzing past, the tendril pulling him further away from the Source and out towards the void of the darkness. As he struggled he realized something. He couldn’t wake himself up.
Jack and Edric paced the deck as they walked from the helm towards the cabin. In the far northwest a storm was beginning to brew, but Ivan would be able to steer them away, hopefully. The two talked as they slowly walked, checking everything as they went.
“I hope we don’t get any trouble form the Picts as we go up the Rish Bay. We’ll have to go underneath several of the bridges to get to Gwaylen’s docks.” Said Edric scanning the horizon.
“It’ll be fine. There’s more than enough of us to handle the Picts if they choose to attack.” The two stepped inside the small hallway between the two cabins as Jack spoke.
“True, and there’s Ivan with his winds if we need to move through fast.” Said Edric, as Jack rolled his eyes.
“What do you have against his winds anyways?” But before Edric could finish speaking they saw Nicholas, on the ground, writhing and struggling in his sleep.
“Strange.” Said Edric, then kneeling down he tried to wake Nicholas, “Nicholas! Wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”
But Nicholas didn’t wake up. Edric was getting worried when Jack called him from outside the cabin, “Don’t worry. Some people get like that when they’re at sea. Hurry up, I need your help moving this!”
And so Edric pushed it out of his mind as he went to help Jack. Back in the humid, dark, boy’s cabin Nicholas was still writhing, gasping, and one of his ribs gave an audible pop. Then from nowhere a gash opened on his cheek. No one was there to notice. No one was there to help.
The dark tendril had just sliced across his face as he was battling against the pull of the Void. Nicholas yelled in pain, but no words came out. He began to feel light headed and felt like he was fading into the nothingness of the Void. As his head rolled sideways, he peered through half closed eyes towards the stars swirling around him. They were getting fewer and fewer as he moved further from any dreams. Then he saw it.
Shining far away and almost lost in his closed eyes was the brilliant and magnificent Source, and from here he could clearly see all the stars, all the dreams circling it. As he beheld it, he felt strength return to his body, energy flood his veins. He began to fight the darkness again, and he felt it withering at his touch. He drew his strength from the source and felt himself glowing with light and warmth.
As light pulsated from his body, he saw the darkness pull back and recoil. He felt it streaming from his soul, and for a brief second, he felt himself merge with the Source like in the Glade. Light streamed from his body and he felt like he was too small to contain so much light, like it would tare him apart. And the next instants, his eyes snapped open and he was looking at the darkness of the cabin.
He sat up, feeling refreshed and energized. He went to wipe the sleep form his eyes when his hand passed over the freshly healed scar on his right cheek. His hand strayed to his rib cage and he felt along it. His rib was fine, though somewhat tender. He stood up, not knowing what to make of the dream. Maybe he would talk to Oronus. Then he heard the call from above. They had spotted land.
The Cuttlefish sailed up the Bay of Rish, the long yet thin channel-like bay that almost separated the island of Insular in two. When they first reached the coast, all they could see were large broadleaf forest, the colors of the fall barely beginning to register on the leaves throughout. They sailed in further and it was about midday when they first saw any signs of civilization. They were sailing when they reached a gigantic stone bridge, supported by large wooden piers in the bay, spanning from side to side.
They sailed underneath the large bridge and could see people, mostly merchants with carts full of wares, traveling along the long dirt road. They sailed further and after the first bridge they soon saw small towns and villages located along the sides of the Bay. It was several hours past noon before they reached the second bridge, but instead of sailing under it, they pulled into the harbor that was next to its base.
“Alright everyone. Welcome to Gwaylen, my home away from home.” Smiled Liam as he lowered the gangplank with Edric’s help. “Now, all hands will stay here on the ship for now. Finish tying her down, and then Dare will show you guys around the piers. There’s lots of places to buy food and trinkets that you can take home and come evening you can sleep on board the ship. The rest of us will be going on land to find the Sage Larson. We shouldn’t be more than a few days so enjoy yourselves lads, and listen to Dare. He’s in charge.”
There was a resounding aye from the boys, and they quickly set about tying everything down. The rest of the group move down the gangplank and onto the carved stone wharf. They hired a cart and soon were bouncing up and down as they set out for the ancestral home of the Princes of Gwaylen. They passed many small and happy hamlets and shires, the people mostly working in their fields and keeping to themselves. The cart traveled through the green sloping hills, winding through them and around the many large, ominous broad-leafed forests.
It was nearly evening when they finally arrived at the large, gothic castle. Its stone was old, worn and gray, and its towers were capped with brown tiles that had been bleached by centuries of sun and weathered by centuries of rain and had now taken a rather grayish white color. The flags upon the large cast iron flag poles were faded and their edges were torn. The solid, rough drawbridge lowered slowly and with a rusted, and creaking rattle. The group walked across and into the castles’ courtyard.
It had once been a place of life and entertainment, but the Castle had seen better days. The high pointed arches were cracked and crumbling in places and there were several large mosses that had slowly taken over sections of the stone walls and steps. As the group entered and marveled at the state of decay, a herald ran up and placing a large rusted trumpet on his lips blew a loud blast before announcing,
“His Royal Highness, Prince Jullian of Gwaylen, son of Princess Deidri of Gwaylen, Daughter of Prince Ælfrid of Gwaylen, son of Ælthing the Old King. And His Highness Edric the Son of the Duke of New Firplice and cousin to Jullian the Prince. And also…”
And here he turned to the group and whispered in his high, nasal voice,
“Are any of you others descendants of Gwaylian Royalty or any of the Insular royal houses?”
They all shook their heads and then the heralded nodded as if he understood and cleared his throat before continuing,
“And their servants and peasants!”
The group was visibly flustered by this introduction, but Liam and Edric tried to still them, apologizing and trying to explain at the same time. The old doors of the hall opened and the group walked in. They were not ready for what they saw.
There before them was a large stone hall, dimply lit by a few small stained glass windows that let in the dim blue and purple light. In the hall was a single table, long and rectangular, that was set with large sterling silver plates, blackened with age and use, set with large dull knives and no forks. In the middle was a sad assortment of various food platters, some looking rotten and inedible.
The table was fairly empty except for several women who were at the far end, whispering amongst themselves. Finally a very tall, stately looking woman, with silver running through her braided hair stepped forward. The lines beneath her eyes made her look all the more regal and sophisticated and she seemed as old as the building itself, like some ancient angelic matriarch that had stepped down from the gilded roof to speak to them. Her long grey robes flowed smoothly like quicksilver over the cold stone floor as she approached them.
“Greetings milords. You have arrived but a few moments too late, for lo, the King and his men left not two days past on important business. Might I make inquiry as to your presence here at Castle Gwaylen?”
Even her voice sounded soft and smooth, like gentle water trickling down smooth worn river stones. Liam stepped forward and kneeled. Taking her extended hand he kissed the large silver ring set with a blue sapphire on it. Then rising he spoke for the group.
“Thank you Queen Eilinor, wife of King Ælgernon. We wished to inquire after the King, my uncle’s health and happiness and to that of our friendly cousins in the Kingdom of Gwaylen. I have recently heard upsetting reports of evil in Insular and wished to be of any aid to you and your court.”
“Many thanks Prince Jullian. Your presence is welcomed in this court, as is that of your company. Welcome all, royal and peasant alike.”
And with that the formalities were over. The Queen returned to her place with the rest of her maids in waiting and royal ladies of the court while Liam and company were escorted to their hall. The castle had, jutting out of the central main hall, twelve minor halls similarly to the main one, though somewhat smaller. On the side of each hall were large benches attached to the walls that were covered with woolen blankets and used for sleeping. Once the attendant leading them stepped out they all looked puzzled to Liam and Edric.
“I’m sorry I should have prepared you for the welcoming. Its one of the Gwaylian traditions, the whole welcoming, peasant thing, and asking about the King’s health was just a formality. Tonight after we dine the Queen will probably send for me and Edric. The rest of you will have to wait here until we return. I’ll just ask her about Larson and then we should be able to leave. We won’t have to be here more than a day or two.”
Everyone ate sparingly from the small amount of food present that evening. Later, while Liam was talking to Master Oronus about the witches’ plans and Silver lay curled up sleeping, Edric called Ivan, Nicholas, and Holly over.
“I use to come here with my cousin every winter. Back when the King, our uncle, use to be healthy and young. He would throw grand parties and the whole castle was full of life.”
“What happened?” asked Ivan as they walked through the castle, Edric leading with his candle.
“The Queen, our aunt Eilinor, gave birth to a son. His name was Æltin, and he was sickly and pale from birth. Our cousin Æltin died when he was nine of a fierce cold, a curse from a witch. After that, Aunt Eilinor was never the same. Uncle Ælgernon began to waste away and some say that our Aunt wanted to return to her people.”
“Her people?” asked Holly looking around as they were in the main hall and the single candle cast shadows over the gargoyles and grotesques as if they were alive.
“Well, you see… Oh! Here we are! Look at this. Jullian and I discovered it when we were just children.” Edric placed his hand on a carving of a leaf, with eyes and a mouth forming from the veins, located on a pillar on the wall. They looked around and saw similar ones on all the other pillars.
“Yeah, what so special about it?” asked Ivan studying it closely.
“This.” Said Edric as he placed his hands on the eyes and they swung in. “This green man face is on the wall that separates our hall from the main hall. If you were to stand in the right place you’d be able to watch whatever occurred here tonight.”
They were just about to question him further when the Queen entered the chamber, accompanied by her herald and some attendants. The group turned around startled and Nicholas quickly shut the eyes behind his back.
“Ah. Edric you’re already here. You may send your friends away, and have Jullian join us.”
“Very well Aunt.” He said as he bowed and looked to them form the corner of his eye. They knew what he meant and hurried away.
“You boys could not have come at a better time. The Kingdom is in dire need. It is the reason your Uncle and all his men left. They are to the Standing Stones of Brannon, to meet there in a gathering of all of Insular. For many years now you have known of the skirmishes between the Kingdom of Mersa and the Dray peoples of Tara. They should never have made that pact, but that is besides the point. The Dray and the Mersians have began a war, and we fear the worst, for there are strong ties between the northern Kingdom of Albia and the Kingdom of Mersa, and they may likely join the Mersians. The southern wild men have been protected for years by the Dray and have already promised to aid them should war come, as has the larger pirate army of Saxn who are brethren of the Southern Picts.”
“But Aunt Eilinor! Gwaylen would then be in the middle of the war, with the Mersa-Albian Alliance to the Northeast and the Dray-Pict-Saxn Alliance to the Southwest.” Said Edric concerned.
“Yes, and we will either have to take a side or become the battlefield for this war.”Her voice sounding hauntingly far away.
“And neither is an option.” Said Liam as he began to pace back and forth in front of the ancient stone throne his Aunt sat upon. “What is the hope of this gathering at Brannon?”
“It is the King, your uncle’s wish that either a peaceful accord be reached or... that Gwaylen be created a safe haven, a neutral zone of peace where no warrior may enter. However he knows well that neither the southern Picts nor the Mersian soldiers will honor such an agreement.”
“Then what will be done?” Asked Edric, looking down as he thought.
“Your Uncle said there was a third option, though he never spoke again of it. I fear that he may do something that his many years will not allow. That is why I would have you boys go and seek him out and aid him, as soon as possible.”
“And we will.” said Edric reassuringly.
“We cannot.” Liam said matter of factly. “We are here on an important mission of our own and we cannot waste any time.”
“What mission is that my nephew? I have always known you to be just in your decisions and for something to out weight your own Uncle’s safety is must be a matter that is grave indeed.” She said with concern.
“It involves…” here Liam paused as he decided how much to tell her, “The Circle of Witches and the Treasure of the Forest.”
At the mention there seemed to blow a chilling wind on the hallway and several of the candles were extinguished making the entire hallway darker. The servants quickly relit the candles, but even then the room still seemed much darker at the mention of the accursed witches.
“I see. No need to reveal more than is necessary. I understand now that truly you do have a higher commission than the one I would bestow. How may I aid you in your quest?” She asked very serious faced and pale.
“We are in pursuit of the Sage of the Apothecary Order. He goes by the names Lars, Larson, and Chinook.” Liam spoke directly and with eyes that seemed sharp and cool.
“Ah, yes. Sage Chinook was the one who advised the Brannon gathering and went ahead of your Uncle to prepare it. He said that he would be able to meet all the Seers that way. He also mentioned that he would go and seek out the Seer of Forests, Nilrem, before the gathering took place. He journeyed towards my homeland, across the great Stone Bridge to Tara.”
“When did he leave?” asked Edric more to break the oppressive silence than to actually find out.
“Almost five days ago. He should have reached Tara yesterday, if not sooner. Will you go in pursuit of him then?”
“Yes, we will.” Came Liam’s thoughtful reply, “And if he will be at the Gathering, then so shall we, and we will assist Uncle in whatever he may be encounter.”
“Many thanks my most honorable nephews. I hope that- wait what was that? Did you hear that shuffling noise?”
At the pillar across the room, two eyes of a green man carving quickly turned to stone again as the three in the passage who had been listening the whole time quickly shut the opening and hurried back to their benches to pretend that they were sleeping. Back in the main hall the conversation resumed.
“So, have you told your friends about your agreement?” Asked the Queen gravely looking at Liam.
“What agreement?” Asked Edric looking to Liam.
“How did you know Aunt?” Asked Liam surprised.
“You forget what I am, or at least once was before I married your Uncle. I still retain some of my senses. And I sense your past and your conflict. Why?”
“I had no other option. It was in order to save the key to the treasure.”
“You are then the ones who have the key. I sensed the heir to the Alexandrian throne had returned, and now it seems you have her. But surely the girl with you now is not the princess.”
“No Aunt, she is a girl from beyond the forest. As are the two who were with her.” Came Liam’s reply as he spoke slowly and thoughtfully.
“They may be, but she is not what she seems. I have known her kind for many years and their presence is unmistakable. But do not concern yourselves with more than you already have. You bare a heavy burden for all our sakes, and I thank you graciously, saviors of our home, our kingdom, and our kind. Go now and rest. Tomorrow, when you depart for Tara, I will have fresh horses ready to take you.”
“Thank you Aunt Eilinor.” The two said as they bowed and left the chamber.
“My two young nephews. If my son had survived he would be only slightly younger than you now and would have aided you on your quest. But those witches will pay for their curse, for taking him away from me!” She called, her small boney fist clenched, her cry echoing amongst the cold rafters of the empty room. “May fate guide you and may you ever succeed, and when the time comes, may you deal out justice to the witches. May your hands not show any mercy to the evil ones!”
The next morning the sun was not even up yet when the group of seven were ready to depart. They got on the five horses, with Silver transforming into a beautiful chestnut mare for Liam to ride on. They set out with well stocked provisions and rode on quick and fast across the large green planes. The sun rose as they came to the Bay of Rish, shining behind them as they rode into the land of Tara.
As they rode, Ivan called to Master Oronus asking him about the land of Tara. It looked strange, many small rounded green hillocks with many rivers running between them. They stretched out for miles on end and seemed to lack any other feature.
“The land of Tara was once heavily forested. It was the home of the people known as the Dray, an ancient tree spirit race, or something like that, who covered the land in forests. The men were all attached to a tree and when either died the other would too. After several centuries the land was covered in trees and there was no room for any new tree to grow. So the Dray made an agreement with the Princes of Mersa, and in exchange for the right to mine the soil beneath Tara, many of the Dray were transplanted to Mersa, Albia, and even Gwaylen. Each eventually created a forest, like a settlement, of the Dray where ever they went. That was why we saw all those dark forests in Gwaylen.”
“So what happened?” Asked Jack as he bounced on his horse.
“There was the Great Fire.” came Liam’s cold reply, “It destroyed all the trees and miners on Tara. The death toll was catastrophic. The Dray blamed the Mersian miners. The Mersians blamed the Dray.”
“Why would they blame the Dray?” Asked Ivan, as he almost fell of his horse as it leapt over a log.
“The Dray woman made beds of pine needles and pines sap. It was considered the most comfortable bed and they worked hard on building magnificent beds that were often quite large. These beds acted as fire accelerators. They caused it to spread much faster that it would have.” explained Oronus.
They rode on all day long, Oronus and Liam explaining various aspects of the skirmishes between the Dray and the Mersa. Soon talk turned to the Seer they were seeking, Nilrem. Neither Oronus nor Liam knew anything about him, not even what he looked like. They all decided their best chance would be finding Larson who would then be able to help them with the Seer.
They rode until mid-afternoon. They were getting sore and they all stopped to take a break. They made camp in the shadow of a large green hillock that had white flowers growing all over it. As they rested their talk turned to happier things, and soon Ivan was playing a jig on his piccolo as everyone laughed and sang along to the familiar song. Only Nicholas felt like something was wrong.
He got up and walked up the gently inclined hill. As he reached the top he looked out across the horizon. The first thing the caught his attention was the large column of smoke rising from somewhere in the west. Then he saw what looked like a small forest with fire burning it at the crowns of the trees. He also saw several shadows flying away from the scene.
“Silver! Quickly I need your help!”
In a split second she was next to him, and transformed into her eagle form. After looking with her eagle eyes for a few seconds she had assessed the situation and quickly transformed into a Griffon.
“Hurry! Get on! Everyone else! Follow on horseback!”
And he did as she bid him. They soared through the air as quickly as they could, Nicholas barely staying on her back as he felt his hair and face pulled back by the sheer speed she was flying at. As they drew near he saw what had caused her sudden action. The small forest that had survived the Great Fire was on an islet in the middle of a river. The tops of the trees were set on fire and underneath, where branches were falling and the fire was moving towards, was huddled a small group of women and children.
When they reached the spot, Nicholas hopped off and immediately rolled as he hit the ground. Then he ran over to the group of women and children and called over the blazing and crackling fire, “Come on! You have to cross the river!”
They all just stared at him in shock, not moving. Grinding his teeth with irritation, he quickly turned to Silver and jumped on her back. Motioning to her to fly higher, he tried to think of a plan. Once they were at the level that the flames were at, he jumped off.
“Silver! Can you transform into whale and blow water on the flames?”
“I’ll try! I don’t know if it’ll work in the fresh water!”
“Just try!”
As she dove down and transformed into a large golden whale, she disappeared in the water. While she was doing that, Nicholas ripped of his cloak and shirt and began beating at the flames as they drew nearer and nearer. Silver wasn’t moving in the water. He looked down at her as flames licked down closer and closer to him. The next moment Ivan arrived next to him, floating on a wind he had called.
“Needs some help?”
Just as he said it, a plume of water blew out of the river, going straight up and landing back in the water. Turning to Ivan he quickly looked around then called out.
“Ivan! Position yourself on the other side of the plume of water. When it comes up, blow it onto the trees! And aim lower, that way the fire can’t spread!”
Ivan gave a nod then flew to the side. As he waited a few breathless moments, Nicholas beat at the flames to stop them from spreading further. Then a second plume shot from the river and Nicholas gave Ivan the signal. Ivan blew on his piccolo and the next instant the plume change direction as a gust of wind slammed into it and so it fell like a wave on the small forest.
When Liam arrived with the rest of the group Nicholas was just getting down from the last branch. Silver hopped out of the water and changed into her dog form, shaking herself off and sending water everywhere, while Ivan came down from his wind. The three smiled as they looked at one another, one scorched, one drenched, and one windblown.
“Erm. Excuse us.”
The whole company turned and looked at the spot where the group of women and children were just standing, but no one was there. Then they saw what their eyes could not believe. The bark on the nearby trees parted as if they were curtains being pulled aside, and out stepped the women and their children. But they weren’t woman.
While they looked like a normal human would, their skin was almost milky white, with strange light green markings, like those of a tiger, across their bodies. Their eyes were dark, seemingly endless voids, and their hair, while a kaleidoscope of browns, were interwoven with ivy and flowers. These were the women of the Dray.
“Thank you kind sir.” said one addressing Nicholas. “Thank you for saving us, our daughters, and our homes.”
“You’re welcome. It was really Silver and Ivan you should thank. They were the ones who put out the fire.” He said, feeling sheepish and blushing.
“No. You were the one who heard our call for aid. You are the one whose spirit was sensitive to our plea. So, we the last Dray in Tara, thank you.”
The whole group crossed to the small islet in the river and soon they were sitting beneath the large trees as they talked with the Drays. The tale of what had happened came forth as they talked. There had been an airstrike from Mersa sent to kill them. This was meant to anger the rest of the Dray and cause them to go to war so that the Mersians could have an excuse to forestall the gathering at Brannon.
“So do they have birds working for them?” Asked Ivan, very confused.
“I don’t think so.” Said the Dray from before who had introduced herself as Gillea of the Dhur tribe. “But whoever it was knew our secrets. They knew we wouldn’t be bale to flee.”
“Why didn’t you?” Asked Nicholas.
“Because, while female Dray are not bound to tree form like the men, we are still not permitted to leave our glades. If we do, we die.” Gillea explained.
“So is this then truly the last forest left in Tara?” Said Oronus with astonishment, “That is sad indeed. It’s a shame that it is not better guarded.”
“Well, it was for a long time. The Seer of Forests himself, the great Nilrem came and dwelt here to protect us from harm and so we lived peacefully for many years, letting our roots grow deep and our branches reach high. But then… then he departed.”
“Why did he leave?” Asked Edric, leaning forward and taking her hand as he spoke, “we are looking for him and if you could help us it would be most appreciated.”
She looked down at his hand and seemed in thought for a few seconds, then she spoke as if in a trance, “But to honor only the great King, in whose service Brandur strove,
By marriage to his sons alone may your daughters leave their groves.”
“What?” Asked Edric confused as he leaned closer, enticed by the beautiful Dray.
“I-I’m sorry.” She said, shaking her head as if to recover herself, then smiled as she spoke, “follow me and I will take you to the great Nilrem.”
They all got up and followed Gillea deeper into the woods. As they did they felt like the trees around them were watching them. Silver felt uncomfortable and changed into a form like a Dray too, walking with them through the forest. They reached the heart of the woods, and there they found a large tree, probably the grandfather of this forest. At the base was a small hut.
They entered the dark hut and immediately grimaced as they smelled the smell of death that filled the place. As they exited, Gillea was outside waiting for them, motioning towards a small path that went behind the great tree. They walked behind it and there, by the small shaft of light that shone into the small clearing was a pile of stones, heaped up to form the burial mound.
“Wait, he’s dead!?!” called Holly as she ran forward and examined the stones.
“Yes.” Spoke Gillea mournfully, “He passed beyond our sight not five days ago. There was a strange man that came to see him. He had long flowing hair of gold and wore a hat and white cloak. On the evening he left, the Seer passed here. We have long forgotten the ways of men in regards to burial and passing but we do remember the warrior’s burial mound of old and saw it fit to honor him in death with a kern.”
They made their camp by the woods that night, deciding that a fire would probably be unwise. As they sat by the flowing water and the light of the waning moon, they held a counsel to decide what to do next. Holly spoke first,
“Nilrem may have taken his secret with him when he died and then we have no choice. We must seek out Larson.”
“Did it occur to anyone else that the man she described sounded just like Larson?” Asked Nicholas.
“Yes, and I found traces of poison in the seer’s home. There’s no doubt someone with knowledge of poison killed him. And Larson seems to have been the only one to enter his home. This is very unsettling.”
“We have no definitive proof yet. Until we do, we have to think of a next step and not make any unfounded accusations.” Said Liam firmly.
“Well, let’s spend tonight here, and tomorrow we can decide what to do. I have a feeling that in the next few days it will come to us.” Said Edric as he looked over across the river to where Gillea was covering some seeds with soil and watering them.
And so it was agreed that they would spend the night next to the forest and decide on a course of action the next day. They all ate some provisions from their packs and soon were soundly asleep. As the night owl called in the woods, Edric woke up and slipped away from camp. He walked over to the rivers’ edge and called across the water. There was no answer.
Then he sat down by the overhanging river bank and recited some lines from a poem he had been forced to memorize by his mother so long ago. The poem that Gillea had quoted when they had touched hands.
“The moon shone bright upon the mound of the father of Perlise the fair,
And the starlight gleamed and softly cooled her skin and bright soft hair,”
The words echoed across the waves softly and then stopped. As Edric turned to go, he softly heard the reply from across the running river.
“And there in her bower of roses so white, she seemed to be Luna herself,
Or maybe some eternal queen of the night, or a lovely woodland elf.”
His heart raced as he ran to the edge again and looked to see Gillea but she was nowhere to be found. He hurriedly tried to recall the rhyme as he stammered out what he could remember.
“To the heart of Brandur the Duke, there was none who could rival her eyes,
And they sat there simply gazing in each other’s and giving many soft sighs,”
The reply came hauntingly across the water as Gillea stepped out of the woods. She smiled as she gently sent her message across the waters to Edric.
“And in those precious hours, they silently bound their hearts as one,
But they’re love was very ill fated, for it would wither come the sun.”
“No! I won’t let that happen!” called Edric as he saw her turn to leave. “I am a descendant of the king for whom Brandur strove! I can set you free!”
“In another time and in another place, I would gladly accept your offer. But until this war is over, my place is with my people.”
“Alright! But when the war is over, I’m coming back for you!” He called as he almost lost sight of her.
“I’ll be waiting, my Brandur. Sleep sweetly brave Edric.” Her voice was all that remained.
“Farewell my Perlise. Until we meet again, beautiful Gillea.”
The cool moon shown down on the softly running river. The woods by it were calm and still as the trees slept softly and soundly. The small camp across the river was also silent as darkness wove its weary spell over the encampment. The owl called to her mate and he answered as pale white wings beat the still night air. In the peace of the evening’s cool two hearts beat as one, separated by a river and a curse and a war, and yet still beating as a single drum.
End Chapter
So there you go. BTW, the poem that Edric and Gillea quote is actually parts of a much larger epic poem that I have written, called the Lament of Brandur + Perlise. Its not quite done yet (50%), but once it is, I'll post it. It just serves as backdrop for the history of the Northern Lands. And yes, this place is only a part of the big big world that I have now, apparently created.
So please comment, let me know if the Queen Eilenor was too flat or if the castle wasn't described well enough or if the whole War thing is too confusing right now (its meant to be a little confusing but not so much that it makes you pull out of the story) and let me know if Edric and Gillea falling in love is too sudden. Let me put it this way, I usually have all my major characters laid out before a chapter starts, but Gillea literally came in as I was finishing and dd her thing. It was not planned at all. I'm thinking about cutting that whole part... well we'll see.
14 years ago
Wow! Yet another great chapter to your book! I do have to say that for me it was a bit hard to picture the castle. The way I imagined it I thought it might be a villains castle.
ReplyDeleteNo! I thought them falling in love was beautiful! The poem made it very intriguing and I look forward to seeing this plot come to fulfillment!
I do not find the war complicated at all. I understand the history (how it started), why it is important their quest right now, and how it could effect their future.
I am now totally enraptured in the mystery of Nicolas! I don't understand him and his dreams and my mind is reeling to have it all figured out!!!!
As usual, a job well done! Keep it up!!!!
Ok, so I have a notbook page full of comments for you, but it would take to long for me to type. I'll give it to you tonight at GC!
What!!! Oh come on! Give me some comments! Please!!!! Q_Q
ReplyDeleteI just now had time to read it, I thought it was great. you'll see my comments on Sunday!!!