Dimples, freckles, messy heads of curly hair,
Big smiles, big hearts, small fingerprints everywhere
In the mud, in the sun, in your own land of pretend,
Trusting heart, helping hands, why must this springtime end...
The bloom of spring has been buried, deep in their old eyes,
Look, He says sadly, my children pretending to be all grown,
I see them, not as they seem but as they truly are, and were.
Can you, with eyes of love, see the blossom under all life's snow
Tearful eyes, broken hearts, sorrow pouring in dry tears,
Where's mommy, where's daddy, My heart breaks with you my dears,
Hungry souls, thirsty hearts, such an empty cavity
No hand envelops yours, as you walk across the street.
Oh My children, how I have yearned, over and over again,
To gather you all tightly, within My steady arms of love,
As a mother hen, covers her brood neath her soft warm wings,
Then He says to me, can you see, that the way I see them, each and everyone.
So today was a very active day... that would be positive speak for tiring! But as I was on my way home, riding the streetcar, max, and bus, I began to speak to God. And he spoke this to me. Not exactly in those words, but somewhat along those lines. And he asked me if I could look with the same eyes of love and see the people around me as He saw them. That the bag lady with her bulging eyes and stringy gray hair will always be his little fairy princess who played tea party out behind the house. That the dirty drunk, with his yellowed teeth and grizzly beard will always be the little bright eyed boy who wanted to be an astronaut like his uncle when he grew up. God really opened my eyes to how He really sees everyone, as His children. As He was speaking I just took this snapshot of what he was showing me. I'm not even sure myself which parts of this is suppose to be me talking and which are God's voice, but in the end, if we are his bride and the husband and wife are one then it doesn;t really matter anyway. So yeah, just thought I'd share my orientation day revelation.
14 years ago
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