Yesterday I found a pile of old papers from way way back (when I was 12). In this small decimated forest I found what could be called my first book ever written. It was a story made up of a series of letters written between a few people. I thought I might as well post the letters since it shows my evolution as a writer. Plus now I can finish the story (I was 3/4 of the way done when I stopped). let me know what you think.
March 21, 1834
My Dear Emily,
Today we arrived in the city of Stockhom. The town is bursting at the seems and busy and I'v been so bustled and bruised in the streets that Mr. White and I have decided to only travel by carraige from here on. The towering cathedrals and palaces of the royal district have proven fruitless in our search. We will look to the mercantile district instead.
I regret to inform you that our companion has still not been found. I fear that he may be lost to us for good. While it pains me to inform you of this situation I will at least spare you of the horrible details by which they attempted to eradicate him when they discovered his secret, the secret we all share.
But enough of these dreary thoughts. This is the price we must pay for the choice we made and we must simply endure it for now. Mr. White seems extremely confident that we shall locate the item before the end of the lunar cycle. If his predictions prove true it will be helpful indeed.
Well, I must depart. We go to speak to a Jewess that lives on Kaaskrakker St. and who seems to have recognized the drawing of the item that Thomas showed her. I will write to you as soon as I can. Until we depart you can reach me at the Hotel de Stockholm, Suite 63.
March 30, 1834
My Dearest Jacob,
You cannot begin to imagine how my heart beat when I received your letter. For many moonless nights I have watched the stars for a sign of your return but none has come to me. It saddened me indeed to hear of the news concerning William. But I am a resolute woman, you known this is true, and I wish to know how William was treated. I must so that I may in those final moments, share with him in his pain.
Now, concerning the item, that deplorible stone that we are all seeking so desperately, I have news of a somewhat troubling nature. Recently the Walkers of the Night have begun drawing closer to the house. I believe that my location may have been comprimised. It is sad for I have come to love my home here in Virginia. But as Charity has taught me, just as summer goes into fall, winter into spring, so also each season of our lives must end for a new one to begin.
Dearest Jacob, be careful, for my sake and the sake of the family. I do not think I can bear loosing another brother. Tell Mr. White that I wish him the best of luck and Godspeed on his quest and that I dearly do hope that we shall all dine together neath the midsummer moon soon. Until that time.
So thats the first letters. It is meant to grab your attention and hopefully spark your curiosity. Let me know what you think. And if you guys are intrested in the story I can post more of the letters later on.
14 years ago
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