Waves of Love
Part 1:
The Meeting
“Can love be tamed? Can love be bought? Can love be framed? Can love be sought? Can love be built? Can love be torn? Can love be made? Can love be sworn? Can love be true? Can love be false? How do we know? When love is love at all?”
“Hey Tycus! If you keep that up you’ll have us all turning this boat around to go check on our wives!” yelled the burly sailor manning the ropes of the small ship.
“Pardons. I wasn’t aware that you had feelings such as this. Don’t you have port-girl waiting for you?” asked the small man with the curly dark hair.
“Hahahah!” the sailor roared, slapping him on the back and sending him flying, “We don’t worry about those cheating on us! It’s the Mrs. we worry about! Right lads?”
There were hooting and cheering as they crew bounded about, making remarks and fixing rigging as they steered the small ship across the blue Mediterranean. Tycus stuck out like a soar thumb, his soft hands, delicate fingers, and whole clothes set him apart. He was no sailor, he was a bard. He carried his lyre with him where ever he went.
“Well, I have to finish this piece by the time we reach Alexandria.” He spoke as he looked at the waters flowing beside the boat. “I must recite for the royal family.”
“We know. We know. We’re just pulling your leg, boy. Get back to your verses and sing the sea gods a song to get us there faster.” He roared with more laughter as the sailors when about their work.
“Hmm. Now, let’s see, where was I? Oh, yes. When is love, really love…”
The storm raged and beat against the small craft, nearly tipping it over as massive waves crashed against the sides. Lightning crackled and snapped at the skies, and struck the mast, lighting the whole scene. The crew was all running about, securing their supplies and their products for the market. Tycus had grabbed a rope and tied himself firmly to the mainsail. Then it happened.
One moment the boat was fine, the next everything went quiet as water flooded over them, like millions of fingers gripping and pulling at Tycus’ hair, clothes, and skin. Then fear crept down his heart and into his stomach as he felt the tight rope go slack, the waters pulling him with them.
He was touching rough wood and then nothing as he somersaulted in the water. At that moment he was at the mercy of the seas. He knew immediately that his chances were slim. Being thrown into chaos and turmoil like this, he would probably not survive. But somehow, he did. The current stopped turning him and he rose towards the surface. He would make it.
Tycus was rescued by another merchant ship. They immediately recognized him when he was brought on board. He was treated with awe and respect, being spared by the sea gods and given a second chance at life. On that ship, he was like a sea god to them all.
They sailed for a few more days, Tycus becoming more familiar with the crew and the captain, all still treating him with the same fear and respect. He still felt lost and lonely after loosing all his companions but he decided to move forward. That was when it happened.
“Good morning captain.”
“Good morning, sir.”
“Why are we changing course? We’re suppose to be going due south from here, yet we’re travling west. Why?” Tycus asked curiosly.
“Well, because of… her.” The captain whispered.
“Sealia, the Siren of the Rocks.” The captain gulped fearfully. “She lures men to her and then when they get there, they are beaten to death on the rocks of her shores. She sings a song that no man can resist. We dare not sail close there.” The shaking captain replied.
“I would like to go past there if we could.” The bard said. “She may be able to help me with this song.”
“Please! Sir! No, we can’t!” the captain said fearfully.
On a gleaming, smooth, white stone in the middle of the ocean she sat. Her long hair had shades of brown and gold interwoven in it, her ocean blue eyes looked across the deeps and she sighed. Her pale blue gown, with silver interwoven, floated lazily in the breeze. She turned as she heard a splash behind her.
“What are you doing here, Orpheus?” she asked smiling.
“Lia, aren’t I allowed to say hello?” smiled the figure that had leapt from the waters behind her.
“Well, not while your face is still a shark.” She said shaking her head of curls.
“Oh, right.” Said Orpheus, who wiped at his face as if it had water on it, wiping the shark away, revealing an unnaturally handsome man with a glow in his eyes “Is that better? You know, as a mere Siren you should not be speaking to a god like that.”
“Demi-god, remember! You’re not Poseidon yet!” she smirked and sang a high note, causing two chair-like rocks to surface from the waters. “Have a seat.”
He simply walked across the water as if on dry land, she spread her arms, long golden feathers coming from them, and flew to her own seat. Once she landed the feathers seemed to retract into her slender arms.
“So why have you come Orpheus?” she asked the demigod with a raised brow.
“Well, I happen to know that a ship is coming this way today. I wanted to see you at your best.” He smiled mischievously, “That is if you still have it.”
“Oh please!” she just said, now scanning the horizon carefully, “What kind?”
“Carthigian. Merchant man.” The demigod said, waving his hand over the waters, making a table of pearl with dishes and goblets arise from the sea. “Care for some wine? Its spiced.”
“No, thank you. Where is this ship?” all her attention was focused on the job at hand. Her golden feathers were beginning to prick up from her skin all over, even in her hair, as she watched the horizon.
“Well, suit yourself.” Orpheus said as he took a sip from the silver goblet. “Hmmm. Wonderful stuff. Ahh, there we are, your ship my dear Lia!”
True to his words, a ship could be seen far on the horizon. Lia’s eyes were now completely golden as she gazed at the far off ship with hatred. She raised her arms, flapped her wings, and with a mighty leap, was in the air. Her entire body was covered in golden feathers, in the shape of a golden swallow with her wings stretching far and only her face visible anymore. She circled the small islet, the wind through her feathers beginning to make a buzzing sound.
“Oh, dear. Better put away the breakables. This is going to be messy.” Orpheus said dryly, motioning for the table to recede into the water. “Well, if you keep flying in circles they’ll sail away before you got one note out!”
The sun flashed off her golden feathers and then her song burst forth. Orpheus had to steady himself against the stone chair, his hand grasping at his heart. He had taught her well, her song had gone straight for the heart. He took a deep breath and then looked up with a smile. She would rub him about that later.
The ship changed course towards the isle, and she landed on the white stone. The wings receded again and once more she was simply a maiden with golden brown hair and a pale blue dress, standing motionless on the stone. Orpheus cocked his head sideways as he watched her, arms at her side, hands fisted, head bent, and eyes closed.
The ship had gotten much closer, the men were hanging overboard, their hot, sweaty, bodies gleaming with desire as they nearly foamed at the mouth. Then her eyes snapped open, her arms raised forwards, her fingers clawed. She uttered several harsh tonals, clenching and unclenching her fists.
“Um, Lia…” Orpheus was looking out to the sea.
The waters churned beneath the boat as a swarm of sharks came to her calls, knowing that their feast was about to begin. She brought her hands together, as if praying, then trusted them up with a high pitched scream, as a large white pillar of stone trusted up from the deeps, smashing the vessel and throwing all onboard to the sharks.
“Lia, there’s another ship coming.” Orpheus said, turning away from the bloody massacre in the waters. “That is the Carthigian. This one, well, I’m not sure where this one came from.”
“What does it matter!” she snapped, looking to the other ship. “They will all die like the dogs they are!”
“There is her rock, sir.” The captain said, none too pleased.
“Perfect! Now, what we’ll do is I will be tied to the mast, the rest of you, stuff your ears with wool. We’ll sail right past the rock, and no matter what I say, don’t take the wool out until we reach the rock!” Tycus said as they neared the rock.
“But sir, how will we know if it will work?” asked the captain, looking fearfully towards the speck of gold that seemed to circle the island. “You saw what she just did to that other ship!”
“Don’t worry. The gods spoke to me in a dream. There will be no death for us today.”
“Well, are you going to smash them yet?” asked Orpheus who stood next to Lia.
“No, why bother raising a second pillar? I’ll just have them ram into that one.” Lia said casually, “The sharks are already there, already ready for them.”
“Ahh, yes, good point, waste not, want not and all that.” Orpheus said with a yawn.
She began singing and waited with a smug grin on her face for the ship to deviate. But the ships just kept going smoothly. There was no commotion on board, no rushing to get to her rock. The men were not behaving like pigs, as they normally did. Who were these men that she had no affect on?
As ship passed rock, the sailors all refused eye contact with the Siren. Only the young bard, tied to the mast, straining at his ropes, looked her in the eyes. He smiled, for his speech has left him completely, her spell upon him. The demigod sat, a look of amusement on his face.
“Well, you can still skewer them if you hurry.” He said, taking a grape from him returned table and plopping it in his mouth.
“Who were they?” Lia asked, with wonder.
“Ah, well that was no one in particular. You mean the young musician that was looking at you? His name is Tycus, He’s a bard from Carthage, and a good one too I hear.” Orpheus said as he threw the rest of the grapes over his shoulder.
“Do you know where they’re going?” she asked determined.
“Alexandria. Why?” he was suspicious, “You’re not possibly planning to…”
“I’m going after him. I think, I’m in love.” She said smiling as she spread her wings and flew of the rock after the speck on the horizon.
“Goodbye, Lia.” said Orpheus as he lowered all the stones back into the sea, “Or should I say, see you soon.”
14 years ago
ReplyDeletewell done.
can't wait for the rest of it!