Dear Readers,
Thank you for your continuous patronage of my blog. You don't know it but you are what keeps me writing when all other lights go out. However, now you have an oppertunity to aid me more than you have ever aided me before. And all you have to do is deliver your own, frank, personal, honest, forthright opinion.
In exactly 41 hrs and 58 mins at the writing of this post, to submit a piece of fiction (short story), a piece of nonfiction (real life profile), and a poem or set of three poems, to the PSU Susan Mae Kallog Writing Honors Awards. If I win, it may be published, I may get award money, or just a pat on the back, depending on what I win for. However, before I get ahead of myself, I need to know what to submit. And that's where you, dear reader, come in.
I have no idea what to choose. Nonfiction will be easiest, as there are only two pieces I have on the blog that are considered nonfiction: "The Tea Set", and "Of Soup and Bread", both very recent posts. However, the other two catagories require more dilegence. I feel I need the help of an outsider. PLEASE, HELP ME.
Choose the three stories, and or poems, you consider the best. Also, if you could explain what appeals in them to you, that would be great, but not required.
Thank you so much. Once again, you, my readers, will have helped me one more step of the way towards my future.
14 years ago
PS.Oh, and before I forget, if you could also deliver your verdict between the nonfiction works that would be most helpful... Thank you.