Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Swallow

The Swallow

She raised her head, her dark black head
From her white downy chest
The dark night wind, the frozen wind
Blew strongly from the west

She called her song, her lonely song
Faintly, sadly, true
She looked with eyes, her deep blue eyes
Searching the midnight blue

She spread her wings, her gorgeous wings
Flapping, flying high
She left her nest, her cozy nest
To search the endless sky

She breached the clouds, the frozen clouds
Higher, farther still
She saw the stars, the dancing stars
The heaven’s icy chill

She felt the cold, the biting cold
Ice caking on her wings
She cried a tear, one single tear
Her lonely song she sings

She missed her home, her cozy home
Lonely, cold, afraid
She fluttered down, slowly down
Her mind began to fade

She fell so hard, so very hard
Upon the frozen ground
She closed her eyes, her sad sad eyes
And did not make a sound

Then changed the sky, the deep blue sky
Paler, fainter, bright
She felt the warmth, the soothing warmth
Of the sun’s rising light

She raised her head, her beautiful head
She opened her wings and then
She flew up high into the morning sky
And she sang her song again

1 comment:

  1. this poem is beautiful and left me speechless. and has been haunting me since the day i read it. your use of repetition is well done!
