Well, after a long hiatus I am finally back with the story. I know most people will probably no longer even be intrested in reading it so I won't be posting anything past the third chapter. I more just wanted to give you a feel for the new characters and the setting, etc. Feedback please. :)
Chapter 1
“Wake up boy!” Came the gruff call into the bedroom, still dark in the early morning hours, “Hurry!”
The man yanked the drowsy boy from beneath his covers and then tossed him a black woolen cloak. As the boy pulled it over his head he felt the icy stone floor beneath his feet and scampered under the bed to retrieve his shoes. As he pulled them on he looked up at the stranger and asked confused.
“W-what’s going on? Who are you?”
“There’s no time. They will be here soon. No, don’t put those on. Put on your boots. You’re going to need them.”
The boy was barely registering anything, the pre-morning blue light disorienting him as the two of them ran outside. His quick brown eyes scanned the scene in front of him. Small groups of children attired in similar black cloaks as his were all standing around looking frightened, while one girl was wailing loudly in her mother’s arms.
“Grisela, be good now.” The woman spoke comforting “Go with the guardians. They will keep you safe. Do as they say now.”
“But mama! I don’t want to leave!” She cried all the more.
“Dear, there’s no time. You must go. Don’t be frightened. Your papa and I will be here waiting when you get back.”
And with that the boy watched as they gave a parting hug, the girl’s eyes leaving wet imprints on her mother’s shoulder. Then one of the robed guards came and took her away with the rest, down the winding path that led away from the small village at the foot of the alpine mountain.
The fat greasy man with his slicked oily hair and dirty stained clothes waddled through the streets full of people in the large city. A black carriage nearly ran him over and splashed cold dirty water from the cobble stone street onto him. He yelled and cursed at the receding buggy and then walked across the street and into a carved stone archway of a building. He paid his entrance fee to the man at the front who instantly recognized him and growled. The fat man walked into the dimly lit arena that may have once been a theater and sat in a booth behind the rows of benches.
A few minutes later several others had joined the crowd, all waiting with eager anticipation. Two fierce dogs were released from some hidden cages and met with viciousness in the center ring. Yelps, growls, and barks echoed as men cheered and bets were placed with the betting officer who was making his rounds.
The fat man in the back squinted as he made sure no one was looking at him, then sat behind a rough wooden table and took out a pack of black cards. He shuffled them, muttering something under his breath and then fanned them out over the table. He counted, sixteen cards, and then turned over the seventeenth. A strange silver rune was marked on the card’s face. He traced it with his finger, muttering and giving a hacking cough. Then with a flourish of his hands he gathered the cards and placed them in his pocket. He placed his wager on the smaller animal, a large sum and a risky bet. Then he left to go find something to drink; he needed something stronger than ditch water.
The children walked in single file through the long golden grass. A white mist had settled over the world, obscuring its features and dulling its edges. Some children were softly whimpering with fear, others shaking as their teeth chattered with cold, wrapping the black wool cloaks about them.
The leader, a dark tan man with a scar over his left eye, black stubble across his face, and long tangled curly hair raised his gloved hand. He motioned to the children to be silent, then lowered himself flat and began creeping away from the path into the long grass.
The boy sat watching mesmerized as he saw the gentle swaying of the grass, as if a stray breeze was simply rippling through it ever so slowly. Then he noticed a similar swaying coming towards them. The two ripples grew closer and closer when suddenly both disappeared.
There were a few seconds that seemed like an eternity. The boy watched and waited, hoping desperately to see the leader stand up at any moment with his head barely above the tall grass. Then suddenly the ripple started again, slithering closer and closer. It was coming straight for the path where the boy stood, but he couldn’t move. The next moment he felt a large strong hand cover his mouth and hold in the cry that escaped from his throat. The leader had retuned; and he wasn’t alone.
A man had crept out with him. He was dressed in black like the rest of them but instead of hair, he had strange marks and symbols on his head that extended down to his eyes. But his eyes were what scared the boy. They had a dangerous light in them, a light that showed he had killed many before and would easily kill anyone who needed to be killed.
“This is Sato. He is a scout from the other villages. He will lead us to the camp grounds.”
The boy wondered why the leader was telling him this, but before he could ask, Sato sniffed the air and his eyes seemed to burn with hatred. He made several motions with his hands to the leader, who grew very grave as he spoke.
“We must move. Quickly! We are being tracked by Styx!”
In the beautiful mountain village of Luca, small groups of people in long dark clothes huddled together in fear as they watched the ominous presence draw near. They stood before the brick homes with slate roofs that were small but sturdy as they awaited their fate.
A hard metallic boot covered with sharp claws and blades came down hard on the stone path, crushing rocks into powder. A cape of grey wool overlaid with dull chainmail dragged like a heavy lifeless body behind the terrifying figure, scraping a trail in the dust. Fear registered on ever face as the dreaded voice spoke, sounding like three voices speaking at once.
“So, you mean to tell me that in the last twenty years not a single child has been born?”
A small bald man with small wrinkled hands clutched together spoke in a trembling faint voice, “Your Excellency. We would never lie to you. Mankind is growing weak. Our blood thins daily. Most men cannot father children anymore, and those that can… their wives can no longer carry them to term. The only children you will find are the ones buried in the graveyard, stillborn all.”
“Is that so?” Asked the figure, accentuating every word, “Then why do I smell the tears of a child?”
Several nervous glances looked at the woman who was desperately trying to hide the marks her daughter had left that morning on her shoulder. The figure walked closer, sniffing the air, a dangerous mace in its hand.
“You are all lying!” Came the roar as the armored one raised the enormous weapon.
The fat man returned to his table and sat down with a groan and another hacking cough. He cursed as he tried to regain composure after his coughing fit, the betting officer at his table. The officer was a thin, pale, pasty man with two small silver spectacles perched so far down his nose they looked as if they were going to dive off the edge at any second.
“Mmmm.” He spoke in his high nasally voice, “Mr. Stultor, you seem to have made yet another winning wager… against all odds.”
“Huhh! Whe’s my marney!” The dirty fat man slurred.
“Here you are sir. The rooster fight will begin next. Do you wish to wager now or after the animals are presented.”
“Latah. Right now, I need anodah drink.” He said with a cough.
“Of course sir.” Said the nasally voice and walked away.
The fat man looked again to make sure he wasn’t being watched then took the cards out again. He fanned the deck and began counting again, but as his hand touched the sixteenth card, a small petite hand of a woman fell on the seventeenth.
“Hmmm. That’s an interesting deck of cards you have there.” Spoke the low sultry voice.
“Hey! Ge lossst!” He said as he reached for the woman’s wrist.
In an instant, the room seemed to grow darker. The walls seemed to curve and bend and buckle as they formed a circular structure around the two. A curtain moved by itself, covering the window of the fat man’s booth so no one could see what was happening. The candles set out for later that night all flickered to life casting a mysterious golden light and amplifying the shadows. The man’s eyes seemed to widen for a moment before he shook himself to awareness and gave a malicious grin.
“Ha! Witch you should not have meddled with me today! Do not think me some peasant with a deck! I am magician from the order of Insular!”
And with a motion of his hand he fanned his deck out above his head, the cards all floating with the black backs to the woman. He made a motion with his hand and one of the cards turned slowly, revealing the glowing silver rune. In an instant, the card shot forward, transforming into five large spears.
The woman smiled as the spears nearing her seemed to push against some unknown shield so hard that the wood buckled and snapped and the metal points flew into the walls of the theater. She then took of the midnight black hood of her long gossamer cape and smiled a wicked grin on her red lips. The fat man’s eyes widened as he realized who she was. But before he could plead for mercy, she spread her cloak like two wings and enfolded him within it.
He felt himself falling through utter nothingness. His soul felt torn while black fire burned at his body. Screams and cried echoed all around him and soon he realized they were coming from him. He gasped for air as spiders began crawling into his mouth and snakes wrapped around his neck. The next instant he felt his feet turn to heavy stone and he fell into a cold frigid ocean. He struggled to remain above the sucking water as he saw a figure walk towards him. It was the woman in black.
“Please!” he sputtered, “Mercy! I beg of Your Worshipfulness! I’ll do anything, oh Mistress of Nightmares!”
“Hmm. Alright then, if you insist. But know this Stultius, you are not spared because of any mercy in my heart. We have use of your… special talents.” She purred as she continued floating like a wisp of oily smoke.
“D-do you mean… she has need of me?” He asked with any color left in his dirty face draining as he continued struggling in the water.
“Ha! Don’t flatter yourself. This business is between you and me. You will go to Teaul. There you will soon be contacted by one of the Circle, a Vestal, who will give you your commission. Until then, don’t plan on getting much sleep.” She said with a smile that froze his blood.
The next instant his eyes opened and he realized he was lying on the floor, curled up like a child, weeping. The large man from the doorway was standing over him with the betting officer behind him. He was saying something.
“-had enough to drink. Its time for you to leave. You’re upsetting the other customers.”
The fat man looked over and saw the many faces looking with alarm at the crazy man. He was escorted out of the building and thrown into the ditch full of dirty water. He cough and hacked and reached for his deck in his anger, then caught a glimpse of black gossamer from a passing carriage and remembered his task. Grudgingly he got up and began to waddle down the dirty street. Somewhere nearby a figure in black smiled as she leapt from the building’s roof, and dissipating into a cloud of black smoke.
The children all trudged wearily into the campsite. Several dark green tents had been pitched against the three ancient stones standing around the circular sandy area. In the center was another large stone, flat on its back, being used as a serving station for food. A line had already formed and the children from Luca quickly got in line for breakfast.
As they stood in line the boy gazed at the scene before him. There were kids from the southern village of Matvie and the river village of Janez, all wearing the same black cloaks the leader had given him. Some of the boys were talking excitedly about Sato, rumors running wild that he was an assassin or actually a woodwose come to lead them to their deaths.
“Here you are boy.” Came the large, well fed cooks deep voice, “Eat your porridge slowly. You won’t be getting anymore food until this afternoon.”
“Excuse me. I am in need of your service.” Came the voice from behind the cook.
“Eh? What da you two want?” Asked the cook as he turned revealing two girls standing behind him.
“Are you the cook?” Asked the older of the two, probably around the boy’s age.
“Aye. Whats wrong? You already had your share!” The cook said motioning to the empty bowl in her hand.
The older girl’s eye grew hard and fierce before the younger, probably around seven, began to sniff. The older girl turned her attention to the other and spoke sofly, “Come now. Don’t cry Bella. Don’t you worry, this nice man’s going to give us exactly what we came here for.”
“Ha! I’d like to see that! I’ve told you no seconds!” He growled getting red faced.
The older girl met his stare with eyes that seemed ready to burn right through his soul. Her teeth gritted and her voice was commanding as she spoke, “It would be in your best interest to listen before you open your loud gaping mouth again. I’ve seen smarter Mud Hogs.”
“Come on now.” Said the boy stepping into between the two, “There’s no point in fighting over this. Here she can have mine.” He said handing his bowl to Bella and directing the two away from the seething cook.
“What are you doing?!? I was handing it just fine!” Said the angry girl her burning eyes turning on the boy.
“Sorry, I just wanted to help.” He said looking down at Bella who had already begun consuming his bowl of porridge.
The girl looked down at Bella and smiled as she said, “I’m sorry. Thank you…”
“Nicholas.” He said with a nod of his head. “Nicholas of Luca.”
“Well, thank you Nicholas. Bella spilled hers and that idiot cook wouldn’t even listen to what happened.” She seemed to glare at him once before she spoke again, “I’m Sahrina and this is Bella. We’re from Marek.”
“Wow! That’s on the other side of the mountain! When did you two get here?” He asked astonished.
“This morning. We traveled for three days to get over the mountain.” She said wearily, “Well, I think its time we went to claim a spot in the tents. Thank you again for your kindness Nicholas of Luca.”
“No problem. I’ll talk to you later Sahrina. Goodbye Bella.” He said and the small girl waved shyly as she walked away with Sahrina.
As Nicholas walked back to the boys tent he passes the cook who had apparently been eves dropping. “Hold on lad. Here you can have another bowl. If I had known those two were from Marek I would have given them anything. I didn’t think anyone had survived. Anyways, you enjoy that, and don’t be expecting it to happen again in the future!”
Nicholas left smiling as he heard the cook muter about getting soft in his old age. He wondered what had happened in Marek, but decided it would be better to let the girls tell him, if they wanted to talk about it. He found the tent with some other boys from Luca and a few from Janez already snoring and soon he was fast asleep, the day’s wearisome events catching up with him.
14 years ago
It seems like a different story all together. In a good way! I enjoyed it very much. It was put together much more clearly and really drew you in. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Is Sahrina a new name for Holly?