Well, I felt like I hadn't posted in a while and know I won't be until after thanksgiving so I thought I should at least give a little update. So here goes:
Chapter 2 is done, it just needs a little fine tuning and some minor refining (don't you hate that I'm a perfectionist! >:)
The Two Horsemen novella didn't get nearly the response I was looking for but I am adamant about finishing the novella and then refining it as well. What you see there is a first draft thats still very rough and unfocused. Either way I already have Part II written in my head its just a matter of getting in down on paper when I have a chance.
The Epic Poem (the Lament of Brandur + Perlise) that I'm working on seems to be in hiatus for now. I already know what I want to do, I just need to figure out if I'll leave it in current format or if I'll redo the entire thing. :D
Also have a poetic idea on the far distant backburner of the dark recesses of my brain called 'the Heartbreaker of Calais' (that would be pronouned to rhyme with 'delay') It'll be good. >:D
Oh, my current project garnering the most of my creative enegry and time is a short story (or series of them) that deals with the theme of the Lord of the Mists. So far I am almost done with the first but I want to finish at least two before I post any. Either way, whether I write one, three, five, or twenty, they will each be individual and not interdependent (though reading them together would be very beneficial). So far I'm on the tenth page of the fourth draft. As I said, most of my focus is on it right now. Hopefully I can begin December with it. :)
Other than that I have relatives and friends coming to stay until the 29th so I'll probably be silent until then. To all my faithful readers (i know you're out there in the thousands you're all just too shy to comment :D) Good bye and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
14 years ago
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