NB: The use of the terms man, men, male, mankind, and the pronouns he, him, and his have all been used in a non descriminitive way and are in no way meant to indicate that women are unable to function creatively or that they lack imagination. This article is meant to examine the male creative process.
In all male humans there is a gland, known as the viros gland(pronounced WEE-ros, from the latin for "man"). It is located in the Soul Organs, below the Will, and in between the Lower Mind and the Frontal Emotions. The viros gland is the primary vessel for containing the vigor of a man, the creative and energetic essence from which dreams, ideas, and imagination flows and it maintains the vigor throughout the entire soul, analogous to the heart. The viros is also like the human stomach, in that it can expand and contract, depending upon the amount of vigor it amy contain.
The vigor in the male soul flows from the Emotional Organs into the viros gland and then out into the Mind Organelles, though sometimes the flow can be reversed when one area becomes more vigor starved than another. The intent of the viros gland is to keep the entire Soul in a state of continous vigorous equilibrium. However, being under the Will Tissues means that the viros gland can be minipulated by the Will and it's influences for other purposes.
When a man does hard physical work, it stimulates the production of vigor, as does contact with soil or dirt. (The reason why young boys have enlarged viros glands being their continual play in mud, et al.) Men also produce more vigor when exposed to a natural light source (e.g. sunlight, firelight, candlelight, moonlight.) than when kept in conditions of articifial light or light depraved situations. Vigor is also produced in great abundance when a man is praised. For the male, the praise of a woman, for even the smallest thing he has done, is the greatest honor and purest pleasure and so from this praise vigor is produced in abundance in both the Emotions and the Mind.
Vigor is spent slowly during mundane situations, and when great mental stress is placed upon the mind because of physical or mental situations. Vigor is also spent when it leaves the viros gland through the Upper Mind and exits through the Creativity Channels. A less productive method of de-vigoration is through passion, for as passion levels in the Lower Emotions rise, they burn vigor in order to maintain the levels of passion.
When the viros gland is completely drained of vigor, the soul releases lethargic compounds into the Body in order to produce sleep. During sleep, the Will's control of the viros is deactivated and the viros can then extract a highly volatile form of vigor from the Lesser Mind, specifically from the Memory Gland. This causes lucid dreaming and brings back equilibrium of the vigor to the soul.
Should the viros gland not be able to extract from the Memory Gland fast enough, it may also begin to digest small parts of the Emotions in order to keep the viros active. Certian emotions such as sadness or love are more easily digested by the viros than anger or fear. These emotions can be regrown, either from remnants in the Forntal Emotions or from a transplant from someone else. The viros gland may digest all the emotions in which case emotional enthropy, also known as apathy, may set in.
However, if the vigor is completely drained and sleep not administered, and none of the vigor producers active in a person's life the viros may wither completely and die. This is especially true if a person is continually being drained of vigor without being given any oppertunity to produce more. Certain occupations tend to kill the viros faster and with more speed than others. These include occupations related to death such as morgue attendants and funeral home manager, those related to finance such as bankers and politicians, and the military. However, men with large and healthy viros glands have been able to function in these inviroments without harm. Contrarily there are few who are born without a viros gland at all: they work for the IRS.
There are also certain substances that effect the viros gland. These include alchol, nicotine, absinthe, and caffeine. These can all magnify the effects of vigor temporarily in the emotions but have a long term effect of slowly shrinking the the viros gland until it becomes starved and begins to consume the emotions and/or the mind. Other kinds of substances such as narcotics and opiates can cause permenant viros damadge and possibly death.
The viros gland is what separates men from beasts and what makes a man a man. Without it men become hollow empty shells as their souls die and their spirits become weakened. The viros gland is the single most important part of the male soul and is the heart of male creativity.
14 years ago
hehehe. This was a challange from a friend to write a fictional medical examination on a fictious organ. I decided to do the "viros gland" because making an organ that is part of the soul instead of the body ment that there is always that possiblility its true, which lends credence to my claim.
ReplyDeletelol! That is really random but very, very creative!