The Belgariad
Vol. 1 & 2
By David Eddings
The Belgariad follows the life of a young boy, Garion, as he tags along with his aunt and grandfather, two sorcerors, as they journey to gather various people needed to stop an ancient evil from returning. Along the way Garion also finds out more about himself and what he really is. I won't say anything else at all because the story is too good to spoil.
The style of writing is simple and easy, but the descriptions of the people and places are so well done that you don't feel that the over complicated words are even needed. One thing about his writing that is amazing is that even the most minor characters have a story and a part in the plot. You connect with everyone. In the same way the no person in real life is ever really a minor character, so also even the most insignificant seeming person has a story, a part in the main conflict. It is probably the reason I liked the books the most.
As for content, just to be warned, the book is not a children's book and does deal with some more mature themes. Nothing explicitly inappropriate, more just a few cultural practices in some of the countries they visit. A subtle theme in the books was that each villain personifies and is overthrown because of one of the deadly sins, lust being one of them. Also, the book does included magic, which may make some people uncomfertible. It does distinguish between sorcerors and magicians. Sorcerors, the good guys, are said to use something more like the 'force' in Star Wars, while Magicians, called the godless ones, try to control demons in order to affect their serroundings. In the books, one such magician is torn apart by his demon, as a way of making teh dangers involved explicit. Because of these two main things some may feel uncomfertible reading it or may choose not to. Luckily the story is not accesory to these themes, the themes are to the story.
In conclusion, the plot is amazing, the style is great, the themes are right on, the characters are the best I have ever seen, and the content, while having some questionible parts, does not affect the overall reading experiance. It is the most realistic fiction book I have read. And personally, I liked it.
Five Stars!!!
14 years ago
nice, will have to add it to my list!