It began when the Name Which Can Never Be Spoken closed His eyes and began to dream. From the Name’s dream the entire dreamscape spilled forth into existence. All was light, bright, and beautiful. And from this bright beauty the Name crafted the first kind, the Spirit Tribes. And they, like the Name, were spirit and light and beauty. And they dwelt in the land beyond the dreamscape where mortals may not tread.
And then the Name began to dream more. And from this dreaming a stirring took place. The Name who was dreaming in the dreamscape grew brighter, filling with more life, and love, and light until the dreamplane could not contain the glory of the Name. And it erupted forth with power and might into the first seedling, and with it the dimension of the physical world was born.
The Name then poured of Himself into the seedling and it began to grow. It grew larger and larger until it became the first tree, the Primarborex. Its roots spread long and thick until it became the earth. Its sap gushed down and formed the oceans, rivers, and springs. Its branches spread far and became the vaults of the heavens, while its flower became the stars and its leaves the scurrying clouds. And the Name crafted a bird of light, who flew and lay two eggs within the branches of the tree, a pale white one and a firry red one. And the two became the sun and the moon.
And the Name in His great wisdom and foresight began withdrawing Himself from a part of the dreamplane. And when the Name had completely withdrawn Himself all that was left was the Void. It was void of life, light, or love and was terrible. The Spirit Tribes stood in wonder at the Name’s uncreation, for He showed them the great evil to warn them, but also because He already knew what would and must come to pass.
In the Spirit Tribes there was one tribe whose elder was Aurophilant. He was the most glorious and beautiful of the Spirit Tribe because he was continually in the presence of the Name. He loved the Name dearly above all else, and loved nothing else, not even the Name’s other creations. The only other place he went was the Void, for he became fascinated that there was a place without the Name at all. And while he was there he became corrupted by the Void.
It was after this that the Name created the second kind: the Elves of Old, the Immortals. They were crafted to be the children of the Name and were given the Name’s special ability to create life. The Name loved them dearly and all of creation loved them as well. But the corrupted one hated them, for he had grown jealous of the love the Name bestowed upon them. So he gathered together his tribe and corrupted his tribe as well and went to beseech the Name to destroy the Elves and love only the Spirit Tribes. But the Name, seeing the evil that had taken hold of them, the selfish love, sent them away. Furious and hurt that their love was scorned the fallen ones, called the Necrant, rose up to destroy the Name. But they were instead cast into the Void, out of the Name’s presence, which was the worst punishment that any creation could experience. And there they began to grow hideous, monstrous, and wicked. Only the Fallen One remained beautiful for though he hated the presence of the Name he also longed for it and returned often to account for his deeds and those of his people.
It was then that the Necrant began to invade the physical world, to destroy the creation of the Name in retaliation and out of jealousy and a desire to spread the Void. Then the Faithfull petitioned the Name to be granted passage to the world to protect it from the Necrant. And so the Faithful who were later called the Centilhim came to the earth and became guardians and protectors over it.
And so the Great War of the Spirits was waged for a thousand years. The Centilhim and the Necrant bound themselves to physical forms and churned the waters of the deep, the thunders of the heavens, and the fires of the secret places with their continual struggle.
The Elves were created for a single purpose, to create light and life. They created a powerful weapon against the void, the crystals of light. These crystals were filled with the light of the sun, moon, stars, and dreamscape. They shone brightly and the Void could not draw near their light. Those corrupted by the Void also were repelled by them and so the Elves began to spread light across the world.
But in order to make better and brighter crystals the Elves began to learn how to draw darkness out of crystals. All of the darkness drawn out of the crystals to make them brighter was stored in a single crystal, the crystal of darkness. It was so powerful that it corrupted the very fabric of the universe where it was placed. And so certain Elves were placed as eternal guardians to watch over the crystal and keep it out of the hands and knowledge of the wicked.
It was then that darkness began to weave itself into the world, slowly leaking from the crystal of darkness. And so it was that the third kind was created: Humankind. While Elves were created to create and bring forth light, Humans were created to destroy or contain darkness. Even if a human were to fall to darkness, they would become vessel that would contain the darkness from spreading and once they died the darkness would be destroyed.
And Humankind and Elvenkind toiled with the Centilhim for many centuries against the power of the Necrant. This continued until finally the War of the Spirits was finished when the gateways between the spirit realm and the earth were shut, and all the spirits bound to physical forms, due to the sacrifice of the great elf warrior Madeleine of the Steelsword. And so the Era of the Oak Tree passed and the Time of the Autumn Light began.
Okay, so here's a few quick explanitory notes.
a) Suphnosnatut = Proto-Indo-European meaning "dream-birth"
b) These are part of a mini series I call the "Scrolls from the Hidden Archives" there is three or four more of them. The next one follows up on this one, the one after that tells the history of the Elvenkind's perspective, the fourth the history of the Ghulkind from their point of view, and then the possible fifth the history of the Humankind.
c) Oh, yes, scattered throughout are hints to possible future stories in the series (main series).
Bon Apittite!
14 years ago
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