Okay! If you missed the vice presidential debates tonight you have probably missed the best ones in the last 20 years! At least thats what all the old people are saying. And these are my thoughts on it.
First off, congradulations to Gov. Sarah Palin, you didn't completely blow it like everyone thought you would! Maybe now everyone will forget that embaressing interview with Katie Curic. :)
Oh, and congrats Biden for winning the actual debate. Didn't see that one coming. LOL
Now, first of Gov. Palin. When she spoke she drew you in, she captivated you with her phrases, jokes, eyes, and warm smile. She spoke with so much truth and conviction that you almost wanted to answer the alter call. The only problem was that afterward, sitting back and thinking about what she said, you'd realise that it made no logical sense.
Examples: She said she wanted to pay teachers and educators much more, yet later said she was going to move to tax much less... how does that work, especially when you want to keep the wars in afganistahn, pakistan, and iraq going?
She also said that they were going to tax less and thereby make more jobs... yet thats exactly what bush did and it caused an 8 month employment drop. How does that work? Pixie dust "aint gonna cut it".
Sen. Biden spoke with clear confidence and wisdom that echoed the many long ages he has served on Capitol hill. He shared stories and ancedotes from years back. He showed his vast knowledge by being abel to recite variouse bill initiatives, and teh people for ang against it, thereby showing he may be almost as old as McCain but at least he can still rember stuff. Too bad that after listening to him, you realise, wait, didn't he say the exact same thing last week?
Yup, thats right, he's a repeat offender. He had nothing original to say. Same old blah blah blah. At least Palin messed up enough on her international information that it made the show enteraining.
Highlight of the evening:
The Cheney issue-
promtor: So, Gov.(palin) tell us what you view the role of the vice president is? Is the Vice President part of the executive branch only or also part of the legislative branch because of Cheney's recent reforms?
Palin: Well, I'm glad that the founders of our nation were wise enough to make the consitution very flexible. I view the office of teh vice president as being very flexible and yes, i do think that the vice president is part of both.
promtor: Sen.(Biden) your reply?
Biden: First, the first amendment makes it clear the vice president is under the President and part of the executive branch only. The only power that teh vice president has over the senate is in the situation of a tie. Other than a tie situation the Vice President has no say in teh legsilative branch! The Constitution is clear!
So Biden won in knowledge area, Palin won in Charisma area, but who won when it came to heart area?
Here's what happened. Palin was talking about being a mom with kids and bringing them up and how she has kids galore. Then as she was winning the crowd's heart with her mentioning of her special needs child, she made the statement in regards to raising children, "Oh, I know."
The promtor turned to Biden, who, when repsonding simply began saying, "When it comes to raising children, believe me, I know..." And he actually choked up and couldn't finish what he was saying. Everyone there knew about his wife and daughter's death in the car accident and how he had been left to raise his two small boys as a single father.
Needless to say, that small bit of having to stop to collect himself won him everyone's heart there, and made Palin look like a jerk for even suggesting that she knew anything about life. Thats not to say that it's true, thats just the feeling you got from watching it.
In the end, it was better than watching the office. And no, I'm not a democrat, yet ;), and no I'm still pretty sure I won't ever stoop to the lowly level of the retarded republicans, but I must say that I do admit Palin's ability to hold her own almost as much as I admit that Biden was still her better in almost everyway. Remember, i went into this almost completely neutral and this is how I came out.
14 years ago
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