When the Necrant first descended upon the world, some defiled the children of man and elves, and from this unholy union a race of dark wraiths were born, ever haunting the fringes of the dusk and dawn and the places of the dead. The Necrant also defiled certain trees and brought forth the whispering glades, places where trees left the natural order and ate the flesh of man and beast. But the most fearsome of the Necrant’s defilement was that of the wyrms.
For in ancient times the great serpents coiled about the base of the First Tree and drank deeply of its sap and grew ever stronger. And when the Necrant defiled them, the race of the wyrms of darkness, serpents of the night on wings of shadow, were brought forth. The wyrms had no souls but became the habitation for the wraiths and thus to the great strength and power of the wyrms was bound the evil malice and bloodlust of the wraiths and the wicked beasts spread the Void across the earth.
The Centilhim, having seen the great evil of the Necrant, were yet not given the power of destruction, which alone is the gift of humanity. So they sought a way to grant their power of light to humans who could use the light to destroy the evil of the wyrms. And so the Centilhim were taught the sacred act of binding, so that they could bind themselves unto humankind. And this union was blessed and from it was derived the peoples of Carolman, who were called by Humankind sorcerers for their ability to wield the light.
And after this the doorways between the worlds were sealed by the blood of the elven warrior who gave her life to stop the Necrant and their spread of the void. The Necrant trapped in the physical world, having learned the secrets of binding bound themselves to the deep and dark places of the world, living in the secret shadows awaiting the day of their return.
The Elvenkind and the Humankind were in these days still brothers with one another. And some of them pledged their love to another and their union was fruitful and brought forth the small people, the Ghulia, who could create both light and destroy darkness, yet who were more vulnerable to the malice of the wyrms. And the Ghulia became the peoples of the land beneath the sunrise, who built the great fortresses of the east and began to multiply and grow great.
Then the First War of the Cherry Orchards was fought between the Ghulkind and Humankind. The war lasted fifteen years of man and were bloody and fierce. The Ghul were victorious and spread their kingdom far to the west into the lands of man. The humans however grew restless neath their conquerors and soon rebelled in the Second War of the Cherry Orchards in which the Humans decimated the entire area between the Eastern Kingdom and the Kingdom of Man. The Ghul retaliated and the Third War of the Cherry Orchard was fought until finally the sorcerers of Carolman had to intervene and raised the Pillars of Heaven to be a barrier between the Ghul and the Humans.
The some of the Ghulkind and some of the Elvenkind were also bound in love and they brought forth the Lesser Elves, the Woodlings. The Woodlings however were seen as a perversion of the greatness of the elves and were not blessed and so were not fruitful. Their kind receded deep into the forest where they remained forever as children and guardians of the woods.
And after three generations of peace the Wyrms of Darkness again began to plague the world. The sorcerers first tried using the light crystal of the elves but the elves refused to make more because of the harm of the dark crystal. So the Sorcerers began seeking a way to destroy all darkness once and for all. They delved deep and dug far into the old magic of the first dream and as they continued searching they uncovered powers and abilities that they were never meant to find.
The Sorcerers of Carolman crafted the three cursed treasures and gave them to the three guardians so that all evil may be destroyed once and for all. The guardians began exterminating the wyrms, until one was corrupted by the Cloak of the Void. One of the other ones had to kill him and she was then killed by the last guardian, who took all three treasures for himself. He became twisted by the power and soon attempted to exterminate all life and therefore extinguish all evil. He was stopped by the sacred treasure of the forest when the Woodlings cried out the First Tree to save them.
The three cursed treasures were then sent to various sanctuaries to be purged of their evils and curses so that they may once again aid the side of light. Meanwhile, realizing the power of corruption, the sorcerers instead decided to place the burden of hunting the wyrms on all kinds and so warriors from all over the world hunted the wyrms for greatness and glory. The greatest were gathered under the banner of the White Blades. The White Blades were led by two of the greatest warriors in the entire land. Then they began destroying the spawn of darkness and soon there were only a few wyrms left.
Then the day came. The great betrayal occurred during which humanity was corrupted completely and the White Blades all killed by the wyrms. The greatest warriors all fell one after another as they were betrayed to the wyrms and destroyed while saving the last crystal of light. The two leaders were not killed but both disappeared mysteriously. Darkness threatened to overtake the earth.
However, with only one wyrm thought to be left, the sorcerers all gathered and using the power of the last crystal of light froze the wyrm beneath the waves of the far eastern sea, guarded perpetually by the last light crystal. And so the last known dragon was imprisoned and there he remained for almost three thousand years.
And so all the Kinds grew under the protection of the sorcerers of Carolman. The Sorcerers began to grow lax and evil persisted in some pockets of the world, but for nearly a thousand years peace and prosperity reigned. This was the last age during which the light reigned supreme over the world and ever after this age, all the kinds looked back upon it as the greatest.
Well there ya go! The Elvenkind history is slightly diffrent from this (actually very diffrent but thats okay, its their history, not the world's) but chronologically the next document after Sunyunatunt is the Lament of Brandur and Perlise. Its the epic poem that I'm only half way done with. I may post what I have of it before I post the Elvenkind tale... or I could do it the other way around. Makes no diffrence to me. What do you prefer?
14 years ago
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