Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Seven Sentence Story

The checkerboard cloaked man leapt from the stage and grabbd the hand of a little girl in the still clapping audiance. With a clear voice he announced to the crowd, "Now, for my final trick, I will amaze you like you have never been amazed before!" He turned to the little girl with her shabby torn clothes and dirty face, a sudden wave of sympathy and recollection sweeping through his soul, then leaned closer so only she could hear and whispered. "Little one, I have here in my hand a silver orb, and if you decide to place your hands on it, your life will never be the same again." He saw the same look of fear, uncertanty, and emptiness in her eyes that had been in his own so many years ago. She gulped, reached forward placing her shaking hands on the floating silver orb, and her life was never the same again.


This is a school assignment that my Intro to Dramatic Lit. teacher had assigned us to do. Basically you try to write a story in seven sentences. What was harder was his seven word story. This was my three for that:

Finally, the last unicorn was now dead.

I got out and saw her there.

At my home the lights were off.

It's actually kinda fun! You guys should try it. Leave any you get in the comment section (and no this is actually NOT a clever ploy to get more comments.) :D


  1. "I made delicious apple pie last night."

    That was easy! I like 7 word stories!

  2. "Ahhhhh!! They come, they eat, they leave."
