Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To be My Queen

Your father brought the offer to me
With promises of a rich dowry
And while the lord of my reason
Rejoiced at this sound
My lady of passion cautioned
I cannot, will not love you for
The inherent entail you carry
Like the Queen of Sheba at the head
Of the endless line of plodding camels
Heavy steps sinking into amber sand
Weighed down by the silks and spices

Your mother brought the offer to me
With promises of sons a plenty
And while the lord of my reason
Rejoiced at this sound
My lady of passion yet cautioned
I cannot, will not love you for
The endless line you shall conceive
Like Hecuba standing above the battle noise
A rampart of proud Illium's white walls
Bearing her breasts as a call to arms
A generation of heroes she called her sons

Your brothers brought the offer to me
With promises of strength in arms
And while the lord of my reason
Rejoiced at this sound
My lady of passion yet cautioned me
I cannot, will not love you for
The promise of a sure sword
Like the mighty one Semiramis
Whose reached crushed far off kings
Her walls so high, her gardens higher
Yet her king lay buried in the sand

Your sisters brought the offer to me
With promises of beauty beyond measure
And while the lord of my reason
Rejoiced at this sound
My lady of passion still cautioned
I cannot, will not love you for
The form in silk impressed
Like the temptress Cleopatra
The perfumed sighs filling her sails
Slipping her barge further down
The waves lapping at the edge

Come yourself and offer to me
The promise of your every tear
For those precious drops of life
My lord and lady ever revere
I could, I would love you for
Yourself- no other reasons abide
Let your smile be only for me
And with joy I shall seek when it hides
Be no mortal queen or Helen for me
And I shall be no mortal prince for you
My River, Your Doctor now and forever
Then I could, I would, say "I do"

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