How can you measure the start of a day?
With waking up, or the first words you say
Or woken from your darkest dreams
By the anguish of your own fearful screams.
Try so hard to get in that old Book
With is repetitious phrases and mirror-like look
Sometimes so easy, but today, I’ll be frank
The page I just read my just well have been blank
This is a thought in the day in the life
Of a walk in the park in my shoes and my strife
Ugly, unsure when made so bare
You can judge if you want but I just won’t care
Going about the paths of my day
I try to be noble, to smile, and recall the Way
But it’s so easy to flip to the other coin-side
Even though I made those promises, I guess I lied
Frustration play with me a game of wack-a-mole
I loose my patience, with these people so droll
Then a thought, a memory, that blank page from before
The coin flips again, and I’m on my knees once more
This is a thought in the day in the life
Of a walk in the park in my shoes and my strife
Ugly, unsure when made so bare
You can judge if you want but I just won’t care
My mind runs non-stop in its deep grey folds
I replay the past, where I should’ve been more bold
I look at myself, in the mirror with disgust
So much to change, I hate change, but I must
What about the future, the decisions coming soon
They tear me apart, morning, night, and noon
I try to worm out, to logicise and legitimize
But I’m merely wasting time, I begin to realize
This is a thought in the day in the life
Of a walk in the park in my shoes and my strife
Ugly, unsure when made so bare
You can judge if you want but I just won’t care
Trying to forget what happened back then
Trying to forget the choice to make when
Distractions, temptations, a temporal blindfold
I’ve broken my promise and again become too cold
How do you measure the end of a day?
When you turn off the lights, or your mind drifts away?
Or when once again you’re on your knees in lack
Hoping for two steps forward for every one taken back
This is a thought in the day in the life
Of a walk in the park in my shoes and my strife
Ugly, unsure when made so bare
You can judge if you want but I just won’t care
14 years ago
Been there... judgement:)