So last month I posted a somewhat politically charged post about Global Warming and asking for explanaton from my fellow Christans why the majority of Christian leaders and therefore the people that blindly follow them, are so appose to Global Warming. I since received several post from people (and a few angry emails lol!) in responce and this is what I gather so far.
"Well if it's going to happen then it's going to happen and there's no stopping it. If it happens it must be part of God's plan, and therefore we cannot apose it. If it's not part of God's plan then we don;t have to worry about it. So either way, why worry?"
My response to this is again, we are called to be GOOD stewards of God's creation, not exploiters. And in regrads to God's plan, at the end of the day, God looks at the heart. He looks and sees if we tried, regardless of the results. As P.F. says almost every time he talks about healing:
"The result is not my responsiblity, the action, the faith to step out and do what God has told me to do in His word (be a good steward), that is my responsibility."
Also, the spirit of complacency is not of God, the spirit that would say, "Why worry?" We are told over and over again in Proverbs that it's just simple wisdom not: to take the easy way out, to just sit back and relax, or to be lazy when we could be doing something about whats happening around us.
"Radicals on the left use global warming to enforce unrealistic policies that would exchange widespread economic down fall for a minuscule change in climate change. The enormous economic costs that these policies demand would create poverty and therefore increase the dirty emmissions of so-called pour man's fuel (coal, etc.)"
Well, let me ignore that very biased and unproveibly opening phrase, and just say that you can't just call anyone who disagrees with you a radical. That's what Bush does, and we want to be like Jesus, not Bush. (see how a very biased and unprovible statement makes a reader feel.) ^__^
So, to get to the main point, I understand the policy issue, but let's take a second and actually look at "liberal" policy in regards to global warming.
-Reuse and recycle more instead of producing new and wasting old.
-Replace oil depedency with clean renewible resources that are home grown (american)
-Stop pollution and destruction of natural resources
-Become active participant in arising global market and economy
So far, aside from the cutting back on new production, which does cause an economy to slow down, I don't see any other effects here that would be detrimental to US economy IN THE LONG RUN. The problem we face is SHORT RUN vs. LONG RUN thinking. In the short run, we have all the plants and product we need RIGHT NOW, in order to prosper if we just keep doing what we have been doing for centuries. In the long run, we do not have the resources (especially if we are detroying them from polluting and deforesting) to keep the economy stable as we loan more and more of our national currency (thats right, i'll post more on the Fed later) and base more and more of our money on nonexsistant gold, and grow more and more dependant on Arab oil. Trust me, in the long run, its stupid to base all of your economy on one source (oil) when there are a wide variety availible (tidal, nuclear, solar, ethanol, hydro, etc) of untapped energy.
"There are much more important issues in the world, like orphans, AIDS, wars, genocide, etc for us to worry about that."
Thats not right. The Bible says not to worry about ANYTHING and to prayerfully make you supplication known to God. Now unless you actually pray for the orphans, the AIDS vctims, the genocidal areas, and the war crime victims, every night before you go to bed, you can;t use this as an excuse to harm the enviroment. If you do, then bravo, and let me tell you that it still gives you no right to shrug off teh iussue. Obviously we will always place people over plants. That's a given. What I'm saying is that most of us are not constantly occupied with caring for orphans. Most of us live comfertible lives, drive our comfertible cars, and heat our comfertible houses. We have no excuse. If we're not helping the needy at least we can take care of what God has given us.
"Stupid Liberal Democrats will do anyhthing to get us to change and conform to there way. Its part of there plan to make us change into belieivng that things they believe."
That's an arguement and excuse known as an 1)ad hominem attack AND 2)a strawman fallacy AND 3)a Non Sequitor. First off, what does the fact that liberals were the first to take up the banner of global warming have to do with its validity. Ask yourself this, if it does make a dffrence, are you basing your opinion off the fact that you don;t like global warming or that you don't like liberals? Second, this arguement is besides the point entirely. Even if it was a part of some evil liberal conspiracy, it does not take away from the validity of taking care of the only planet God gave us. And Third, the arguement that because we agree with one thing that a liberal says means we are slowly going to give up all our morals and become liberal is utter hogwash. Guess what, they are right about several things! Biblically!!! And guess what, conservatives, are wrong about several things, Biblically!!! So, if we want to line up with the Bible we need to stop lining up according to some man made lines in the sand and look to the higher call God has given us and get in line with it.
After hearing back from believers about the reasons they and their family memebers believe that Global Wamring is nothing to worry about, I must say, I'm not convinced by their complacent ways. I do agree that "Stupid Liberal Democrats" place way too much empheses on creation and not enough on humanity, and that with all the ad campaigning they have done they could have helped the homeless or the orphans. But even then I'm still glad, because that meant they had less money to suppost abortion, abortion laws, and abortion information. Look at it this way, for every dollar that organizations like teh ACLU spend on global warming education, they have to pull from somewhere. What's been their biggets budget? Abortion! So where will they most likley begin making cuts? Thats right, abortion! Either way you look at it, its better to try and fight Global Warming, then to sit back and let them keep killing babies while big oil companies kill old growth forests. At least that's my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
^__^ (I should have been a politician!)
14 years ago
Well, I'm a Christian whose undecided about global warming (as you know ;) but I have always wanted to be logical and you really helped a lot.
1)global warming is not real:
and we A) Do nothing
or B) do something
We're better off either way because we are no longer dependant on arab oil.
2)global warming is real:
and A) we do nothing then we will be held accountible before God and will create a horrible world for our children
or B) we do something then we will be rewarded by God and will create a wonderful home for our children.
This is like the Pascal's Wager I was telling you about, about the reason it is only logical to believe in God because if you believe and He's not real there's no harm done, but if HE is real then your safe. In both cases, you have everything to loose in inaction, and everything to gain by taking action. Therefore it's only logical to believe in Global Warming.