Okay, I guess it's time I let it go. I have honestly not spent this much time on a singel chapter since 9. I just kept rereading it and wanting to change things. It still feels like I will probably go back and write a diffrent version fo rteh final draft of teh book, but oh well.
Okay, so minor side note:
In my mind, Dare's voice is like Batman's from The Dark Knight and Batman Begins, low and dangerouse and fear inducing. (N.B. NOT BRUCE WAYNE!)
Master Oronus is like Gene Hackman's
If I think of any others I'll let you know. :)
Chapter 14
In the deep darkness of the dreamscape, far beyond any shining dream, a lone hawk, pure and white, flew through the depths. The wind ruffled the collar of light blue feathers that encircled its neck and its intense deep blue eyes scanned the shades of the void. Suddenly, several long, slimy, tentacles of pure darkness shot out of nowhere towards it.
One grabbed a leg, the other twisted around its neck. The hawk gave a high pitched cry and began to shine with a bright, white light. The darkness seemed to sizzle and hiss as the bird shone brighter and brighter. The tentacles writhed in pain and let go, pulling back into the emptiness that they came from. Then with a flash, the bird was gone.
Nicholas’ feverish eyes snapped open. Sweat was running down his brow and he found it difficult to breathe. His joints ached and it felt like waves of heat and cold were washing over him, causing him to sweat and shiver at the same time. He grabbed at the woolen sheets, pulling them up closer beneath his chin.
Through his feverish vision he could make out a hazy figure in a dark purple robe. He felt that he was in a large bed, and could barely see the room he was in. As his mind cleared for a few seconds, he became aware of the small lamp casting a soft yellow glow about him, and a painting of a young man that hung on the wall.
Then Nicholas felt the fever take him again, his eyes shutting with a shudder, his body aching and curling itself up as he clung to the sheets for dear life. The room was spinning, he felt like he was on a ship, going up and down and sliding back and forth. From somewhere beyond the haze that was threatening to overcome his consciousness he heard a voice, far and distant.
“Nicholas! Nicholas! Stay with us, boy!”
He felt the name form on his lips as he barely managed to whisper, “M-master Oronus?”
Then he free fell into darkness. Images, sounds, smells, and people flew past him in a whirlwind of light, darkness, and mist. A luminous hand reached out through the swirling torrent of faces and places and grabbed his hand. In that instant, everything stopped and turned to clear glass. Nicholas fell to his knees on the smooth, warm, white floor of translucence.
His head was pounding fiercely and he was having trouble focusing his vision. As he looked up, he saw a figure walk out of the mists that had arisen in his dreamplane. The figure was tall, wrapped in golden robes which seemed to shimmer and shine with iridescent light.
“Nicholas, son of destiny, fear not. Everything you are about to see has already been. Do not try to alter it, for by fate’s decree this will all be.”
Suddenly Nicholas felt like a hurricane was blowing straight into his face and that the air was being sucked from his lungs. His eyes teared and his head pounded even more as he saw the dreamscape and the real world at the same time. Two rows of people walked past him towards the Source of the dreamscape. He saw mighty empires rise and fall, great wars being fought, ancient deamon lords and mighty sorcerers in mortal combat, and ever the lines of people moved past him, disappearing into the bright Source.
Then Nicholas felt the breath return to his lungs. The cold, clear air burned and expanded within him and he felt like he had never truly breathed until now. The wind was no longer so strong and his pounding headache seemed to be less severe. He curiously watched as he saw himself growing up in the Village by the mountains. He saw his friends and his Grandmother and the golden grassy hills that gave way to the gentle sloping mountains covered in snow.
Then he saw Holly and Ivan running with him through the forest, pointing at the trail Bella had left. As he looked he saw Ivan was now the Captain and Holly was Burt and he was running through the cold Castle Alexander with the group of soldiers. He positioned them by the clerestory windows and climbed down the rose trellis to where Holly was confronting the witch. As his feet hit the ground, he was standing on the platform of Yulleton.
Then he saw the judge bang the gavel and the loud sound echoed around the courtroom. His mind seemed to scream as his vision suddenly split into three. He was in Larson’s Apothecary, a small careening carriage, and on a heaving ship, all at the same time. Even though his headache was intensely clawing at his mind, he watched with fascination as Ivan began studying at Einri and Holly was taught in the Collins household. He also saw himself, passed out in front of the fire, with human Larson feeding him and joining him from time to time. He watched as Ivan recovered the trident and Holly was proposed to, and he saw himself making his way to Master Oronus’ house.
He was drenched to the bone and chilled by the wind as he staggered up to the front door. He saw himself collapse and then the door open, revealing Master Oronus in a dark purple robe. He placed his hand on Nicholas’ fevered brow and said a few low, droning words. Then he picked Nicholas up and took him inside.
Nicholas felt like there were millions of boulders crashing inside his skull as he fell forward, back on the smooth white floor. The iridescent figure was still there, unmoving and wordless. As Nicholas looked up, he heard the figure’s voice in his head.
“What you have seen has been, now prepare yourself to see what will be.”
The morning was gray and misty at the Collins home. The soft drizzle had set in before sunrise and now obscured the sun and sky. It seemed to smother the world with its oppressive weight and it affected everyone’s mood. Today was the day when the Duke would be coming for his bride. Holly sat before her mirror and looked herself in the eye as a servant girl combed her long auburn hair.
Look for the sign of the lily, Klaus had said in his dream so long ago. And yet she had not seen any lily yet. Except for the ones that grew where the steward had proposed to her. Maybe there were some on the property, or may be some place connected with lilies, she thought.
“Rikea.” Holly said addressing the maid. “Are there any lilies that grow on the property?”
“No, ma’am. I don’t think we’ve had lilies since the gardener’s old father passed away. He had always grown the lilies and roses together, but his son didn’t care for the extra work they required.”
“I see.” Holly said as she got up and dressed in one of her plain garden gowns. “Well, in that case I think I’ll have a word with the gardener. Would you summon Master Tinneas for me.”
A few moments later Tinneas was in her room dressed in his gray woolen school uniform with a scarf wrapped around his head. His appearance was comical but he gave his warming smile from above the grey scarf. She quickly relayed her idea to him.
They went out and talked to the gardener who lived in a small cottage on the Collins property. As she talked with him, Tinneas looked around amazed that such a large family could live in such a small space. Mentally he decided that after their plot was finished, he would ask his father to build them a new, larger home.
“Oh aye Miss Holly. My late father did love the lilies in the rose bushes but I could never stand trying to prune ‘em with all the rose thorns sticking me. Now I think the only place left that they still grow is on his grave in the family cemetery.”
A few minutes later and Tinneas and Holly walked into the small, fenced area with the large willow tree growing at its center. All around them were small square headstones with deep carved script on them. They roamed around looking at the many names until they found the gardener section. There, the headstone of the old gardener was found, though there were no lilies growing on his grave.
“Well, that’s not helpful at all!” Holly said frustrated as she sat down next to the headstone.
“We have to get back. My mother will be wondering where we’ve been if we miss breakfast.” Tinneas said and so they both set of towards the house, the eerie mists still clinging to the house.
“So, where are we off to Navigator?” Asked Edric as he sat down across the table in the cabin.
“I had a dream during the feast. That’s why I left. I dreamt that my friend Klaus told me to meet him in Firplice. But the frustrating thing is that these maps are all outdated. I grabbed the wrong ones when we left the school. We may have to turn back.”
“You know if we go back they won’t let us leave again.” Edric spoke what he knew Ivan already understood.
“Then what other choice do we have?” Ivan asked just as the door opened up.
“What are you two moping about?” Asked Jack as he walked toward the table fixing his hair.
“Charts. We have the wrong ones and we need new ones but…”
“You can’t go back to Einri. Is that all? Let’s just go to the other place that would have the charts. The Navigational Hillfort of Einri. It keeps all the documents the school would keep, and it’s closer to us. If we sail, here.” Jack said pointing at the chart, “This is the Lumphian Peninsula. The fort should be right on the tip.”
“And their just going to let us take the sacred maps of Einri the Navigator?” Asked Ivan with raised brow.
“Well, not exactly. We may have to… borrow the maps.” Jack said mischievously.
“Ahhh!” Nicholas yelled as he sat up in the sweat drenched sheets.
He looked around the warm, softly lit room. From the one side a door opened and Master Oronus stepped inside. He was carrying a tray with a small bottle of dark liquid and a bowl of soup, steam rising from it. He sat down wordlessly next to Nicholas and handed him the tray, removing the bottle as he did.
“Master Oronus. Tethys said you wouldn’t be here until…”
“Yes, I know what Tethys said. I’ve been keeping an eye on you. I knew you’d be coming here so I made all the necessary arrangements.”
“You have taken sick. And unfortunately it surpasses physical illness. It seems the malady has attached itself to your mind, and the only way to fix that is through lots of chronodendron extract.” Here he paused, “It does have a small side affect though. You will be experiencing time dreams because of the herb. But, it’s worth it if it gets you better.”
“Thank you.” Nicholas said wearily, as he felt the fever begin to return.
“Alright. Now just follow the time dream. It’s the medicines way of helping you heal your mind.”
Nicholas barely heard the words as he sank back into oblivion.
“Holly!” Tirs ran into the parlor where she was sitting with the other boys. “A letter just arrived from the Duke’s personal carrier.”
“Where is it?” Asked Orgile abruptly.
“Mother has it.”
“Well, you’ll be long gone before the Duke’s here to get you so it doesn’t matter.” Said Rabb victoriously.
“But that depends entirely on the plan working.” Tinneas cautioned, “If anything goes wrong. If Tirs doesn’t get the distraction going fast enough, or if you and Orgile don’t have the horses ready in time, everything will be lost. The entire plan is on the knife’s edge. We cannot afford a mistake.”
“And there won’t be any.” Rabb said with a resolute frown.
“What about Bron?” Asked Holly worried, “Last time he found out and stopped us. I don’t know why, but I feel like he knows something, or at least suspects.”
“Don’t worry about Bron. He’s just confused and scared. He doesn’t know what to do, but in the end he’ll do the right thing, I hope.” Orgile said reassuringly.
From the hallway the female figure heard the group and scowled. She slipped away quietly back to her room. There, her eyes scanned the paper again. She smiled as she read the Duke’s neat handwriting. There was no reason for her to go give away the surprise and so she quickly placed it under her pillow and glided back to the kitchen to speak to the cook about dinner.
A shadow stirred in the corner. Bron peaked out from behind the curtain and walked over to his mother’s bed. He pulled the letter out and quickly read the contents. When he reached the bottom of the page, one phrase caused his eyes to widen. He reread it out loud just to confirm that he really understood it right.
“…to inform you that instead of arriving for dinner after sunset, we will be coming somewhat earlier, possibly by tea time.”
The others didn’t know and Bron’s mother definitely wasn’t going to tell them. But if he tried telling them they would think it was a trick. He sat there contemplating a while. He couldn’t take the letter and he couldn’t tell them out right. Maybe there was another way. There had to be another way. He remembered his dream and realized he had to do something. He couldn’t give up.
The Cuttlefish and her crew lay in anchor next to the lichen covered granite cliffs of the Lumphian Peninsula. Above them they saw the four figures dressed in dark cloaks climbing the cliff face. Then they disappeared over the top lip of the high rocks.
Ivan, Jack, and Tal stood breathing hard as they pulled themselves over the edge. They watched Dare move swiftly and silently like a cloud shadow across the open space between the cliff edge and the Hillfort. When he got there he looked around the corner then motioned for them to follow him. Then as they all stood by the wall they edged along to the corner. They watched in awe as Dare skillfully slipped around the corner, moving from bush to bush until he was within arm’s length of the two guards at the front.
With a swift motion he was suddenly between them. He gave a swift rap with two fingers on the first one’s spine, and he crumpled to the ground. The second he grabbed by the arm, swung around against the wall, and popped his arm out of joint in the process, all in one swift movement. As the guard stood completely petrified by the action, Dare leaned closer and whispered in a low and dangerous voice.
“Where are the sacred charts of Einri kept?”
“T-the lower library. Past the iron gates and the three watch dogs.”
With another swift movement of his fingers that guard was also unconscious. The three followed Dare, none uttering a word. They went deep into the Hillfort. As they crept along, Jack gave them the directions. His father had brought him here many times, though he had never seen the charts before.
“When we come to the dogs Jack and I will distract them while you and Tal make your way into the chart room.” Dare said to Ivan.
“Alright. We’ll meet up outside.”
The large, obese woman dressed in a brown gown two sizes too small hit the ground with tremendous force. Through her greasy hair that now hung in her face she saw her many boars lying scattered across the bare rock field, all dead. She looked up at the figure standing over her, his cold unfeeling eyes slicing like knives.
“I half already told yous! It vas not mine plan! De uder vitch med me do it!”
Out of nowhere a white hawk with a ring of blue feathers around his neck landed on the man’s shoulder. It gave a long low cry that caused the witch to cover her ears as tears ran down her muggy and dirty face. The man seemed to whisper to the bird, then it took of again.
“Well, if what you say is true, then you must know where she has taken the girl.”
“I vould tink she tek girl to her house in Vreaf Confederacy. Bhut I go der and no girl und no vitch. I dunno vhere she go.”
“Then you are no longer of any use to me.” Said the man turning and walking away. He snapped his finger and from high above the hawk’s screech could be heard.
The witch looked around with her tear streaked eyes now filled with horror. The bird dove down and she just managed to roll out of the way. Getting up she limped towards the man walking away.
“Vait! I remember now! She says someting about meeting in Firplice. I svear. Ples! Spare me!”
“That would be much more than you did for the poor Alexandrians.” Said the man in the light blue coat and beige hat. “But, I can see you still have a part to play before things have come to pass. Get out of my sight!”
And with that she scurried away on all fours into the bushes and the forest behind them. Liam knew she would end up being a nuisance, but he also knew that she wasn’t the real agent of evil. No, she was just another small pawn, part of the game they had played with the Tower for almost two decades now.
Holly walked up from the corner of the garden where she had stowed away her bag. The mists were still there, even though it was already midday, something that never happened in Giv. All the servants felt uneasy and even Mr. Collins simply sat in his study looking out over the gardens while Mrs. Collins scurried about getting everything ready for tea. Holly gave a sly wink to Rabb as they passed each other in the hall heading towards the dining room.
Then suddenly a servant burst into the front door, yelling as he did,
“The Duke! The Duke! He has arrived!”
Five figures all looked up wide eyed with shock. This was not what they had expected and they all felt the dread come over them. Mrs. Collins simply walked past the five in the dining room with a sly smile on her face. They all made their way to the front door to greet the Duke. He was sitting in his carriage and there seemed no hope as the servant opened the door.
Then suddenly the heavy front door came off its hinge and fell across the doorway sideways, lodging into the wall. Above the group, they heard a rattling and all eyes turned to the candelabra. It fell and in those few seconds everyone jumped to the side. Mr. and Mrs. Collins were trapped along with Tirs in between the candelabra and the fallen door, while Holly and the boys were on the other side.
“Hurry! This is our chance!” Rabb called grabbing Holly’s hand and leading her out of the room. They all ran out a back door and toward the back wall of the house when they saw the Duke’s steward and several of the servant men walking in their direction. As they rounded a corner, Rabb quickly turned to Holly and Orgile.
“They’ve spotted us! Here, Holly give me the cloak you’re wearing!” Rabb took it and threw it over his shoulders and the hood on his head. “Orgile and I will run that way towards the closed up gap, you make for the front gate. It should be open now.”
Holly gave Rabb a kiss and then the two were off. They ran with the steward chasing after them, Holly waited a while, then quickly made her way back toward the front. As she came to the side of the building she ran into Bron.
“You can’t go that way!” He called.
“You’re not stopping me this time Bron!” She said pushing past him.
As she stepped out she saw more servants closing the gate as a furious Mrs. Collins was yelling and pointing. The Duke’s carriage was gone. Bron pulled her back in and spoke in a hushed tone.
“They’ve closed the gate. I know of another way, but you’ll have to trust me!”
“Fine! It looks like I have no other choice!” Holly spoke urgently, “But if you betray me I’ll…”
“Hurry up!” He grabbed her hand and dragged her along.
They made their way to the cemetery. There they crouched by the headstones as they waited for some servants to pass. As Holly looked she realized that they were standing on the old gardener’s grave. Scratched onto the top of the headstone was a faint impression of a lily, pointing towards the wall. As she looked over she saw it was aligned with a shadow. Or a dark part of the wall.
Or a gap.
“Hurry!” he called as he pulled her towards the very spot.
They reached the opening and she slipped outside quietly. Turning she looked at the once sad, now very determined Bron who was glancing urgently back and forth.
“Thank you.” She said smiling. “It seems I was wrong about.”
He just gave her a smile, very much reminding her of Rabb, then spoke softly, “I moved your horse and your bag there in the woods across the lane. Follow that path towards the setting sun and you’ll reach your destination. Be safe Holly.”
“Goodbye.” She said and then she was gone.
She found the horse and the bag and set off immediately. She had to fight of tears as she rode. Never in a million life times would she have thought that she would have grown so fond of Rosebough and its inhabitants. The mists was still thick on the road and Holly could barely see her own horse’s head. As she rode on, the next moment she found herself in front of the dark carriage of the Duke. Turning around she saw the steward and several men stepped out into the path. There was no place for her to run.
“Now, Holly, if you would please give me your bag, we must set off quickly if we are to reach our destination in time.” Said the familiar voice behind her in the carriage. She turned around and for the first time saw the face of the Duke of Hestia. But it wasn’t the first time she had seen this face.
Nicholas sat up in the bed again. Oronus was next to him, bathing a long and ugly wound that was forming on Nicholas’ arm. He reached over and handed Nicholas the bowl of soup that was cool by now. He slurped up the salty soup that tasted of carrots and sage. Oronus placed a sprig of some sort of herb on Nicholas’ arm and wrapped it all in linen.
“It is more severe that I first suspected. Somehow it seems that the original disease was caused by monkshood, opening the way for the real infection. It looks like it may go as deep as your spirit. If that’s the case you are beyond my help. “
“What am I suppose to do?” asked Nicholas barely able to form the words on his broken and bleeding lips. Across the room he saw himself in a mirror and knew he was in trouble. All across his face, neck, and tan chest were similar wounds as the one on his arm. They resembled slash marks that were infected and rotting.
“I don’t know. The disease was triggered by something in your spirit and I don’t think there is anything that can be done now. Just sleep. The infection slows when you’re dreaming.”
Nicholas drifted off to sleep and as he did, he fell into his misty dreamplane. Parts of the glass seemed to be filthy and milky. He felt it grow closer and closer, as if his dreamplane was shrinking. He cried out and the iridescent figure stepped forward. It bowed low before Nicholas and again its words echoed in Nicholas’ mind.
“My Lord. You are not well enough to see far in the future. So look for only a second or two. I fear any more will not sustain you.”
Nicholas felt like he was wading upstream through a dry river of fire that was licking at him as he stepped against the uphill slope. Then he saw it. He was standing next to Ivan, Holly, and Liam. They stood before a large city and the full moon shone down on the place. Liam turned to him and spoke softly.
“I’m glad you went back and spoke to Ivan about meeting in Firplice. And I’m glad you went back and told Holly to look for the sign of the lily. Mostly though, I’m glad that you went back and stopped yourself from scratching your side on the monkshood bush that night you stumbled onto Oronus’ porch…”
Everything faded back to his dreamplane. Nicholas could see the real world too, and saw Oronus sitting by his bedside, feeling his chest and neck, checking on his vital signs and mutter prayers of some kind for the boy. He looked to the iridescent figure.
“You said that I shouldn’t try to change what has been, because it is ordained by fate.”
“Does that mean I can’t go back and do those things Liam said?”
“No. That would be changing the past.”
“So I have already done it?”
“No. You already will do it. Past and Future are both like flames of fire, constantly changing, reflecting, moving, becoming.”
“So, I can go back and change those things.”
“You must. It is fate.”
“Who are you?”
“I am Fate.”
And the next instant Nicholas found himself in a warm forest. He looked around confused trying to gather his bearings, then realized that he was in a tree, and Holly was with him. They had a quick conversation, and he made sure to tell her about the lily and the full moon. Then he felt the fever rise in him and the ache in his soul come again.
He traveled a bit further in time and saw Ivan aboard a ship. It was a fierce storm, and Ivan was in the crow’s nest looking for light. He pointed it out to Ivan, who then called to someone named Tal to steer for the light. Once they reached the light everything became bright and he realized he was in Ivan’s dreamplane.
“What just happened?” He asked Ivan.
“I was on a ship in the middle of a storm.” Ivan said drowsily.
“No, in the real world?” Nicholas insisted.
“I...I think we got back from Glassiere. I’m at a celebration I think. Must have dozed off from too much chicken. I like chicken.” Ivan began to float as if underwater and to fade like smoke in the wind.
“Stay with me Iv! Don’t wake up yet! I have to tell you something!” Nicholas called.
“What?” Ivan said as he was dissolving from the feet up.
“Meet me at Firplice on the evening of the full moon!”
“Okay. I’m going to get more chicken now.” He said hauntingly as he disappeared.
Then Nicholas doubled over with pain in the dreamplane. He looked at his hands and saw the wounds there too. He saw himself as he was stumbling towards Oronus’ door. He saw the monkshood plants, and the thorn that was about to scrape his side. He lunged forward and felt like he was pushing into soft clay that went up to his arms. It floated around him like oil on water before he made contact with himself in the past. Then everything turned white.
Jack and Dare ran through the winding corridors of the Hillfort as they tried desperately to loose the dogs. The three animals were hot on their trail and their bloodlust had already been awakened. Jack led Dare to a room he knew could lock the dogs out. As the rounded the corner, they slammed the door shut and bolted the heavy metal lock.
“There, didn’t I tell you I could get us away from them.”
Dare only motioned behind Jack, who gulped as he turned and saw the twenty guards all draw their arrows back in their bows. Dare positioned Jack behind him and gave a low, guttural growl. From outside the door the sound of metal arrow heads hitting the door echoed through the passage.
“Wake up Nicholas!” Master Oronus spoke urgently.
“What-what time is it?” Nicholas asked wearily.
“You just turned around at death’s door and you want to know what time it is! Well I’ll tell you, it’s almost sunset!”
“Oh no! I told them all to meet me in Firplice under the full moon.” Nicholas said.
“Well, then lets get you ready to leave.” The old man said suddenly seeming very friendly.
“Were you watching my dream?” Nicholas asked.
“Well, yes, I may have taken a quick peak. It is rarely that one gets to see Fate itself speaking to someone. Though I must say this answers many questions about your part in the Order. But we’ll speak about that later. For now, we must get you ready to travel. Your spirit and body are completely whole, though your soul is still busy recovering.”
Ivan watched Tal pick the lock of the door skillfully. They were in. They walked around the massive room of carefully preserved ancient maps and charts. As they picked their way through yellowed parchment and old cloth maps Ivan finally found what he was looking for. Grabbing the chart to Firplice, he quickly ran out of the door followed by Tal. They were making their way back, when they took a wrong turn somewhere. A few more later and they were completely lost in the labyrinth of the Hillfort.
They stumbled upon a room. Written in bold, solid letters was the plaque ‘Einri’s Private Quarters’ and they went inside. As they looked around they were surprised that instead of a dusty, old sanctuary to the great captain, the room had been recently used. In a corner was a strange wooden perch and the bed was unmade with clothing lying about.
“So, you boys must be friends of Captain Einri.” Came a low, dangerous voice behind them.
“You mean Einri the Navigator?” Asked Ivan, deciding not answer out rightly as they slowly turned around.
“Ha! That young upstart thinks he can start using his great grand pappy’s title he should think again. He’s good. I’ll admit that. But he’s no Navigator.” Said the burly sailor-guard behind them with a good natured laugh. “But, considering you’re messmates of Captain Einri, you’d best come with me.”
“W-where?” Asked Tal, trying hard not to sound guilty, and failing miserably.
“Why, to the front entrance of course! Captain Einri’s just arrived from Giv!”
They followed the man and were soon joined by all the guards. Walking a ways behind them was Dare and Tal, both unharmed though thoroughly bound. Dare was especially bound with care, making sure everything that could be locked up was, so that now he resembled a walking mass of chain and locks. They were all lined up outside the main entrance waiting beneath the blazing sun.
Then a large black carriage rattled up the path. There was no illumination so that Ivan couldn’t make out who was inside. The figure beckoned the sailor closer and spoke softly and hurriedly with him. The sailor nodded and scratched his head a few times before he went to Dare and Jack and released them. Then he took Tal and escorted him over to the two.
“Ivan, you are coming with me.” Spoke the man in the carriage, “You three, return to your ship, and tell your Captain, his cousin will take care of everything and to return to the Academy.”
Ivan recognized the voice and nodded to the three that it was okay. They went back down towards the ship with the message, while Ivan climbed aboard the carriage. The figure in the shadows asked Ivan, while motioning towards the charts.
“So, navigator, where are we bound?”
The blue banded white hawk soared through the night sky. The setting sun had left only a small trace of its presence smeared across west, and millions of diamond-like stars were hanging in the velvet void. The next moment the white hawk was joined by a large golden eagle. It flew next to the hawk and they seemed to exchange cries before they circled one another thrice and then flew their separate ways.
Nicholas was finally feeling better. He had taken a bath, gotten dressed in clean clothes, and eaten a hearty dinner. Wearing the long, thick, dark purple cowl of one of Oronus’ apprentices, he sat and scanned the road. His spirit felt renewed and his soul felt refreshed as he waited by the door for the carriage to arrive to take him and Oronus to Firplice.
A raindrop heralded a sudden shower, and the dusty roads were transformed into quagmires of slippery sucking mud. A lone carriage, not the one called for but one traveling along the road, made its way inside the courtyard, seeking shelter from the rain.
And just as suddenly as it had started it stopped. The driver seemed embarrassed for having abandoned the road so quickly now that the weather had cleared. The figures in the carriage were turned away from Nicholas as they were scanning the road to see the conditions for traveling. As they were, Nicholas heard a voice he hadn’t heard in a long time.
“Well, I guess it’s alright to travel in. I can summon a wind to dry the road for us if we encounter any bad spots.”
A figure with auburn hair dressed in a long, pale sea green dress, turned and called out, “Klaus?!?”
“Holly?” He whispered incredulously.
“Klaus!” Ivan called as he turned around as well, and the next moment Klaus was knocked over by Holly and Ivan as the three friends were reunited.
“Klaus what are you doing here?” Holly cried. “I thought we were supposed to meet you in Firplice! Ah, I have so much to tell you about what’s happened these last three weeks!”
“I know! I saw it all.” Klaus said smiling.
“What? How could you?” Ivan asked skeptically.
“Um, it’s a long story. Come on inside and I’ll tell you.”
“Wait. First, there’s someone we’d like you to meet Klaus.” Holly said smiling and turning to the carriage.
“This is Jullian Einri Gwaylen de Hestia.” Ivan said as a figure stepped out of the carriage. “Or better known as…”
“Liam!” Klaus’ eyes went wide as he saw the young gentleman with the light blue coat and beige hat step out of the cart.
“Hello Klaus. Or should I say, Nicholas.”
The other two looked at him strangely, but a knowing look passed between him and Nicholas as the four made their way into the house. There Nicholas introduced them to High Master Oronus, and then the different stories all came out around the fire. Master Oronus was intrigued by Ivan’s book about the Circle of Witches from Alexandria and showed him how to translate the upside down pages, which were written in a different language.
“So, Liam. You knew this would happen, didn’t you.” Nicholas said with a grin.
“Well, I knew a part of it would happen. I knew you would end up with Oronus, and I knew that the judge would probably send Holly to be reformed, though I have to say, tracking her down was not easy. As for Ivan, well I just looked for the place with the most trouble and there he was.”
“So, what about Bella? Did you find her?”
“Yes. That’s why we have to stop in Firplice on our way to Hestia.”
A white hawk with a band of light blue feathers flew through an open window and landed on Liam’s shoulder. He crooned to it and it made a strange clucking noise as if it were talking to him. Then he placed it by the fire and gave it a small piece of dried meat to eat.
“This is Skree. He helped me track down the witches.”
“You mean Laburnum?” Asked Holly intrigued by the change of topic.
“Yes,” said Liam, his eyes seeming rigid and sharp, “but as you already know she wasn’t acting alone.”
Here he stood up and walked in front of the fire as he spoke,
“I never meant for anyone else to have to fight in my battles, but it seems I have no choice now. The world is beginning to take sides and I fear that the side of good is sorely lacking in allies. You three may not understand everything I say now, but know this. You have been marked by the hand of destiny and all the sides of the coming war will seek your power.”
“Our side has already been chosen for us.” Said Holly, a strange light in her emerald eyes. “No matter what we do or where we go, the witches will always be after Bella. She will never be safe again until we stop them.”
“But she’s safe for now with Aconite, right?” Asked Ivan, a slight feeling of uneasiness sweeping over him as he saw the look in Liam and Oronus’ eyes at the mention of her name.
The small girl slept peacefully as a figure in a white burlap robe, trimmed with faded red, spoke another sleep incantation over her. The ancient, lined face with the many wrinkles didn’t look grandmotherly anymore. Her fierce milky eyes and wild grey and white streaked hair caused her to have a deathly glow about her, like some reanimated corpse in a long white burial gown.
“So, ye tell me that yon childr’n knows abawt me secret?”
“Yes. Da man vith da vhite hok sed he nos vhat you reely arrh.”
“In that kes, I hauv decid’d. We’ll be leaven ‘ere.”
“Vhat about the hok man? I tink he vhil not rest till he hass found yous.”
“We hav a prior arrang’mn’t he’s bound ta ‘onor. He get’s the lass, we get’s to go free an’ un’armed.”
“Dat’s eat? Ve vhill just geev uhp lick dat?”
“No. The agre’mnt nev’r said anyt’ing ‘bout the lass being set free… alive. We can still harv’st her blood an’ gain the key to the treas’re.”
The cackle of the two witches rebounded around the room filled with potions and books. Next to a large bubbling cauldron a small girl lay sleeping, unaware of the fate the two had planned for her. Luckily for her, a small golden retriever puppy had been listening by the door of chamber, and quickly disappeared into the shadows.
End Chapter
Dum Dum DA!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!! yes!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!! Readers feel my wrath for failing to comment on previous chapters!!!! Mwahahahahah!!!!! XD
Tinneas: I'm sorry but the author seems to be having a random nose bleed at this time so we the characters will be wrapping up this post.
Rabb (yelling): Hey!!!! I wanted to be the first one to talk!!!!!!
Tinneas: You shoudl have been quicker.
Rabb: Why if you weren't a little cripple boy I would...
Tirs (quietly): Um, guys. Lets just calm down and, um, finsih telling the nice people who are reading this story to remeber to comment.
Bron (sounding goth): I think the author just died...
Rabb (dispair): No!!!! Now I'll never end up with Holly!!!!!!
Orgile: Hey she's my girl!
(everyone begins to fight, with Tirs on the side wetting his pants)
Me: Its okay, I'm still alright. So, I guess you get teh idea. Please comment otherwise things go crazy over here. And maybe I had too little sleep and too much cugar. =_O (twitch twitch)
14 years ago
I'm sure I've told you how much I hated cliffhangers. You must have overlooked that fact, since I know you'd never do that on purpose.
ReplyDeleteWhatever. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!!! I knew Liam was the duke! But i didn't know about the connection with witches. I also really loved how you reunited everyone back together! It was brilliant. Thank you so much for FINALLY posting chapter 14. In the next chapter though, try to avoid anymore major drop-offs.
It was fantastic as usual!
HA. I knew the Duke was someone to get Holly out!! I figured it was Liam (not because it was obvious, but because i just pieced together several conversations we had about him) and I liked the twist you put on his character with the witch. (Now he is even more mysterious), and the fact that he got Ivan free and got both of them to Nicholas. It was a great way to put them back together. It flowed smoothly.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I noticed there was somewhat of a cliffhanger ending, not that I freaked out or anything, why would something like THAT bother me, it's just a nonchalant obseration :)
your very calmly freaked out reader,
and I'm glad you gave Bron a good part in the story, I was feeling bad for him.