Hey thanks for putting up with the long wait. Here it is. So I did the math and chapter three is so long that I think I might just end up spliting it into 2 chapters. But that means finding a good place to split. For now, we'll call this chapter 4, even though technically its chapter 3 part 2.
Klaus walked out of the quest quarters but then when he came to the turn, he couldn’t remember if it had been the third left after the second right or the second left after the third right. Or something in between. He decided after a while to follow his instincts. He walked down the steps he came to and noticed the sun coloring the sky orange outside. Soon he’d have to meet back up with Ivan.
He kept walking down the stairs and came to another split. He took one way but it only led to a small side room, probably for storing food. He retraced his steps and found the next room’s door locked. But, the key hung on a nail next to it. Taking it down he entered. The room was dark, but there was a large bowl full of oil in the middle. He grabbed a candle outside and threw it in the bowl. The light cascaded across the room that was packed with gold. Klaus stared around at the riches that surrounded him. His mouth hung open as he tried to comprehend the vast mountains of gold, ivory, and precious stones.
Outside the Captain saw the colomn of black smoke coming up out of the roof of the treasury. He called two gaurds and gave them whisepered instructions. Then he walked to the door that led to the treasury. If this was a thief he would regret the day he had been born.
Klaus walked around the massive piles looking at variety of riches. On one hill he saw a man made out of gold. On another he saw an elephant of silver with real ivory tusks and diomand eyes. Everywhere were ornamental swords and shields and crowns and it was all too much to take in.
The next moment the door burst open and Klaus jumped like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The sneering Captain stood in the doorway.
“So, what have we here? A thief? I hate thieves.”
“No it’s not what it looks like!”
“Who are you boy! You’re obviously not one of the Goodwife’s birds. Now would be a very good time for you to start telling the truth. But maybe a stay in the dungeon will help you remember.”
“Wait listen. I’m not a thief! I got lost and I-”
“Silence! You will receive ten lashes for interrupting me!”
Klaus was about to turn and run when he saw the two gaurds enter behind him with spears ready. He let out a defeated sigh as they took him away. The captain gave a menacing smile as he waved his spear under Klaus’ nose.
“Where to Cap’n?” Asked Burt
“The dungeon.”
“The royal one or the-”
“No! We are not having a repeat of what happened with the girl and he won’t be getting any special treatment! Now take him out of my sight!”
“Wait! What girl?! Is her name Bella?!? Please! Sir if you know where she is tell me!”
Holly had gone to see Aconite but as she was waiting for the Healer to come back she had suddenly felt an urge to leave. She didn’t know why but she knew she had to go. Her leg was feeling better but it still bothered her.
She walked through the castle not sure which way to go. She had gotten lost again and faced the fifth dead end in a row. With a painful sigh she slid down the wall and sat on the ground, leaning back as she tried to remember how to get out. As she looked down she noticed a gap running under the wall. Lying down with her nose to the crack she could smell fresh air underneath. All she needed was something to lever the wall with.
She grabbed a wall sconce but instead of coming off it tilted to the side and the entire wall moved up into the ceiling. The cool dank air flooded over her as she stepped in. She grabbed the other wall sconce that was still lit and began walking down the staircase she found.
Ivan was still in the library as the sunset over the land of Alexandria and the Castle Alexander. He turned the page of a large leather bound volume half as big as him. It was a manuscript of the History of Alexandria. He couldn’t put it down, the tales of kings and queens, heroes and monsters, and above all magic drew him in.
He got up and took his candle down from the fireplace to go find a codex the large manuscript talked about. It would answer a lot of questions he had about the magic in Alexandria. He wondered up and down the aisle following the catalogue but couldn’t find the book. He kept looking but it wasn’t where it was suppose to be.
After a long time of frustrated search he went back to his chair by the cozy fireplace. Then as he sat down he remembered how many times in stories he had read, an item people looked for was hidden in plain sight. He began to furiously search the chair. He tore off the pillows, dug deep into the chair, felt along the lining, and tipped it over to check the bottom.
“Ahhh! This is getting no where!”
He yelled as he threw a pillow across the room. It struck the big globe and caused it to turn ever so slightly. His eyes went wide as realization dawned on him. Yelling with excitement he grabbed the fireplace poker and raised it above his head crying victoriously.
“Of course! Its in the globe! I should have thought of it before!”
But just as he was poised to shatter the antique artifact with the brass poker he heard a grinding and scarping sound behind him. Turning he gasped as he saw the whole fireplace had moved to the side revealing a secret passageway. Walking over to the fire place poker stand he saw the small button the poker had been depressing.
He pushed the button and the whole fireplace swung back into place. He released it and the passge was opened again. He repeated this several times, scratching his chin as he thought. Satisfied that the door would not close on him he grabbed a candle and walked in.
What he hadn’t noticed was the fireplace was now over a small string that it burned through quickly. The string snapped and a large sword fell from the rafters. It embedded itself into the secret button with a clang of metal on stone. All Ivan heard was the slam of the fireplace behind him as the darkness fell on him.
“Well, I guess I have to go forward now.” He said with a gulp.
Klaus walked with the guards across the green to a large wooden door with metal studs covering it. The door led to a long torch lined passage way and at the end to an antechamber with four other doors leading from it.
“Hey! Who went into the broken cell!?!” The Captain roared.
“Oh, er sorry Cap’n. I found it like that.” Said the poor guard.
“Well someone couldn’t have just walked out of the empty cell now could they!”
“Sorry Cap’n.”
“Why are you down here anyway?!” The captain fumed.
“Oh, er yes, um, Burt thought it would be a good idea if I, er watched the, um, animal. In case, it, you know, tries to…”
“Escape?” The Captain rumbled.
“Y-yes…” Said the poor guard.
“Here’s a real prisoner for you to guard!” He said handing Klaus to the guard.
Klaus was placed in the cell with Silver and watched through the bars as the Captain and his men marched away. He truned and saw his cell mate was a small golden retriever who looked intently at him. It just sat there staring at him in an unnerving manner. He called the guard and soon he heard the whole story about Bella from him.
“So, what’s going on with the dog?” Klaus asked nervously.
“Oh, the animal is here as a way to control the little girl. Once we’re done with them both they’ll be let go. The Captain may seem mean but he’s really a big softy at heart. Wouldn’t hurt a fly that one.”
As the guard continued his monochromatic mumbling Klaus felt the dogs eyes burning into the back of his head. He turned nervously and walked over to the animal. He placed his hand on Silver’s head and immediately he was overcome with a feeling. Like when he was in front of the forest. The room grew dark and in the back of his mind he knew he had collapsed into the dusty straw.
Holly kept walking. As she followed the stairs she came to a fork. She marked the way she had come with an x and continued on. Coming to another fork she repeated the marking system. By this time the fencing outfit had become bothersome. She decided to keep the leather gloves, boots, and pants, but dropped the padded breastplate and made her way through the darkness.
Ivan came to a fork in the tunnel. He drew a coin from his pocket and flipped it to decide on a path. Then he was off. His face was itching beneath the mask but he decided to keep it on. His candle was beginning to get lower and lower and he picked up the pace. The tunnel finally brought him to a large storage room of some kind.
Holly stepped into a large storage room of some kind. She immediately noticed the white figure walking in from the opposite side with the low burning candle. She pulled own her fencing mask which she had luckily forgotten on top of her head.
Ivan saw the masked figure on the other side of the room. From the leather outfit he thought it must be a soldier of some kind, but the mask was what worried him. He didn’t notice the sweater the figure was wearing because of the darkness, but he did see the sword in its hand. Trying hard to stop his hands from shaking he tried his hardest to sound like Aconite.
“Elo. I am birdie man of Mother Aconite.”
The thing seemed friendly, Holly thought, but all the same she was still on her guard. She decided not to talk at all, so as not to let it know she was just a young girl.
The masked warrior didn’t give a reply. Ivan felt sweet begin to run down his neck. He moved to the side and the warrior did too. They were circling one another slowly, as if they were in a duel. Except Ivan had no sword.
“Em. Wheel. I seek information.” Ivan said
The figure nodded and continued circling.
“Look. For. Girl and Dog.” Ivan said with many hand motions.
Holly knew something was wrong. The man in white was asking about Bella and the dog. That must mean that he didn’t know where they were. Or maybe he was looking for a reaction from her. Either way, she decided to remain quiet as they stopped circling one another and stood still watching. The silence was deafening.
By now, both had circled completely around to the other side of the room. As the candle and torch light vaguely illuminated the silent scene, the tension built in the very air around them. Then Ivan reached down and grabbed a heavy cloth at his feet and threw it at Holly. Her torch was extinguished and he quickly ran down the passage behind him. Holly, thinking he would be upon her any second dodged and weaved out of the room into the darkness behind her and quickly sprinted down the passage Ivan had come from.
The Captain came to the room where Bella was being kept. He sighed as he pushed the solid gold door with diamonds studs open to reveal the richly decked marble room. It had crimson gossamer drapings everywhere, with a silver fountain of a cherub pouring water into a large pool with colorful fish swimming inside of it on one side and a large solid ivory bed decked with lion pelts and with a curtain made of butterfly wings sewn together in the other corner. In the middle was a small table set for three people with small porcelain cups and plates on it, and seated around it were the two gaurds and Bella. He cleared his throat and immediately the two sprang to attention awkwardly. The little girl just scowled at him for interrupting them.
“Well, if you’re all done with your tea party it's time for you to go before the Queen!”
“Wait, first I need to get my new crown I found.”
“No, no! Wait that’s not yours! Here give it.” He said reaching for the crown.
As he did, he slipped on a pillow, tripped on a small chair and went flying into the fountain. Bella picked up his keys and ran out the door locking it, as the two dim witted guards were trying to help the Captain out of the fountain.
Klaus was in the white room again. He sighed as he realized he was probably asleep. Another gold star appeared in front of him as he sat down on a glass chair that appeared out of nowhere.
“You, who are called Klaus, listen.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know don’t listen to the voice.”
“Just listen to me! I don’t have much time.”
“No, I’m tired of these stupid dreams. What do you people want from me!”
“Wait. This is not the first time you have seen this place? Others have spoken to you? Speak boy, I have no time for your childishness!”
“Y-yes. There were other stars. And, and a voice.”
“What did they tell you?”
“The stars told me not to listen to’her’ and the voice just asked where I was.”
The star sighed a sigh of relief then spoke with urgency, “Good, listen, when you awake you will be free. Follow the dog. Its name is Silver and it will guide you well. It knows not only this castle but also where your friends are.”
“Alright.” Klaus answered as he felt a soft breeze begin to blow against his face.
His eyes opened and he was in the cell again. Silver was standing by him, still watching. He looked and saw the door hanging by a single hinge and the gaurds all knocked unconscience. Then he followed the dog out the door and back the way he had come to the green as the pale moon began to rise.
Holly continued following the passage. After many twists and turns she found herself at a fork. One way had the footprints in the dust of the creature in white. She decided to go the otherway. This led her to another long passage filled with spider webs. At the end she came to a circling flight of stairs that led upward to a small room, an antechamber to a large richly decorated parlor.
“Yous der! Tek off da mask!” It was the nurse from before.
Holly complied. There was no point in trying to hide her identity anymore. She stepped forward trying to look lost.
“Sorry, I got lost trying to find my room. Could you please direct me to the guest quarters?”
“Geest korters only for geests! I know yur seeker-et. Yous no substitoot. You is imposter!”
Holly decided that the time for being subtle had passed and that she had been in the room long enough. Throwing her mask toward the nurse, she started running.
Bella ran across the green as fast as she could. From behind her she heard the sound of expensive crashing followed by the captain’s steaming roars as they were gaining on her. She came to the first door to the main building. She tugged and pushed but it didn’t budge at all. She ran to the next one but had similar bad luck. The building had all been locked down for the grand ball that night. She continued down the side of the building trying more doors as the Captain drew closer.
Ivan had come to the end of the passage after taking the other fork. There in a small room illuminated by a single shaft of white light was a stone pedestal. Upon the stone pedestal lay an open, worn leather tome.
Ascending the three small stone steps Ivan stood breathlessly and traced the intricate design across the vellum pages. As he began reading the old Latin script his curiosity was kindled. He read faster and faster as his brow furrowed and pages turned with increasing speed. As he finished a sentence, he picked the book up wide eyed. Just then, a button depressed by the book clicked up and the spot he was standing swung down, dropping him still clutching the book down a long shaft.
The glittering candle light and classical music filled the air as servants attired in their best scurried about with silver dishes and goblets and wealthy and noble guest mingled about in the large pillared main hall of the castle. Princess Alexi was radiant in her lilac silk gown and diamond tiara as she moved through the throng greeting familiar faces and new acquaintances.
The evening was going just as she had planned. There were few things that the Princess enjoyed more than a ball. Usually she didn’t worry too much about the details, but she did take a certain pleasure in paying attention to certain small details, such as flower placement, food temperature, and of course, color coordination.
Not that Alexi ever worried too much. After all, she was the princess and nothing bad every really happened. As she moved fluidly through the main room, past the musicians and the conductor, she came to the throne at the very end of the hall. There, next to the dais, was the door leading to her private parlor and beyond that the Queen’s personal quarters.
“Yer Majesty.”
“Goodwife Aconite. I’m glad you could be here for the ball.”
“An’ how goes it with the Queen?”
“The Queen is peaceful today. She has not been this happy in a while.”
“That’s comfertn’ news.”
And so the evening went on. Everything was going excellent until just after sunset. After the evening star had risen, before the moon was at its zenith, the first problem occurred. Alexi was sitting on the throne, enjoying the evening’s entertainment, when the door behind her opened and Holly ran in.
Holly was followed closely by Alexi’s nurse. Both froze when they realized they had run into a room full of people, who were all staring at them at that moment. Alexi gave a nervous laugh then motioned for the musicians to keep playing. Soon the ball was back in full swing, though the conversations were now mostly centered on the strange interruption.
“Your majesty-” Holly began, but she was cut short by the Princess’ raised hand for silence.
“It’s fine. I’m sure you have a perfectly good reason. But first let’s get you into some better cloths for a ball.”
“Bhut m’lady.” The nurse began, but she was silenced by the same hand.
“Laburnum, this is my new friend. Whatever it is she has done to upset you cannot be so great as to be worth this commotion.”
And so the three walked quietly out of the throne room and into the small parlor. Laburnum the nurse was steaming with irritation. Holly was glad she had a chance to explain herself to Alexi while the two went into the room to find a suitable dress. They talked and Holly spun a tale of how she had simply gotten lost in the castle. Laburnum was completely silent, but the scowl never left her face.
Then the three were back in the hallway, Holly wearing an emerald green dress, with her hair held back with a light green headband, set with a jadestone. She felt strange in the new outfit but Alexi had insisted and so they walked through the crowd, Alexi introducing her to many people, none of whom she could recall.
As they made their way past the left side entrance, the right entrance burst open, letting the cool night air in with it. The entire ballroom again became silent as the grave, and all eyes stared on the two figures now before them. One was dressed in long flowing white robes, while the other was a small golden retriever puppy. The one in the robes tripped as he stepped forward, and fell into the group of musicians. A cello bow knocked his mask and hat off as he tried rising.
“Klaus?” Holly said shocked.
“Holly?” Klaus asked with even more shock on his face. He had never seen her in a gown before.
“Well, it seems tonight is the night for ill-timed interruptions.” Alexi said slightly irritated.
“I’m sorry your majesty. This is one of the friends I told you about before. Princess Alexi, this is Klaus.” She said introducing them.
“And the dog is yours as well?” Alexi asked with a grimace.
“Well, no you see, this is the dog that led-”
But before the sentence could be finished, the dog jumped towards the left hand doors and began barking excitedly. A second later there was an urgent knock on the door. Alexi motioned for the gaurds to unlock the door. A small girl with curly blond hair tumbled in.
“Bella!” Holly and Klaus called at the same time.
Bella ran to the two, who embraced her warmly as the side doors burst open as the captain and ten guards entered. The captain was red faced and panting after the short sprint, and dripping water on the expensive rug. Taking a few seconds to catch his breath fully he called victoriously.
“Ha! I’ll show you little girl! You think you can make a fool of the Alexandrian Guard. Well, I’ll lock you up for ever and ever!”
“Captain!” Princess Alexi said with fire in her eyes, “What are you doing!?! You’d better have a good reason for this disruption!”
“Well, you see…um…the girl…and the dog….” He stuttered under her heated gaze.
“That mean captain’s been chasing me and trying to hurt silver, and not giving Burt his vacation time, and saying naughty things.” Bella chimed in.
“What! That lazy good for nothing got more vacation than he deserves! And he-” But he was interrupted by the firey glare of the Princess. “But, but, you see she was a prisoner. They were all prisoners!” he said pointing to Holly and Klaus.
“What?” Alexi said frustrated. “Holly is my new fencing tutor, and friend.”
“Dat is vat I try to say before.” Laburnum the nurse interjected, “Dis girl. She is not reel tooter. She is fake. She told yous lies abowt being teacher!”
“Is this true Holly?” Alexi asked with shock.
“Yes, but it was only because we were afraid.” Holly said not daring to meet Alexi’s gaze. “We snuck around because we had to save Bella and we couldn’t let the Queen capture us.”
With this last comment the whole room gasped. The awkward silence stage had long since past, and now the entire ball had gathered to watch the exciting events unfolding. Alexi seemed perplexed by the last statement. Rubbing her temples as if she was trying to comprehend she asked pointedly, “What made you fear the Queen so?”
“We saw what she had done to the land. How she enslaved the people to work in the flower fields while sending all the flowers and perfumes away to make money for herself.” Klaus said, stepping forward.
“What proof do you have of this?” Alexi asked trying hard to keep her turmoiled emotions hidden.
“Just look at this castle. The money had to come from somewhere. The money to pay the musicians, to pay for the food, and to pay for the servants.”
“Also,” Holly added, “The Queen was the one who sent the Captain to capture Bella. That’s why we feared her.”
“It's true.” The captain said holding out the order and pointing to the wax seal, “It does bare your seal, Queen Alexis.”
Holly and Klaus gasped with shock as they stepped back. Alexi’s eyes were closed as she spoke through gritted teeth.
“After my mother passed away, I chose to retained my title as Princess Alexi, but it is true, I am actually the Queen Alexis, the one you have slandered so.”
Just at that moment, a panel in the roof opened and from a secret shaft Ivan fell on top of the captain, still clutching the tome. As he dusted himself off and adjusted the spectacles, he gave a haggard cough as he tried to act nonchalant infront of the staring audience.
“Um, just thought I’d drop in?” He said nervously, but instead of laughter he was greeted by the sound of cricket song from outside.
“You must be one of the imposter’s friends.” Alexi said coldly as she walked away. “You have all betrayed my trust. Laburnum, Captain, see to them as you see fit.”
“Wait!” Ivan called as the soldiers began surrounding them. “Don’t do this! There’s something you don’t know.”
All eyes turned to him, and Alexi herself turned her head slowly to signify she was listening. Ivan gulped as the tale quickly slipped trhough his lips,
“While exploring the library I found an ancient book. It's about the Circle of Witches!”
The room was filled with a universal gasp and recoil at the mention. Ivan held up the book as he continued,
“The Circle of Witches, the evil group bent on taking over the world, has infiltrated the castle! One of the people in this room is not what they seem!”
Everyone in the room began talking all at once, with nervous glances flying left and right. Then Ivan opened the book and read a passage difficultly as he was translating from Latin.
“On Summer’s night, when moon light was bright,
The wicked one came nigh,
The regal mask, hid the evil task,
Do not believe Regina’s lie.”
Many confused eyes scanned the room looking for someone named Regina. However, Laburnum cried out in horror as realization struck her. Truning to Queen Alexi she clung to her, begging, “Please! No! Tell me dis is lie! Milady, yous kannot be vitch!”
All eyes turned to Queen Alexis. Her eyes went wide and she raised both hands but before she could make another move, Aconite had lept forward with her staff raised. A bright light filled the room as she utter magical incantations. Doves fluttered in through the doors and windows and began circling around the princess, creating a tornado of white feathers. As Aconite spoke, her voice seemed to echo and rebound and she struck the ground with her staff with each step she took.
Alexi had thrown her hands up to protect herself from the birds, and as she did, a large purplish bubble appeared around her, and with a resounding pop, it sent birds flying in various directions. Everyone looked on her with horror, but then Aconite held her staff with both hands and struck the ground a resounding blow, saying, “Luxia Regina Mortum!”
A white circle appeared on the ground around Alexi. “Well, there you have it.” Aconite said, now without her former accent. “Long have I sensed a growing evil in the Queen and suspected this much. Do not fear. She can do no harm while she is in the enchanted circle. Her words and actions cannot leave its bounds. This witch will never again trouble this fair land. ”
The worst ball in Alexandrian history was over and the people left chatting animatedly about the revelation of the Witch Queen. It was decided that the Witch Queen be kept under the silence charm to prevent her from using any magic spells. At one end of the main hall, several figures sat on the once lush red carpet, surrounded by dead candles as they talked in the cold gloom of night. At other end was Alexi in the circle sitting pensively, glaring towards them.
“I can’t believe the Queen is a witch.” The captain said, staring down at the ground. “All these years of following her orders without question only to find out she’s a witch!”
“Ve vere all fooled." Laburnum said, wiping her eyes with a large floral handkerchief.
“I don’t understand how none of us could have sensed any evil in her.” Holly said as she pulled off the long elbow length gloves.
“Witches are notoriously cunning Holly.” Ivan said, looking up from the book. “It’s not your fault you couldn’t recognize her as one.”
“So, since all this is over, I guess we can go home.” Klaus said, laying back on the carpet.
“Yeah. We can go home.” Holly said looking down.
“Well, it's to late for you to travel, especially through the Forbidden Woods.” The Captain said, “You can spend the night if you want. In the morning I myself and a company of guards will escort you home safely.”
“Thank you.” The three friends replied.
As pale Luna paraded through the glistening heavens, watching down on the still castle, her light flooded down to a figure in a lilac evening gown, sitting in the now dark and abandoned throne room. The figure looked up at the moon, and held her hand up, letting the light cascade on her hand. Then she whispered into her hand. Satisfied with the message, she closed her eyes again, and opened her hand, as her echoing words traveled up the moonbeam.
End Chapter
So I had figured out everything almost a month ago, how I was going to have everyone barely missing each other and then have the final climactic scene with Alexi/Alexis. I wrote everything in about three days, last week, but when it came to the ending climax where Alexi is accused, I just couldn;t figure out her character, how she would react to things. Then last night, it happened that a certain person, who shall remain anonymous, compared a certain Rider to a princess inspiration struck. So then I just had to add the last part in and here it is. Its probably very confusing, so ask away if some parts seem incoherint or unintelligible. Until next time.
14 years ago
Wow, really good! A little confusing, but I totally got it for the most part.I absolutly LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
i just have to say it was very funny at some parts and very brilliant throughout.
ReplyDelete“That mean captain’s been chasing me and trying to hurt silver, and not giving Burt his vacation time, and saying naughty things.” Bella chimed in.
wow, that is so accurate of a little kid talking, it's perfect.
oh, and i loved the poem. In my opinion, poems really add more character to a story.
your extremely devout reader,
All I have to say is wow!!!
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while to get caught up so tonight I finally finished all of your chapters. I love them. . really love them. I truly enjoy the way that you split up the characters personal adventures ( makes it easier to tell what's going on), also the way you mix suspenss and comedy without making it seem silly. You trully have a wonderfull talent :) I like your use of strange accents, like for Laburnum.
Really is amazing, I loved it. I am oficially hooked!! Keep it up!!
Erika :)