This morning on the bus, I noticed their poetry in motion signs that have small excerpts of poems on the bus walls. I decided to write a poem based on what I heard on the bus. I came up with several first lines that rhymed with 'sound', and then realised I could put them together and make a whole poem. So here it is in its unedited rough draft:
The noise is endless, never a moment can be found
Without the ceaseless cacophony, ringing all around
The air is thin and harsh, as many voices rebound
And join the choruses of cars, that threaten to surround
The faintest hint of silence, that's so easily bound
By the growing orchestra, of ringing cellphones and barking hounds,
As flashing sirens pass, with perception dawns the profound,
And in the face of eternity, there is no sound.
Think about it....
14 years ago
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