So, most people don't know that I'm a writer and most on top of that don't know that I have a series that I am working on. Most of the books are in various stages of unfinishedness, with the majority being only a few pages of concept and main points while there a couple who are almost finsihed. They tell the entire history of a world that exsisted before our own, before the flood, but with no real biblical figures included.
Basically, ever since the first "world" of Eden exsisted, there has been a repeating cycle where mankind starts small, grows larger, becomes evil and corrupt to the point where they can no longer be tolerated, and then the world ends. By World ends I mean that there is either some kind of catastrophe in which only a few survive or the entire old world is sealed away, trapped in limbo, awaiting for teh day that a deliverer will come and offer them a way to salvation. None of this back story will ever be told, but this is what teh entire series is grounded on in my mind. All that my readers will really know is that it happens in a world where an ancient civilization was sealed away because of its evil, and that there are repeated attempts by one of my two main villains to release the evil world once more. The final book will probabaly end with the flood of Noah, heralding the final world, our own.
So that's the general idea. Anyway, I'm writing part of the stories to be published as books and the parts as scripts. You see my brother is into 3D and video game design and approached me with the proposition of writing a script for one of his games. It was from this original script that the entire series, dubbed the Siren's Song Series, was born. Because of this, some of the stories are more geared and engineered towards video games. The project that I am currently working on is for the first official gane he will release. Its gonna be for the Wii, a first person archery based shooter, so think Halo meets The Legend of Zelda...
So why do I write? I actually heard this question phrased to several peopel recently in different ways and I have to say for me, I have to write for teh same reason I have to sketch, or I have to sing (or at least hum or whistle) because that's what God created me to do! No really before you dismiss it think about it. We are created in God's image. God is a creator and we as His special creation and we have a special relationship that no other part of His creation has and that is the fact that we emulate Him, we create. Nothing else does that. No other creation that we know of creates beauty for a reason. Now can this become perverted and twisted by the enamy. Yes! He wants to make that reason we create about us or about art itself, but we as Christians should be creating, whether it be prose or poetry, song or painting, to bring first and foremost glory to God and after that to bring peopel to God.
Thats the reason I write, because I am created to write and be an influence. I know how words have power whether written and spoken and thats why my target audience is middle to high schoolers, because through these books and games, I want to speak life, and joy, and hope into their lives. Instead of reading Harry Potter or playing Resident Evil, I want to be able to read books whose main themes are of purity, integrity, and truth. or play games in which there aren't scantly clad figures running everywhere doing and saying inappropriate things. I want to be a light, and while this isn't my main area of ministry I am convinced that since God has given me this gift and these stories I will persue this as a hobby until God directs me otherwise, whether to focus on it more or stop completely.
14 years ago